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Blue Mini Kit Guide

by neutropia

=========================LEGO STAR WARS: COMPLETE SAGA=========================
=========================BLUE MINI KIT CHALLENGE GUIDE=========================
=========================By Daniel "Neutropia" Ratliff=========================
============================Version 1.03 - 08/29/08============================

F.A.Q.'s                - FAQS00
QUICK TIPS              - TIPSES
  EPISODE 1 - Chapter 1 - EP1CH1
              Chapter 2 - EP1CH2
              Chapter 3 - EP1CH3
              Chapter 4 - EP1CH4
              Chapter 5 - EP1CH5
              Chapter 6 - EP1CH6

  EPISODE 2 - Chapter 1 - EP2CH1
              Chapter 2 - EP2CH2
              Chapter 3 - EP2CH3
              Chapter 4 - EP2CH4
              Chapter 5 - EP2CH5
              Chapter 6 - EP2CH6

  EPISODE 3 - Chapter 1 - EP3CH1
              Chapter 2 - EP3CH2
              Chapter 3 - EP3CH3
              Chapter 4 - EP3CH4
              Chapter 5 - EP3CH5
              Chapter 6 - EP3CH6

  EPISODE 4 - Chapter 1 - EP4CH1
              Chapter 2 - EP4CH2
              Chapter 3 - EP4CH3
              Chapter 4 - EP4CH4
              Chapter 5 - EP4CH5
              Chapter 6 - EP4CH6

  EPISODE 5 - Chapter 1 - EP5CH1
              Chapter 2 - EP5CH2
              Chapter 3 - EP5CH3
              Chapter 4 - EP5CH4
              Chapter 5 - EP5CH5
              Chapter 6 - EP5CH6

  EPISODE 6 - Chapter 1 - EP6CH1
              Chapter 2 - EP6CH2
              Chapter 3 - EP6CH3
              Chapter 4 - EP6CH4
              Chapter 5 - EP6CH5
              Chapter 6 - EP6CH6
  LEGAL STUFF           - LEGALS
INTRODUCTION                                                             INTROD
Welcome to my very first guide! So bear with me as I am a complete newbie at
this. I decided to do this guide for two reasons. The first was I've always
wanted to do a guide, but there was always one in existence for most of the 
games I've played, so this was a perfect chance. Second; I was already writing
down the locations for my own use so I could get 100% in Lego Star Wars, so I
figured I'd share it with the world.

PLEASE NOTE: I am a retail employee and as you all know, December is the worst
month for that profession. Updates will be slow through this month as I play
through. If I don't finish this guide/game by year's end, January will be
and easier month and will see the completion of this guide. User submissions
will greatly help and WILL be noted in this guide.

I hope you enjoy, I hope I did a good job, and good luck locating all the kits!
USING THIS GUIDE                                                         USESOF
This guide gives somewhat detailed descriptions on where to find the Blue Mini
Kits in the Challenge Mode of Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga

The guide is broken up by Episodes and Chapters with listings of the 10 Kits
in (as close to as I can) the order you find the kits.

This guide is also written on the assumption you know the levels somewhat well
and know their layout. Thus I won't be walking through the levels entirely,
merely the sections of the levels you come to.

For easier navigating, all chapters and sections are tagged with an "F Search"
code. To use these, simply highlight the 6 digit code following the section you
want as listed in the CONTENTS section. Once highlighted, hold the CONTROL key
and press the C key while holding it. Alternately, you can right click the
highlighted section and then select COPY. Once copied, hold CONTROL and hit the
F key to bring up the search menu. Once in this menu, you can either hold
CONTROL and press the V key, or right click the query box and select PASTE. 
This will past the 6 digit code you need into the box. Select FIND NEXT and it
will take you to where those 6 digits appear. It may take you to the contents
section. If it does, merely click FIND NEXT again and then it should take you
to the actual section in the walkthrough. Voila! Quick and easy navigation!
VERSION HISTORY                                                          VERHIS
Ver. - Changes Made
1.03 - Added some FAQs
1.02 - Usage Rights Updated
1.01 - First FAQ Question Added
     - Usage Rights Updated
1.00 - Episode 6, Chapters 1-6 Added
     - Guide Content Finished
0.83 - Episode 5, Chapters 1-6 Added
0.67 - Episode 4, Chapters 1-6 Added
0.50 - Episode 3, Chapters 1-6 Added
     - Version History Section Added
0.33 - Episode 2, Chapters 1-6 Added
0.17 - Episode 1, Chapters 1-6 Added
0.01 - Initial Design/Layout Created
     - Basic Intro's Etc. Added
F.A.Q.'s                                                                 FAQS00
*Q: How do I get the canister on Episode X Chapter X?
 A: Make sure you read the guide thoroughly. If you just can't find the kit,
    e-mail me at the address below and I'll give you an overly detailed guide
    for that one kit.
*Q: Are the white canisters and the blue canisters in the same place?
   -Glenn David
 A: Some of them are the same locations, but many are not. I found myself
    looking in places I'd never been before when searching for the White Kits.
*Q: What is the difference between the blue and white kits?
 A: In short, there's no difference except for color and location in the level.
*Q: What do you mean by "ghost" characters?
 A: In the Extras Shop, the very last 3 characters you can buy are Anakin 
    Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, & Yoda in their "ghost" form as they appeared
    at the tail end the of Episode VI movie. They'll actually have (ghost) after
    their name and no characters on any maps can see them and act like you're
    not even there making going by unscathed that much easier.
*Q: I was wondering if your guide for the blue minikits in was for the 360
    version or Wii version.
 A: This guide was made using the Xbox 360 version. I can't say for an absolute
    certainty that it applies for all other systems, however.

