The Top 10 In-Game Easter Eggs: Pokemon Series

02. The Movies Easter Egg

Starting from the beginning and at the start of each game when you watch the TV in your room/house the games reference a classic movie! Seriously! See of this sounds familiar?

Red/Blue/Yellow: Four Boys are walking on railroad tracks (Stand by Me)

Gold/Silver/Crystal: Stars dot the sky as two boys ride on a train... (The Outsiders)

Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald: Two men are dancing on a big piano keyboard (Big)

FireRed/LeafGreen: A girl with her hair in pigtails is walking up a brick road (The Wizard of Oz)

HeartGold/SoulSilver: Two boys are in a cave searching for treasure! (Tom and Huck)

Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum don't have a movie reference on the TV.

Posted: 25th Jun 2014 by CMBF