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Elite 4 cheats for Pokemon Platinum

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Elite 4


This is your last Rival battle and below are their stats depending on which Pokemon you started with. As previous editions of Pokemon (Diamond and Pearl) the lineups are the same but at a slightly reduced level. Apart from one it is the Gym Leaders in Pokemon Platinum that are more powerful.

If Your Starter is Turtwig

Staraptor - Lv. 48

Floatzel - Lv. 47

Heracross - Lv. 48

Roserade - Lv. 47

Snorlax - Lv. 49

Infernape - Lv. 51

If Your Starter is Cimchar

Staraptor - Lv. 48

Rapidash - Lv. 47

Heracross - Lv. 48

Roserade - Lv. 47

Snorlax - Lv. 49

Empoleon - Lv. 51

If Your Starter is Piplup

Staraptor - Lv. 48

Floatzel - Lv. 47

Heracross - Lv. 48

Rapidash - Lv. 47

Snorlax - Lv. 49

Torterra - Lv. 51

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Added By Dennis
ID#10614 | REPORT..
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