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Franklin throwing gas canisters on roof during jewel heist.

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Franklin throwing gas canisters on roof during jewel heist.

How do I aim the throw because they either drop at my feet and kill me if I aim too low which I have to do to hit the yellow target area, or if I aim higher to throw away from my feet, they sail way over the target.

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dseidel834 answered:

Do you remember in the setup for the heist that Michael had to climb on top of those "boxes" (I don't know what they're called) to get a vantage point to see the top of the vent? Make Franklin climb up those boxes, and then hold down the left trigger (LT) and aim the dot in the middle of the screen at the yellow circle which is indicating where you need to throw the gas canister. Then tap the right trigger (RT) to throw the canister. It may take a second or two for the cutscene to occur, so just make Franklin keep standing in the same place until the cutscene inside the jewelry store happens.


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