E-Mail all questions to [email protected]
TIPS AND TRICKS                                                          TIPSES
Here's some tips to make your Blue Kit Collecting Easier

 * Unlock and use one of the three 'Ghost' characters. They play like normal
   Jedi but are invisible to the enemies and untouchable. This makes life
   infinitely easier with this challenge.
 * Droids are ignored as well. Don't be afraid to switch to a 3P0 or an R2 unit
   The enemy CAN hit you, but won't attempt to kill you intentionally. Only
   crossfire will be a concern.
 * As with the regular kits, the blue kits WILL make the familiar jingling
   noise. If you head the noise, a kit is near.
 * Try to memorize how many toggles it is to your High Jump or any other
   necessary character. This will cut down deaths and also help squeeze out
   some extra second per character switch.

 ** Send in your own tips to [email protected] **
CHAPTER 1                                                                EP1CH1
 1) Immediately head to your left and it's there in plain sight.
 2) Use the force to open the first door and hang the first right. Repair the
    lift on the left, ride it up the few feet, and jump straight up into #2.
 3) Head back out and continue down the main hall. At the end on the left, open
    the door and go directly to your left. It's there behind the two blue pipes
 4) In the main hall again, continue on to the R2 door on the left. Just inside
    in the middle shower is this kit.
 5) In this same room, go to the right and remove the grating on the wall. High
    jump through the opening, then float across the gap. You'll find the kit on
    the near side of the small platform.
 6) Back in the main hall, past the required 3P0 doors, a grate will block your
    path. Use the Force to remove it, and then jump up on the platform this 
    will make. The kit is in the air above you.
 7) Just past this grate in the next area, immediately to the left is an R2
    door on a ledge. Inside, hop in the container to the right to nab this kit.
 8) After exiting this room continue forward (towards the screen) all the way
    to the railing, hop down to collect this one.
 9) Follow the blue force field covered airlock all the way to the right. At
    the end you will see the kit up on the ledge.
10) Proceed to the back of the hangar. Hop up and over the force-field and then
    go behind the Troop Carrier that exits the level. The last kit is right
    there in the corner.
CHAPTER 2                                                                EP1CH2
 1) Take the first path that branches off to the right. It's near the tree with
    the bulls eye on it.
 2) Continue down the main path and it's in plain sight, in some flowers,
    before the Troop Carrier blocking the way.
 3) Destroy the Troop Carrier, and past that, it's on the main path on the
    right near the steps.
 4) In the next section, use the force to move the Jar Jar picture that becomes
    the bridge. It's behind the picture.
 5) Begin high jumping onto the platforms that collapse down to ground level.
    The kit will be behind the last pillar, one after the bounty hunter camera.
 6) Just beyond the last kit, up on the ledge where you use the force to turn
    the railing into another platform.
 7) Further on you'll come to a Troop Carrier with a silver engine that a
    bounty hunter can destroy. In the room behind it, it's on the ground behind
    a statue's head.
 8) Just past the Carrier above, use the force to move the engine onto the tree
    Use this to jump up to the kit.
 9) Continue on and hop down to the next level. You'll see a couple brown
    pillars you can use the force to move. It's right behind them.
10) In the next and final section of this level, it's immediately to the left
    near what I dubbed the "3-Piece Assemblebot"
CHAPTER 3                                                                EP1CH3
 1) At the very start, there are 4 doors in the background. It will be directly
    behind the 3rd door.
 2) After rappelling up to the second level, it will be visible behind the
    window right near where you land.
 3) At the top level where the Amidala puzzle is located. It will be located in
    the back-right corner behind two metal objects.
 4) After a bit of running, you'll be inside a semi-circle shaped area encased
    in class. Break the glass and hope down to the left. Hover over the gap,
    rappel up a level, and it's on the left near two Droidekas.
 5) Hover back over the gap and follow the bottom level all the way around.
    After the long bend it'll be slightly tucked away on the corner in the left
 6) Continue on until you reach the destroyable "dome" where you can drop down.
    Head away from the screen from where you land and you'll see the blue kit
    (the area is behind the arches)
 7) Just past that one, they'll be some small steps behind you with a rappel
    point. Head up and it'll put you near a small crawlspace. Head in the
    crawlspace, hop up on the barren ledge, and then drop down to the ledge
    with the large glass window. Thermal Detonate the glass and grab the kit
    just behind the panels.
 8) Proceed on to the point with the two lifts and the bulls eyes you must shoot
    to open the door. On the left lift (far side), use your high jumper to
    sort of slide up the last bit of the ledge to the kit. 
 9) In the last part with the 3 "button topped" domes, the first of the two
    kits here will be just left of the first dome near a couple metal objects.
10) This last one will be at the very far right of the domes on the near side
    of the screen
CHAPTER 4                                                                EP1CH4
**Choose the TIE Fighter for this race.**
 1) You'll see one at the start, ignore this for now. The first one will be in
