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How to Get Easy XP and Salvage cheats for Tomb Raider

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How to Get Easy XP and Salvage


For a way to get roughly 10,000 XP and 2,000 salvage every 5 minutes, head to the multiplayer menu and create a private match. Note that this method works alone too, you just have to do it in the multiplayer mode.

Choose the Rescue mode and the Beach map. Choose the Survivor team and go to customize loadouts. Once you are a high enough level, pick 'Second Wind' for your offensive skill. For the survival skill, you want 'Advanced Looting'. Next, exit the loadouts and choose Match Options. Set the time to as long as you like, bearing in mind it takes around 10 minutes to complete this method.

Set the "Medkits To Retrieve" option to "20", then start the

Match. Once in the game you need to go and get the medkits as quickly as you can. They appear randomly, but you will get to learn the most likely locations for them. Once you spawn in there will be a circle nearby where the medkits are dropped off. From there, a white waypoint icon will show you where the medkit is located. Run to each waypoint in turn and take them to the drop off point. Collect Salvage on your way (this respawns not long after it is collected). Keep doing this until the match ends. You can do this as much as you like!

More tricks, tips and cheats for this game are right here - Tomb Raider cheats

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