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How do I get out of Slytheryn common room?

Question asked by valen on
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Question for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

How do I get out of Slytheryn common room?, I don't know where the door is, I keep getting cut by Snape. Please help me!

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ohfuzzyone answered:

Exit through the secret door in the library. It’s located on the left wall towards the back of the room.

Go through the hallway and open the other end of the hallway with the allahormora spell.

Stand back as far as you can from the opening when you open the doorway, as there might be a student looking right at you when you open the door. Timing is everything here.

Wait until the student leaves to the left then exit the hallway go to the right running as fast as you can. You made it.

BJLindsay answered:

Even if a student or snape does catch catch you going out you can still run for it. They don't stop you if you run out of there. After trying several times I just finally tried to make a break for it and low and behold it worked. If all else fails RUN!!!

HermioneG865 answered:

Well I never seen Snape in the Slytherin Common Room but he must be there. There is a secret door in the library. It is past the second bookcase on the left. But if you don't like spiders like me then you probably might not want to go that way. On the first bookcase to the right is a slytherin and you don't want to run into him. I hoped that helped.

lamby284 answered:

Ive never heard of using the secret passage in the library, although it seems like the best option. Otherwise, know that when you are running for the exit, when a slytherin sees you, they will stop and talk for a second saying something like "You're not a Slytherin!" Even though they only stop for one second, you can run right past them.

Bottom line: know the path you are going to take (either through the library or around the middle section with the slytherin banners on it) and don't hesitate or stop at any time!

Guest answered:

Just try to run and jump so they can't catch you;)

Matt77 answered:

I never thought of using the library hallway but you can use that.Or just run!I've dun it about 20 times and I haven't used the library shortcut.I've only got caught once!


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