    plain sight before the first booster.
 2) This one will be after the drop down near the pits. It will be on the left
    in between the two sets of them.
 3) Run up the hidden path the TIE Fighter will unlock and pick it up at the
    end of the hill.
 4) In the crystal room, it will be mostly visible next to the 8th crystal.
 5) At the sand people shooting gallery, it will be on the far right side at
    about the middle point of the bend.
 6) In the next part after you go up the little hill it'll be on the right
    under a small archway.
 7) When you go into the narrow crevice-like area, it'll also be in plain sight
 8) At the second set of boosters, it will be just to the left of the middle
    booster. It's small and hard to see before you're right on it.
 9) Now you can get the one you saw at the start as you begin lap 2.
10) Once you start lap 3 you will veer slightly right and then see this one
    right in the middle of the course.
CHAPTER 5                                                                EP1CH5
 1) Take the rappel point right near you and hop to the next balcony.
 2) In the wide open area, take the right most rappel which is on ground level.
    Head behind the grated window to nab this kit.
 3) Head inside the building and head down the left path all the droids come
    from. It's right in front of the statue.
 4) In the next circular multi-hall room, head left again. High jump up to the
    ledge and then use Dark Force to remove the wall blocking the kit in.
 5) After the circular room, head halfway up the steps outside. Break the panel
    on the right and hop inside.
 6) Continue on until you head up and assemble the bridge to cross. Hop onto
    the building on your left, then hop up the ledge. Use Force to create the
    small platform, hop up again and continue a little bit further to see it.
 7) Head back from the way you came across the assembled bridge, float across
    the gap and pick up the kit in plain sight.
 8) In the next part, follow the nearside ledge all the way until you have to
    jump down. Then go a small bit further to see the kit.
 9) When you get to the circular room with the 3 statues, break the statue on
    your right. Hit the button and go up the stairs to find the ninth.
10) You'll see this one on the cut scene when you enter the hangar. Just head to
    the right and it'll be past the second star fighter at the group of three
    pilots in between the three metal things.
CHAPTER 6                                                                EP1CH6
 1) This one is to your immediate left at the start.
 2) Go to the star fighter on the left and repair it. Then pull both levels to
    open the launch door and reveal the kit.
 3) Take the platforms in the middle up top using the force. Inside the room it
    will be in the middle of the dark red room.
 4) In the pillar room, follow the bottom path all the way around and Thermal
    Detonate the wall section.
 5) Jump up and use the rappel to take you to the top and it'll be around on
    the left.
 6) In the large room with a + shape platform and 4 light pillars, jump over
    and head down the left side. You'll see it on the cut scene.
 7) Take the SW (bottom left) light pillar and ride it all the way up.
 8) On the NE (top right) light pillar, it's on the higher walkway.
 9) In the next hallway with the "Red Laser Walls" it will be visible before
    the last wall.
10) In the final room, it will be on the right on the raise platform. High jump
    up to reach it.
CHAPTER 1                                                                EP2CH1
 1) At the beginning, it's right at the end of the red dividers.
 2) Just ahead of that, inside the TIE Fighter door is the next one.
 3) Proceed down a bit staying to the right and you'll go between two buildings
    with a catwalk containing this kit.
 4) Just before the first tunnel is a traffic light sort of object in the
    middle, its underneath of the light.
 5) In the first "electric wall" section, it's in the bottom right corner.
 6) Straight ahead once you exit the electric wall part it will be in between
    two green/blue left arrow signs.
 7) Hang a right and it will be in a TIE Fighter door.
 8) Before the second tunnel, it will be between two green/blue right arrows.
 9) Inside the tunnel, this kit will be right next to the wall-mounted gun.
10) In the second electric wall section, go to the bottom left for this one.
CHAPTER 2                                                                EP2CH2
 1) At the start, head towards the screen and you'll see this kit just over the
    ledge on the left.
 2) Once you get inside, go to the left and it will be in the R2 janitorial
 3) In the next big room with the lights, it's directly to the right on top of
    two bombs.
 4) After opening both doors in this room, head to the right hallway. In this
    room, hop from platform to platform until you lower the big white one.
    Float up the blue columns and float over to the kit.
 5) On your way back across the platforms, shoot the bulls eye and then run to
    the background. Hop into the far left crawl space and you'll appear in the
    tube with this kit.
 6) Head back now down the left hallway and immediately head towards the screen
    once you're through the R2 door.
 7) Down this same hall on the left is a Storm Trooper door. Head inside and
    hang a right inside the room. The kit is behind the R2 force field.
 8) Once you go back outside into the storm, follow the catwalk all the way to
    the right. Rappel up to the higher level, then head back left on the higher
    catwalk. You'll see this one as you run to the rappel point.
 9) Hop back down and float across the gap. Use Force to make the small
