Top 5 Game Heroes We Want to See Lose

2. Leo Stenbuck – The Wimp

There's another weakling that spawned from the mind that made Raiden. No game has ever had to roll along with a reluctant hero more grating than Leo Stenbuck in Zone of the Enders. From the very start, the boy goes along in the story kicking and screaming. Any step from the giant robot, which handles all of the effort, is met with whiny resistance from the child that should've died in the intro sequence. Some would be grateful to still be alive, but not Leo.

Despite only being the protagonist of one game and that title being just a few hours long, the instant dislike that grows from this malcontent brat is legendary. It takes skill to make every second of limelight count in such a negative way.

Making matters worse, Leo returns in the second game as an obnoxious champion, without players being shown any of the character's progress. So, instead of Leo taking the Jehuty robot back for Zone of the Enders 3, perhaps it's better if this crybaby gets blown up in some distant fight, while the mech grows sentient and cleans up the mess by itself. It's the same action, but without the sound of nails on chalkboard.

Posted: 9th Apr 2014 by Daav