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You can boost the attributes of your hero to make them more powerful by attaching gems to them. Gems are magical items that you either find or craft, there are 6 different types of gems and a total of 9 tiers of each gem type. Gems are scattered all over Oz and can be acquired either by completing battles in the Campaign or by using the 'Pool of Wonders'. The gems you find will be random so to get the ones you want to strengthen and customise your character you will need to battle often. Gem Crafting is unlocked at Team Level 6 and involves combining 2 lower level gems together, plus Essence. As your Team Level increases, you will unlock more gems that can be crafted. Below is a list of the different gems and what bonus for Health, Power, Evasion, or Speed they give, what level they unlock, and what is needed to craft them.


Common Ruby:

Plus 20 Health / Level 1 / 2 Ruby Ore

Uncommon Ruby:

Plus 40 Health / Level 5 / 2 Common Ruby +20 Health

Rare Ruby:

Plus 65 Health / Level 7 / 2 Uncommon Ruby +40 Health

Radiant Ruby:

Plus 80 Health / Level 8 / 2 Rare Ruby +65 Health

Regal Ruby:

Plus 100 Health / Level 14 / 2 Radiant Ruby +80 Health

Rare Regal Ruby:

Plus 120 Health / Level 20 / 2 Regal Ruby +100 Health

Grand Regal Ruby:

Pus 140 Health / Level 23 / 2 Rare Regal Ruby +120 Health

Noble Ruby:

Plus 160 Health / Level 26 / 2 Grand Regal Ruby +140 Health

Rare Noble Ruby:

Plus 180 Health / Level 29 / 2 Noble Ruby +160 Health

Grand Noble Ruby:

Plus 200 Health / Level 35 / 2 Rare Noble Ruby +180 Health


Common Sapphire:

Plus 5 Power / Level 1 / 2 Sapphire Ore

Uncommon Sapphire:

Plus 10 Power / Level 5 / 2 Common Sapphire +5 Power

Rare Sapphire:

Plus 15 Power / Level 7 / 2 Uncommon Sapphire +10 Power

Radiant Sapphire:

Plus 20 Power / Level 9 / 2 Rare Sapphire +15 Power

Regal Sapphire:

Plus 25 Power / Level 15 / 2 Radiant Sapphire +20 Power

Rare Regal Sapphire:

Plus 30 Power / Level 21 / 2 Regal Sapphire +25 Power

Grand Regal Sapphire:

Plus 35 Power / Level 24 / 2 Rare Regal Sapphire +30 Power

Noble Sapphire:

Plus 40 Power / Level 27 / 2 Grand Regal Sapphire +35 Power

Rare Noble Sapphire:

Plus 45 Power / Level 30 / 2 Noble Sapphire +40 Power

Grand Noble Sapphire:

Plus 50 Power / Level 36 / 2 Rare Noble Sapphire +45 Power


Common Amethyst:

Plus 2 Evasion / Level 1 / 2 Amethyst Ore

Uncommon Amethyst:

Plus 4 Evasion / Level 5 / 2 Common Amethyst +2 Evasion

Rare Amethyst:

Plus 6 Evasion / Level 7 / 2 Uncommon Amethyst +4 Evasion

Radiant Amethyst:

Plus 8 Evasion / Level 10 / 2 Rare Amethyst +6 Evasion

Regal Amethyst:

Plus 10 Evasion / Level 16 / 2 Radiant Amethyst +8 Evasion

Rare Regal Amethyst:

Plus 12 Evasion / Level 22 / 2 Regal Amethyst +10 Evasion

Grand Regal Amethyst:

Plus 14 Evasion / Level 25 / 2 Rare Regal Amethyst +12 Evasion

Noble Amethyst:

Plus 16 Evasion / Level 28 / 2 Grand Regal Amethyst +14 Evasion

Rare Noble Amethyst:

Plus 18 Evasion / Level 31 / 2 Noble Amethyst +16 Evasion

Grand Noble Amethyst:

Plus 20 Evasion / Level 37 / 2 Rare Noble Amethyst +18 Evasion


Common Topaz:

Plus 1 Speed / Level 1 / 2 Topaz Ore

Uncommon Topaz:

Plus 2 Speed / Level 5 / 2 Common Topaz +1 Speed

Rare Topaz:

Plus 3 Speed / Level 7 / 2 Uncommon Topaz +2 Speed

Radiant Topaz:

Plus 4 Speed / Level 11 / 2 Rare Topaz +3 Speed

Regal Topaz:

Plus 5 Speed / Level 17 / 2 Radiant Topaz +4 Speed

Rare Regal Topaz:

Plus 6 Speed / Level 21 / 2 Regal Topaz +5 Speed

Grand Regal Topaz:

Plus 7 Speed / Level 25 / 2 Rare Regal Topaz +6 Speed

Noble Topaz:

Plus 8 Speed / Level 28 / 2 Grand Regal Topaz +7 Speed

Rare Noble Topaz:

Plus 9 Speed / Level 32 / 2 Noble Topaz +8 Speed

Grand Noble Topaz:

Plus 10 Speed / Level 38 / 2 Rare Noble Topaz +9 Speed


Common Opal:

Plus 5 Defense / Level 1 / 2 Opal Ore

Uncommon Opal:

Plus 10 Defense / Level 5 / 2 Common Opal +5 Defense

Rare Opal:

Plus 15 Defense / Level 7 / 2 Uncommon Opal +10 Defense

Radiant Opal:

Plus 20 Defense / Level 12 / 2 Rare Opal +15 Defense

Regal Opal:

Plus 25 Defense / Level 18 / 2 Radiant Opal +20 Defense

Rare Regal Opal:

Plus 30 Defense / Level 22 / 2 Regal Opal +25 Defense

Grand Regal Opal:

Plus 35 Defense / Level 24 / 2 Rare Regal Opal +30 Defense

Noble Opal:

Plus 40 Defense / Level 27 / 2 Grand Regal Opal +35 Defense

Rare Noble Opal:

Plus 45 Defense / Level 33 / 2 Noble Opal +40 Defense

Grand Noble Opal:

Plus 50 Defense / Level 39 / 2 Rare Noble Opal +45 Defense


Common Diamond:

Plus 2 Crit Rate / Level 1 / 2 Diamond Ore

Uncommon Diamond:

Plus 4 Crit Rate / Level 5 / 2 Common Diamond +2 Crit Rate

Rare Diamond:

Plus 6 Crit Rate / Level 7 / 2 Uncommon Diamond +4 Crit Rate

Radiant Diamond:

Plus 8 Crit Rate / Level 13 / 2 Rare Diamond +6 Crit Rate

Regal Diamond:

Plus 10 Crit Rate / Level 19 / 2 Radiant Diamond +8 Crit Rate

Rare Regal Diamond:

Plus 12 Crit Rate / Level 20 / 2 Regal Diamond +10 Crit Rate

Grand Regal Diamond:

Plus 14 Crit Rate / Level 23 / 2 Rare Regal Diamond +12 Crit Rate

Noble Diamond:

Plus 16 Crit Rate / Level 26 / 2 Grand Regal Diamond +14 Crit Rate

Rare Noble Diamond:

Plus 18 Crit Rate / Level 34 / 2 Noble Diamond +16 Crit Rate

Grand Noble Diamond:

Plus 20 Crit Rate / Level 40 / 2 Rare Noble Diamond +18 Crit Rate

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