Top 10 Most Bizarre Ways to Die in a Video Game

06. Death by Crate (Modern Warfare 2)

Things falling unexpected from the sky and crushing - or killing - you are not as uncommon as you might think - and we are not talking about anvils or boulders - meep! meep!

For example Kylie Minogue's guitarist and his girlfriend were riding in a taxi after a wonderful night out together when large chunks of masonry fell from the sky, crushing the cab driver to death and nearly killing Luke Fitton (the guitarist).

Initial media reports called it divine retribution and just deserts when it was discovered that Fitton and his GF had just finished a meal at Gordon Ramsay's Bread Street Kitchen restaurant, but after it was discovered the The Five Fields had lost their reservations and Bread Street was the alternate choice, the matter was quickly put down to bad luck.

But seriously, large chunks of lethal masonry are far from the only threat posed to gamers in the room with the giant blue ceiling.

Right off the top of our heads (pun intended) there are bodies that fall from the wheel wells of airplanes, blue ice (also from airplanes), and then there are the odd falling air conditioners in places like New York City. Hey, it's a dangerous world!

In Modern Warfare 2 it can also be a dangerous world. Not only will you get shot by nasty campers, among the many cool features in the game is the ability to call for an emergency supply drop should you run out of ammo or require a special weapon.

To call for it, basically you popped smoke, and a supply plane flies over and drops it, and the crate falls on a small drogue chute to the ground.

If you happen to be very unlucky, or stupid, it is entirely possible to end up having the crate come down on top of your head, killing you. OK that is not really fair, because we know you can sometimes be put in a position of losing situational awareness due to an attack by another player, and in moving around to deal with them, end up under the crate.

We know that because it has happened to us...

Posted: 1st Oct 2014 by CMBF
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3,