    platform and reveal the R2 point. High jump off the platform to the ledge
    above for this kit.
10) Once up the circle elevator, use Dark Force on the section on the left and
    this last kit will be on the back wall just inside the room.
CHAPTER 3                                           EP2CH3
 1) This first one will be inside a cave hold on the left near the 3rd light.
 2) After the first masher, this kit is on top of the red wall between 2 droids
 3) Once the conveyor belt ends, it'll be visible inside the sideways cylinder.
 4) Hop to the second platform right after #3, head towards the screen. Hop up
    and into the door and the kit is in the back right corner.
 5) Continue on until you see an R2 door right near a Droideka. The kit is on
    the far side of the sliding platforms.
 6) Head back outside the sliding platforms room, then go to your right. It'll
    be only a few steps away to your right.
 7) In the room with the lava and the two large rotating platforms, it will be
    in the middle of the room in the back on the lower platform.
 8) At the room with all the small caves, there will be a breakable wall. It's
    just inside and to your right in plain sight with the red force fields.
 9) Exit this room, head straight at the camera, and blindly hover off the
    part of the level that juts out a bit. You'll come to a hidden island.
10) Continue on to the right to the lava pit. This one will be easily located
    on the small ramp heading into the lava.
CHAPTER 4                                                                EP2CH4
 1) At Padme's pole, High jump up two levels to get this kit.
 2) To the right of Padme, it's right behind the first pillar.
 3) Continue to the right past the grated door and it'll be near the screen
    near some wreckage.
 4) When you reach Anakin, it will be hidden behind the pole he's on.
 5) Continue on to the right and you'll see it behind the second pillar just
    past the metallic thing only a Bounty Hunter can destroy.
 6) Once you reach Obi-Wan, it'll be clearly visible to his right.
 7) In the same spot, Force repair to create a platform, then rappel up to the
    Storm Trooper camera which will activate the other elevator. Ride both
    these up to the kit.
 8) Continue on to the right (note the pattern?) and this one will be near a
    grate and a proximity mine.
 9) Heading right yet again, you'll come to a section with broken pillars. It's
    in plain sight in this cubby hole type area.
10) The final kit will be just to the left of the gate where the droids come in
CHAPTER 5                                                                EP2CH5
 1) This one will be just ahead between two of the energy towers.
 2) Just a bit further down on the right side near a rock pillar you'll see it.
 3) Continue on and this one will be on the left of a rock just before a chasm.
 4) You'll soon see a TIE Fighter door on the left, go inside and the kit will
    be in the back of this small area.
 5) After the first force field, it will be on the left side of the chasm near
    the three lasers.
 6) After the bomb dispenser, there will be a yellow wall you can destroy with
    the bomb and nab the kit.
 7) This one will be on the far right of the level near a rock before the
    second force field.
 8) From the start of this second area, head to the right. It's right at the
    start near the Control Ship.
 9) Continue right and this one will be midway between the ship and the screen.
10) The last kit is even further right near the screen on top of a small rock.
CHAPTER 6                                                                EP2CH6
 1) At the very start, take the rappel point up to the kit.
 2) Once you go inside, it will be directly in front of you.
 3) Through the door it will be just to the right on a blue speeder.
 4) On the left side of this room will be this kit out in the open.
 5) Hit the red button near the last kit, let the computer activate the other
    one, then hop on up to the top and the kit.
 6) In the final room, head straight behind Count Dooku in plain sight.
 7) To the right of the last kit, Thermal Detonate the two metallic things,
    Force the lego pieces, then head in the crawlspace to nab the kit.
 8) Just to the left of where #6 was will be this one in obvious sight.
 9) Continue on to the left and it'll be visible behind a sideways pillar.
10) Once again, head left and you'll have to high jump up onto the ship.
CHAPTER 1                                                                EP3CH1
 1) This first one is given to you right at the start. Easy!
 2) When you come to the second ship it will be on the left side.
 3) After you split the ship in half by shooting the red dots, it will be on
    the next ship by the lef side of the bridge/tower.
 4) When flying underneath the next ship it will be on your left.
 5) This next one will be after this ship in obvious sight.
 6) When you go past the next cruiser at a sideways angle, it will be on the
    far side of the ship before you pass it by completely.
 7) After the tower with the 2 destroyable dots, it'll be in plain sight.
 8) Once you shoot the red dots to open a pathway through the ship, it's in the
    pathway on the right.
 9) A bunch of droid fighters will come at you and this kit will be past the
    cruiser once again in plain sight before 2 more cruisers.
10) The last ship you fly under before the end will have this one under it.
CHAPTER 2                                                                EP3CH2
 1) In the very first section, rappel up and run left across the ledge.
 2) In this same room, you'll find it behind the yellow ship on the right.
 3) Once you hop down for the first time, R2 the panel to make an elevator
    appear, then run into the room behind the droideka and look behind the
