Bonus Bonus BONUS!!!!!
Bonus levels:
To open the bonus levels you need to select beginner difficulty and complete the 10 levels in World 1 without using a continue.
Then you�ll get 10 bonus beginner levels. Then select advanced difficulty and finish 30 levels in Worlds 2,3 and 4 without using a continue to unlock 10 advanced levels, pretty tricky.
Then if you�re feeling really skilled select expert level and complete all 50 levels in Worlds 5,6,7,8,9 and 10 to unlock your 10 bonus expert levels.
Party Games:
It takes 2,500 play points to unlock a party game. The quickest way to rack up points is in the challenge mode. Play the Beginner level a few times without continuing to earn the extra stages and get more play points.
When you gain 2,500 play points save the game.
Put a memory card in slot B and transfer the saved file to slot B. Once you open slot B you can then play all the mini-games.
Super sneaky.
Monkey Bowling 2:
Play as Baby to have the aim slow down, it makes it a lot easier to control the spin.
Monkey Race 2:
To get a quick start out of the blocks pull the Analog stick down and as soon as it says �GO� pres the analog stick up and press A at the same time.
Takes a bit of practice but when you get it right you�ll always get off to a flying start.
Don't stop here... Check out our complete collection of Super Monkey Ball 2 cheats
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