I keep getting killed at the second meeting with the berserker and I m completly stumped please help me!! I am in the room with the glass roof I blast her with the Hammer of Dawn and still nothing does any one have any tips for me please
Comment:(Jul 30 2009)
thanks Czardfan1189 but i did thanks i only had to balst it twice
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You have to hit the Berserker multiple times until eventually you go into another room where you have to have the berserker break the pillars and then use the hammer of dawn where the piller was broken. If you like you could give me your gamertag and I could help you as I have beaten the game and it's sequel on insane atleast 4 times.
Send me your gamertag on my email which is [email protected]...... My gamertag is xHVxStaTiKs.
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