    "dispenser" object in the back.
 4) When you reach the room with 4 doors on the back wall, it's in the 3rd door
 5) Once you get outside, head all the way left up and over the beam.
 6) Now head all the way to the right on the bottom level for this kit.
 7) Once in Dooku's room, head to the left right near the screen and it's on a
    small pillar. Just hop on up to it.
 8) Now head up the steps and go to the room on the right and it's inside.
 9) After the room with the sliding wall, you'll see it right after the first
    two yellow levers.
10) In the cockpit at the end it will be on the left corner of the cockpit.
CHAPTER 3                                                                EP3CH3
 1) At the start, float over to the left, Thermal Detonate the wall, and hop up
    the ledge to collect the kit.
 2) Float back and then back across to the right of before. You'll see the kit
    right in front of you near two bombs.
 3) Continue heading up, and when you have to high jump, it will be up top.
 4) Float across to the right, and then around the cliff to the kit.
 5) Continue on toward the walkway high up and it will be halfway down the way.
 6) Inside the building, you'll find the kit in the back of the room.
 7) In this same room, pop all four locks on the center piece to reveal the kit
 8) Head back outside and head left to the rappel point, jump to the left and
    it will be straight ahead of you.
 9) You'll see this kit down to your left, just jump down to it.
10) On the platform where you started, it will be on the backside near the edge
    of the platform.
CHAPTER 4                                                                EP3CH4
 1) After you drop the bridge, take the right path and it's right behind the 
    Dark Force object.
 2) Continue on until it shows a Commander Cody cut scene and it's right by him
    in the back of the platform.
 3) When you rescue the first Wookie up the platforms, hover around to the back
    of the tree and you'll find it on a small platform.
 4) Head to the left of where you save the second wookie and it will be just on
    the top above a rappel point.
 5) When you get to the beach, it will be on the waterline near some wreckage.
 6) At the far left of the beach, it will be towards the back behind a large
    rock but infront of another.
 7) In the next area which is a swamp, it will be in the back left up on top
    of two small ledges near a droid.
 8) In the next section, follow the right side past a tree and to the kit.
 9) When you get to the rolling boulders, it will be high up on the left and
    require you run up to it or high jump.
10) After passing the gate atop the rolling boulders, it will be straight ahead
    just past the walker trying to kill you.
CHAPTER 5                                                                EP3CH5
 1) The first one will be directly ahead of you on the right.
 2) Head all the way to the right and you'll see it in the background.
 3) Back to the left, break the little metal thing to reveal a rappel point.
    Head up and follow the ledge up and around to the left and it will be
    in front of the window.
 4) This one will be inside, down the path and on the left behind the globe.
 5) Just to the right, head inside the storm trooper door; it will be just past
    the steps on the left
 6) Head down the steps on the right down into the Jedi Council room. It's
    behind the second chair on the left.
 7) In the blue room, take the second hall on the left and rappel up to the kit
 8) After you activate all 3 levers, hop up the platform that comes down and
    you'll see it up on the ledge in the middle of the walkway.
 9) This one will be in the very last lever hall, which is the first on on your
    left when you enter.
10) Inside the last room in the rear corner on the left side.
CHAPTER 6                                                                EP3CH6
 1) Quickly grab this one behind you. If you kill yourself, don't worry!
 2) On the far back of the control room is this kit.
 3) Just to the left of the last kit, destroy the cover and hop inside the
    cubby hole to nab the kit.
 4) Again to the left, open the R2 door and it's at the far end of the table.
 5) You'll see it directly to your left once you exit the control room.
 6) This one will reveal itself once you hop on the two buttons and the panel
    flips down.
 7) At the lava section, it will be on the last sideways concrete pillar.
 8) Float to the far right and you'll see the kit on the third platform back.
 9) Float back to the left and it will be on the larger metal platform.
10) Ride the tall tower all the way down, then hover to the small island on
    the right for the last kit.
CHAPTER 1                                                                EP4CH1
 1) Immediately to your left the kit will be right there.
 2) At the perpendicular hall, head to the right and it will be right next to
    the Sith door.
 3) Near the first door the Storm Troopers blow through, it's in the small
    alcove on the left on to of a box.
 4) In the area with the grated floor, Thermal Detonate the metal object, then
    hop down and grab the kit.
 5) You'll see this one at the next area directly above the far door.
 6) In the room with the Bounty Hunter door, break the panels on the far left.
 7) Go in the Storm Trooper door and hang a left. Deactivate the 3PO force
    field and head through to the kit.
 8) In the next dark room, it's in the far right corner on the nearside.
 9) In the crane area, break the box to the left of the exit door. Rappel up
    and hover to the left platform to nab it.
10) Just past the gap with the assembleable mini-bridge, it'll be to the right
    inside the door frame right in your way.
