Top 10 Video Game Villains
4) Kane
Kane from Command and Conquer is definitely one of the more iconic villains in all of gaming. Played by actor Joseph D. Kucan, it seems like this guy hasn't aged a day in real life. His first appearance (pictured above) is during the first Command and Conquer game in 1995. Compare that to this screenshot from Command and Conquer 4: Tiberium Twilight which was released 13 years later in 2008:
Looks pretty much the same doesn't he? Weird.
Kane is the leader of the Brotherhood of Nod. He is a brilliant strategist and clearly a psychopath. He built up a reputation for being unkillable after several narrow escapes of certain death. His followers came to see him as a holy figure and even call him a messiah.
Love the list and yay for adding Lloyd. Not many people think of The Legend of Dragoon or its characters when creating video game lists.
How about the Nemesis!! Should be in the top three!
Cool list, i remember freaking out when i fought psycho mantis. very memorable
Yuri from Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge
[color=red][/color] lolol
where is SHODAN?. It's the best villian of video games, that I can think of...
kane is my favriote villian of all the villians i know of because i have command & conquer 3 tibiueriem wars and o my gosh kane is the best
weres vaas from far cry
Yeah this is a pretty bad list. And having bowser at the bottom? Really?
No mention of Jon Irenicus from Baldur's gate 2?
Massively powerful, utterly contemptuous of anyone lesser than him, could wax philosophical on the nature of power and mortality. And lots of really great quotes:
Surprised there were no DBZ villains
Bad list is bad.
2 metal gear bosses btw. If your gonna make a rule not to include 2 bosses from a franchise you should stick to it.
Kane is not an villian, he's an fictional character.
I've never heard of lavos or kane or the first villian (i can't remember his name), but i agree for all the others, they're all pure evil. Except Bowser; he's just plain greedy, but yes, very persistant.
I would include GLADOS from portal. Her sharp wit and determination puts most male and human villians to shame.
I can really only agree with Sepiroth and Ganon. The others, while some maybe be pretty bad, that's all they are. Bad. Nothing that will leave a mark or be remembered extensively...
Here are few few candidates that could replace some on the list:
-Shao Khan
-M. Bison
-Heihachi Mishima
-Brian Fury
-The Black Queen (Battletoads)
There are many more.
Psycho Mantis, command and conquer
Oh the Ps1 memories
Very good list!
Top 10 Video Game Villains for an asian player.