Top 10 Free Indie Games

4. Tower of Heaven

When you first boot up Tower of Heaven, it looks innocent enough. It looks like a Game Boy title, with a black and green color palette and an 8-bit art style and rocking chiptune soundtrack to greet you. Of course, initial looks can always be deceiving, and what begins as a simple platformer turns into a brutal endurance run.

See, the tower doesn't really want you to climb it. Every time you climb a floor, some new rule will be added that you must abide by. The rules start off simply enough: Perhaps you can no longer move left, or cannot touch black blocks. Well… technically you can still do these things, but the second you do, you'll be killed where you stand and will have to restart the floor you'll on.

These rules will keep on piling up, one on top of the other, until you're so heavily restricted that any small misstep will end your avatar's life and have you restart the area. Mix that in with some devious level design that sets you up to break the rules, and you have yourself a difficult, but fair platformer worth a playthrough.

You can play Tower of Heaven in your browser right here:

Posted: 8th Sep 2014 by gaiages
PC, free indie games