The Top 10 Most Frustrating Xbox LIVE Achievements

07. Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare

Now it doesn't take a professional gamer or an expert Achievement Hunter to guess that this one would be on the list - mostly because it is one of a handful that always makes every Top Ten Rage-inducing Achievement List.

What makes this one all the worse is that it is not one of the sort you ordinarily have to go seeking to unlock, because it is a campaign related Achievement that requires the player to complete "Mile High Club" on Veteran difficulty in a specific amount of time. Specifically one minute of time. Yeah, that's a bitch man.

Mile High Club (20G)

Sky dive to safety on Veteran difficulty.

Widely considered to be the most difficult achievement in any game, the mission requires the player to basically fight their way through many waves of enemies on several levels of a plane in one minute or less - and yeah, we put the 'or less' in as a sick joke because the only 'or less' you are going to get is generally measured in fractions of a single second.

Several factors contribute to making this one a rage-inducing challenge, starting with the fact that there are no checkpoints, and on Veteran difficulty the final enemy must be killed with a headshot! Man that's a tough one.

According to the experts the key to success for this one is divided between knowing exactly where every single enemy will be, and knowing when to use Flashbangs to help incapacitate the enemy so that taking them down is precise and quick. Well that and remembering that headshot thing.

Posted: 25th Aug 2014 by CMBF
Mafia 2, Xbox 360, xbox live achievements, hard