CHAPTER 2                                                                EP4CH2
 1) Head just to the left and the camera will zoom in a bit to show you the kit
 2) Continue on a little bit until there's a gap with a Detonatable spot on the
    right. Blow it up, hover across the gap, then follow the right wall. It's
    behind some Force boxes. It's not too hard to see.
 3) Continue to the back of this area, and head up to the tents. Pop the door
    off the left tent and run around inside.
 4) Continue on until you have to hop across the mud stuff on two ledges,
    assemble the rappel once you land, and rappel up to the kit.
 5) Head to the top of the crawler, hop of the ledge, and slide back into the
    crevice with this kit.
 6) Right inside the crawler, head through the 3PO door. The kit is to the left
    of the TV on the far side of the room.
 7) Inside the room with the 4 buttons that reveal the levers, on the left,
    Dark Force the panel to remove it and get the kit.
 8) Use the Dark Force on the red/black object holding the rock. Hop up on the
   ledge and head to the back of this area and hop up to the kit.
 9) At the second moisture vaporator, high jump up the ledge to the left and
    float over to the kit.
10) In the final area, you'll find the kit on top of Obi-Wan's house.
CHAPTER 3                                                                EP4CH3
 1) Head immediately to the right and the kit will be in the far back corner
    behind a pillar.
 2) Past the broken bridge, it's on the left side of a barrel on your left.
 3) At the end with the movable stairs, go through the Storm Trooper door, and
    the kit will be directly to your right after going through.
 4) Before you enter the cantina (just past the AT-ST), the kit is in the
    corner to the right of the shutter door.
 5) Inside the cantina, it will be in the last room before the exit on a table.
 6) Once outside, rappel up to the next level, head through the walkway to the
    next area, then hop down to the kit.
 7) Head through the 3P0 door on the right and follow the pathway until you
    pass a garage on the right with the parts and the kit inside.
 8) In the area with the theater, it will be just to the left of the theater.
 9) Inside the theater it will be on the left side amongst the seats.
10) In the falcon room, hop up on the large object in the back right, then up
    to the ledge and run around to the right edge for kit.
CHAPTER 4                                                                EP4CH4
 1) Take the very first hall to the right and the kit is by the crane controls.
 2) In the control room, head right and open the 3P0 door to reveal the kit.
 3) Following the right path, the kit will be to the left of the tractor beam
    generator controls.
 4) Continuing on, break the object near the 4 storm troopers just past kit #3.
 5) Back down the left path, high jump off one of the red barrels just past the
    elevators for this kit.
 6) Use R2 to activate the left elevator which takes you right to the kit.
 7) Continuing on down the left path, the kit will be at the very end.
 8) In the next control room with all of the Storm Troopers, the kit is right
    in the middle on top of the blue console thing.
 9) At the end of the walkway before the elevator to the prison cells, Force
    the 3 blocks into a pillar. Now just hop up to the kit.
10) Go in the first cell on the left for the final kit.
CHAPTER 5                                                                EP4CH5
 1) At the start, run towards the screen to find the kit between the two poles.
 2) Go in the 3P0 door on the left. The kit will be inside to your right.
 3) In the next room, pull the lever twice to set the rappel point to take you
    directly to the kit.
 4) In the next room the kit will be immediately to the left.
 5) Moving on to the next room the kit will be right in front of you before the
    red and blue pipes.
 6) After riding up the elevator and going through the Trooper door, it will be
    directly to the right.
 7) In the large wide open room, rappel across to and go down the first hall.
 8) In the room with all of the troopers and walkway, go into the right tunnel.
 9) Now go into the left tunnel.
10) In the room with the falcon, go all the way to the right and you'll find
    it right near the blue object (just past the R2 panel).
CHAPTER 6                                                                EP4CH6
 1) Head immediately to the right for the first kit.
 2) Next is just past the force field on the right near a turret.
 3) In the next little part with the force field, it's in the far right corner
    near the screen.
 4) Head back to the left and through the TIE door to find this kit.
 5) In the next area go thru the TIE fighter door on the right path.
 6) Head back and down the left path to find the kit between two turrets.
 7) Down a bit further in the TIE door on the left, it's in the right
    corner nearest to the screen.
 8) After the second force field, it's on your left by two more turrets.
 9) Down in the trench, U-turn and grab the kit just before you hit the wall.
10) At the end past the vent shaft the kit will be on the far wall.
CHAPTER 1                                                                EP5CH1
 1) Head to the left and through the TIE door, it will be on the left at the 
    third crevice.
 2) Drag a bomb to the far wall in this same area, head inside the cave, and it
    will be in the back on the left.
 3) Head back to the main path, and it will be to the left of the wall at the 
    end near the power generator.
 4) In the next part, head through the TIE door and the kit will be to your
    right. You'll have to U-turn to get to it.
 5) Continue on into the tunnel and it's on right side of tunnel in plain view.
