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Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Xbox Cheats and Tips

We have 13 cheats and tips on Xbox. If you have any cheats or tips for Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Chaos Theory please send them in here. We also have cheats for this game on : PlayStation 2

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Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell Chaos Theory cheats

Unlock all Levels:

In the Profile Menu Enter: COOPA22COOL

Unlock Elite Mode in co-operative play:

Successfully clear co-op story mode. Elite mode starts both spies off with no

ammunition for the SC-20K or the SC pistol. You have to obtain and find the

ammunition in the levels.


Play any Level without beating the game:

Create a new Profile called 'COOPA22COOL'.

Unlock ALL Levels

In the Solo or Co-Op menus press and hold the Left and Right Triggers then enter 'X' 5 times.

Unlock some levels some co-op levels that is

In the profile menu enter COOPA22COOL

It will unlock all of the co op levels


Splinter Cell will finally get Co-op mode. You will be able to do loads of new things, such as take bullets out of your ally. There will also be a new feature that will enable you to turn invisible for a short amount of time.

Unlock All Levels!!

Type in COOPA22COOL when entering a profile

(Rate it please)

Good Luck! =)

Invisibility and Invincibility

You need to do this in Co-Op. One person will go into hack or pick lock or use keycode screen.

While the other is looking at this, the other one will shoot him with a sticky shocker and they will fall on the floor.

While on the floor, you will take out your weapin and stand up.

You are now invisible and invincible and your old body will be laying on the floor.

Crawl Spaces

If you are having trouble seeing in crawl spaces in most the joints will show up on EMF vision.

Hope this helps

Kill two for the price of one.

Use sniper attachment and get two or more guys in your sights lined up and the 20mm round will take them both out.

No blow

If you walk past a wall mine with your gun drawn it will NOT EXPLODE!!!

Versus mode Glitch: Merc in Spy spawn room in Warehouse

In the warehouse in versus mode, there are three different directions to go after you spawn (if you are a spy, that is if you don't go down the hall to the right).

Go in the right room after you shoot out the glass. There is a wire fence you have to hop over.

If there is a Mercenary against the wire fence facing the away from it (so his back faces it), a spy can grab a merc through the fence and pull him into the spy spawn room.

Push R insead of A and you can knock him out instead of killing him. Then he can roam free.

Cool hints for versus mode.


In Polar base, put your back to the wall on the balcony (where mercs spawn), use your optic camo thermal suit and go invisible, it is hard for mercs to see you and they usually run right past you, run out and grab and SNAP! People NEVER think of this and it is SOOOO obvious and easy. If you can jump up and hang on the balcony, you can shimy over, shimy over to where you balcony looks over the part with the truck and dumpster, you can easily pull one off. You can also jump down on them from the huge building. Or you can go down the zipline from the big building and drop down while ziplining and POW!!! Also you can hide in the dumpster.

In the Warehouse, there are plenty of cool places to hide and kill, hang off the ledge where Mercs walk across and use A to pull one o..


I reckon that it is best to shoot the enemies in the head so that they die quietly and always die in one shot.

Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Chaos Theory FAQs

Tom Clancys Splinter Cell Chaos Theory Walkthroughs
