Top 10 Video Game Weapons of All Time

1) M6D Pistol (Halo: Combat Evolved)

The M6D Pistol from the original Halo earns the number spot on this list for the simple fact that it’s a PISTOL and was the best all-around gun in the game. You could kill someone with just three shots. Three! That’s just unbalanced. It had a scope on it which made it useful for long distance battles and it was obviously good close up as well. Games routinely boiled down to who was the more deadly pistolier. The M6D Pistol was a defining weapon of the Halo franchise and got nerfed heavily in subsequent games, much to the chagrin of fans.


Each weapon on this list is memorable for either its versatility, fun factor, or sheer firepower. Whether it be smashing things as Gordon Freeman with a crowbar or headshotting enemies as Master Chief with the pistol, these weapons left lasting impressions on fans of that particular game of franchise. Keep in mind that this list is based on opinion so yours may differ. One gun that gets an honorable mention, however, is the Mark 2 Lancer Assault Rifle from Gears of War. It’s probably safe to say one of the most satisfying parts of playing any of the Gears of War games online is chainsawing someone in half in multiplayer.

Editors note: What about Operation Wolf - You actually got to hold the damn Machine Gun in your hands - in the arcades anyway!

Posted: 14th Feb 2014 by Alexander Hinkley