 6) Blow up the wall ALL the way at the end of this secret area and it will
    have the kit behind it.
 7) Back in main area, the kit is behind a few blocks by the second AT-AT.
 8) When the path narrows before the final wall, head to the right in and it
    will be in the corner.
 9) In the final circular area, head to right and it's behind some boxes.
10) Continuing on to the right, just before the bomb dispenser it's behind some
    more boxes.
CHAPTER 2                                                                EP5CH2
 1) Head to the left at the start, go through the R2 door, and it's in left
    side of this room.
 2) Continue on until you reach the mounted gun. Go to the right, and it's in
    the room on first alcove. Just jump up to it.
 3) Now head down the other end of this hall and it will be on the right.
 4) Once you reach the large room, it's clearly visible on far side on the left.
 5) Back on the right side, go through the R2 door to an ice fishing tent. The
    kit is on the right side of the room. 
 6) In the room with some buttons on a slope, It will be on the middle of the
    slope; just slide on down to it.
 7) In the next room, go left to a 3PO door. Blow up the metal object, head
    through the door, and continue straight ahead to the kit.
 8) In the room where the Dark Force makes steps up a slope you can't walk up,
    the kit is right at the top of the hill.
 9) From the last kit, go through the R2 door on the right and it will be right
    in front of you.
10) In final room with the falcon, pull the levers to open the glass wall and
    reveal the kit between those two boxes.
CHAPTER 3                                                                EP5CH3
 1) The first kit is behind the second Star Destroyer on the left.
 2) The next one will be on the right side of the TIE door.
 3) Next will be on the left side by two small asteroids before giant one.
 4) This one will be just to the right of the big asteroid with the rock you
    must destroy in side.
 5) This kit is right where the destroyable rock was.
 6) On the second part, this kit will be on the left near the third or so blue
 7) Next is on the right side near the last couple asteroids before the
    asteroid with the destroyable rock inside.
 8) Inside the crater asteroid, it's on right side near wormhole. 
 9) In the third part, it'll be on the left near the first huge asteroid.
10) The last kit will be on the right side just hanging out. Look closely.
CHAPTER 4                                                                EP5CH4
 1) Look for small path on just ahead on the right, use the Dark force to
    remove the gate, then hover across, and you'll see it ahead on a race track
 2) At the first swampy area, hover to a rock on the left with the kit.
 3) Just past Yoda's house, high jump up to a tall rock to get it.
 4) To the right of Yoda's house, break the box using Dark Force, build the
    raft with the pieces that come up, ride it to the next area,  and it will
    be on the on left on a rock.
 5) In the next area, just before the gate, it's on the left side behind the 
    hatch type object.
 6) Inside the cavern, use Dark Force to a make bridge to the island on the
    right and the kit is right there.
 7) Down a bit, up on the high ledge on the left is a grate and an R2 panel,
    the kit is right behind the grate.
 8) In the Darth Vader fight room, it's on left side near the tall rock.
 9) Just outside the battle room, head over to the right and it's on a rock.
10) Before the final gate, it'll be on the left side between two blocks that
    rise when you use the force on them.
CHAPTER 5                                                                EP5CH5
 1) At the very start, it's right on top of the X-wing.
 2) Just inside, it's in the right corner on the near side.
 3) In the carbonite room, you'll have to hover off the left side of the
    platform to reach it.
 4) Once you're back outside, it's just to right of the fan on the wall.
 5) After the last lift but before the door back inside, you have to hover over
    to the right to get it.
 6) Back inside, it will be on the left corner near the screen.
 7) In the next area, it will be on the right corner of the platform come in on
 8) Next is just across the gap on the left of the other platform.
 9) Outside once more, it's just past the first R2 lift.
10) Take the lift up and head around the corner and it'll be right there.
CHAPTER 6                                                                EP5CH6
 1) Go through the 3P0 door directly to the left and the kit is right there.
 2) Follow Boba Fett to the right into the circular room and it's on the left.
 3) Follow him through the Bounty Hunter door and hang a right to the kit in
    front of the door.
 4) Now follow Boba Fett back to the left and you'll see it down the hall.
 5) Head outside and you'll see the kit behind Slave 1.
 6) Outside after you kill all the Storm Troopers and build the rappel point,
    head across to the top level and hop on top of the elevator to nab the kit.
 7) Hover across the gap a bit further down and then Rappel up to the top
    ledge for the kit.
 8) Once you get to the room with the mist, rappel up to the ledge on your
    left, then hover over to the right and land on the ledge near the screen.
 9) Head past the mist and down that hall and it's at the corner.
10) Once you reach the Falcon outside, it will be on the backside of the ship.
CHAPTER 1                                                                EP6CH1
 1) Look to your right on the second hill at the beginning.
 2) Head back to the left, break the Dark Force object, rappel up, then rappel
    up again, and finally hop down to the left to grab the kit.
 3) To he left of the Bounty Hunter gate, head around the wall and grab the kit
