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How do I keep Fluffy's head sleeping?

Question asked by Kermit95 on
Last Modified:

Question for Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

How do I keep Fluffy's head sleeping?

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cheat_freak answered:

First of all, you should've submitted this under Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone questions, and to keep fluffy sleeping, make sure you alternate between the heads, and don't let any of them get fully awake.

lita4vp answered:

What you have to is keep trying to get ALL three heads to sleep at the same time!! One of the heads takes longer to wake up!

harrypotterexpert82 answered:

To keep fluffys head sleeping work your way down each one. Do the first one til it is asleep then do the same thing to the other two heads. Also I agree with the person who said this should be under Harry Potter and the Sorcerors Stone.

myoujou answered:

Actually, I find it helpful to get the first head ALMOST all the way asleep, then do the same to the next head, go back to the first head, make it almost asleep again, then make the third head fall all the way asleep, then do the second, then the first. Hope it helps.


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