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Other Unlockable Titles cheats for WWE 12

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Other Unlockable Titles


Below are instructions for unlocking the rest of the game's titles:

Champion of Champions Title:

Win a title at Night of Champions

Classic Intercontinental Title:

Win the Intercontinental Title

ECW Title:

Win a title at Extreme Rules

European Title:

Villain Story 10-1

Hardcore Title:

Win a title in a falls count anywhere match

Light Heavyweight Title:

Win a title with Mysterio

Million Dollar Title:

Win a title with Ted DiBiase

WCW Spray Painted World Heavyweight Title:

Hero Story Cutscene 13-1

WCW Spray Painted WWE Title:

Hero Story Cutscene

WCW Title:

Hero Story Cutscene

WWE Attitude Era Title:

Win the WWE title with Stone Cold

WWE Undisputed Title:

Win the WWE title with HHH at a PPV

If you need more help, we've got more WWE 12 cheats and also check out all of the answers for this game

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