I want to go to the acorn festival but I don't know when it is. Please help!!!
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The Acorn Festival is in th second week of August, a notice will appear on your message board saying when it starts. You will also know because cornimer, tortimers brother will be outside The Town Hall.
Actually, it is the 2nd week of October, not August.
Glad I Could Help
Yeah Progamerscl was Kinda right but I know the day it begins even though I lost my animal crossing wild world game.
The festival starts on October 9th.
Hope this helps. From Majorgamer.
It's at the second week of October. It starts at October 9th any year.
mynintendo22 The Animal Crossing fan and Genius
9th october
I believe that it is MyNintendo22 got it correct
thanks guys that really helped me when and what date and what month do birdwing butterflies come out?
callum the animal crossing lover
Birdwings are out in September for sure.
]where do the acorns fall how do i get them
acorns only fall of the trees that do not have fruit on them
acorns are almost like fruit. you know when you shake a fruit tree how the fruit falls out. the acorns are like that. u don't shake them out of trees but a regular tree will have some at the bottom of it. almost like fruit(ish) also birdwings are out in july i know and i think agust too. any of the summer months.
The acorns start to fall on OLctober 9th and Birdwing butterflies come out in July/August/September cus I found 1 in all those months.
Also is there a money cheat-can you get loads of bells without selling your stuff???
I'm having the Acron festival abit earlier. It's on the fourth of October for seven days. Hope I helped.
The Acorn Festival starts on Oct 4. I am playing in Australia if that makes any difference at all.
It is on October 9th the 2nd week...if yu are on Nov or Dec you can go back time, when yu are about to chose you charatr, go to the phoen and go to reset time it will alowe yu 2 change the date.
Also if you use a golden spade to bury money a tree growing money sprouts
The acron fest is oct.4th-9th and you can change the date to get there after it is over. To do this go to the phone in you bedroom befroe you start turn it 1 month later then save and turn it to oct.4th and do this until you you have gave conimor 230 acrons! Hope I helped
The Acorn Festival is on the 9th of october
I know it is because I always love the Acorn Festival!By the way the acorns don't sell for much though so I would give them to the acorn man to get all kinds of mush furniture! Make sure you empty your pockets so there is room for lots of acorns!
It is on october 4th because it just started for me on october 4th
OCT.9 on mine, I live out of the states, if it even makes a difference...
What about people in the you.k what is the date if you are in the you.k I want to know so I can get mush stuff I have lots of plan trees
I don't know to I realy wanna know but I know when you have to collect mushrooms?
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I hope this has helped!