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How do you reverse the knife attack please?

Question asked by Guest on
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How do you reverse the knife attack please?

I keep getting knifed on battlefield 4 please can you tell me how to reverse this attack. Thank you

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CMBF answered:

You need to hit the counter button to counter the attack; hitting the F-Key or X on the Gamepad (or it's equivalent) within a second of the knife attack allows you to grapple the attacker's knife and turn it back on them, killing them with their own knife (and collecting their Dog Tag in the same move).

The counter-knife-attack only seems to work reliably when you are facing the attacker during the attack. Countering facing a different direction usually doesn't pop up the prompt.

Guest answered:

I was lookn myself tryn to find out how to reverse it and it doesn't matter what direction you're facing. I'm 100% sure. Everyone keeps saying it can only be done when face to face but I have only done the reverse twice in frustration. Both times I was knife from behind got mad & just started hitting random buttons (just something I do beats thrown & break it) anyway these r the only two time I have done it. PS3

icemike84 answered:

You can only reverse a frontal when the (rare) occasion happens, and your attacked there will be a brief notifacation to press in the right thumbstick and if timed well he will perform a reverse knife attack. Hope this helps

Guest answered:

It is possible to counter front or behind.If you want to do this on the Xbox controller you will have to press the RS button on your controller if someone is trying to stab you from behind, but if you are getting stabbed from the front then you will have to press the R3 button or the knifing button.If you hit that button at the write seconds you will be able to counter and kill the guy trying to stab you, but be careful because the person that annually trys stabing they can counter your counter and kill you but this will rarely a cure were there I a rubble counter going on.


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