    behind the grate.
 4) In the large room with the big Dark Force grate, remove the cover near the 
    lever on the right side using the Force.
 5) In the next room, go through the crawlspace on the left near the giant
    wall, then break the bed and take the next crawl hole to the kit.
 6) As you continue, when you come to the hall with the breakaway floor panels,
    it will be on the left on top of one of the grates.
 7) Just down the stairs, break the floor and run into the tunnel to the kit.
 8) In the next area with the second level and the movable pillars, it's in the
    back right corner in the break between the top level.
 9) In Jabba's room, it will be on the left tucked away in an alcove.
10) Lastly, in the rancor room, it's in the far back left corner.
CHAPTER 2                                                                EP6CH2
 1) On Boba Fett's barge, you'll see it right behind him.
 2) Use the Dark Force on the fourth barge to make a platform. Use that to hop
    to the back/right side of Jabba's barge and the kit.
 3) Back on the left side, it's behind the lift able panel to the right of the
    panel that's missing.
 4) Curve around the front of the barge and hover off the ledge at the far end.
 5) Inside the barge, destroy the gate and the kit will be in the back of the
    room on the right side.
 6) Once up the 3P0 lift, Thermal Detonate the grate on the left and head to 
    the back of this room.
 7) Once in the disco room, when you rappel up to the right, it will be barely
    visible in the right corner.
 8) Once up you go up top to the outside, it will be just to your left.
 9) Heading right, it will be to the left of the power generator on the far
    side of the screen.
10) Hop up to the second level and it will be right near the ledge on the
    side closest to the screen.
CHAPTER 3                                                                EP6CH3
 1) At the start, head to the left and it's right by a tree trunk.
 2) Once you hop down, follow the left wall towards the screen and the kit.
 3) After the first pressure panel, it will be just up the hill in front.
 4) After the hill on the left and the few pressure panels, it will be behind
    a turret.
 5) Just past the turret up on a hill, the kit will be between some trees on
    the left side.
 6) Right after the pressure pad before a hill, it's on the left a bit before
    another turret.
 7) In the area with the first destroyable generator, it's on a hill on the 
    right in some grass.
 8) In the second generator area , it will be on your left up against the wall.
    You should see it as the game shows you flying in.
 9) In the third generator area, it will be near the screen on the left side
    near a large log.
10) After the fourth generator, head through the new opening, run to where you
    can see the kit is, build the rappel there, and head up to it.
CHAPTER 4                                                                EP6CH4
 1) At the beginning, hop on the chair and have the computer lift you up to it.
 2) Head around behind the hut that's just to the left of the first crawlspace
    to find this hidden kit.
 3) Continue on a bit, past the first gap, and you'll see the kit near 3 pots.
 4) In the second area, head down and it will be in the back.
 5) Once you head down the elevator, run towards the screen, break the purple
    boxes, and build the rappel point to go up to the kit.
 6) After you use the lever to drop the gate, the kit will be right there.
 7) In the next area with a slight overhead view, head to the right and hop
    over a large log to reach the kit.
 8) Just past the gate you destroy with the catapult, it will be hidden behind
    a tree on the left.
 9) To the right side of the shield generator building, the kit will be among
    some bushes.
10) Inside the generator building, head down the hall and then  to the left,
    the kit will be in the far back corner of the room.
CHAPTER 5                                                                EP6CH5
 1) From the beginning, head to the right and high jump to the alcove to reach
    the kit.
 2) Head underneath where you are and the kit will be in the middle.
 3) Once you build the fan to go up, it will be right above where you land.
 4) From where the Emperor shocks the floor tiles, hop down and look in the
    window on the left. Just hop up to it.
 5) Open the storm Trooper door down the walkway from the starting point.
 6) Curve around and use the Bounty Hunter door to show this kit.
 7) Head inside the Emperor's hidden room and immediately it'll be on your left.
 8) Another one will be immediately to the near side of where you came in.
 9) Work your way to the top back of this room to find the kit.
10) The last kit will be at the top of the elevator where you last fight the
CHAPTER 6                                                                EP6CH6
 1) This kit will be right ahead of you infront of the Star Destroyer's bridge.
 2) Head to the ship on the left and it's again in front of the bridge.
 3) One you get in the trenches, it will be on the left side just before the
    first bend.
 4) When you reach the force field and four purple buttons it's to the left.
 5) After the second bomb dispenser, it will be visible on the right.
 6) When you get to the force field with a cannon on either side, it's on
    the left.
 7) In the core room, it's just after the 3rd panel on the your left.
 8) During your escape, it will be along the right side in the first section.
 9) In the second escape section it will be mid way on the left.
10) The final kit is in the third section on the left side of the first turn.
LEGAL STUFF                                                              LEGALS

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