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I really want some shiny Pokemon but I don't have game shark. Can some..

Question asked by goal machine on
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Question for Pokemon Emerald

I really want some shiny Pokemon but I don't have game shark. Can some people please tell me what some shinies look like so I can know what I'm looking for the only one I have caught so far is a silver wailmer. If you can answer plz do it asap thanksSmile

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Shadow_Cresselia_101 answered:

...! OMG!! I saw a shiny meowth owned by a person in some place, and I caught a shiny tentacool in gold, but my little bro erased my file... No tips sorry

-Shadow Cresselia

mitsu answered:

You're very lucky to have caught the silver wailmer!!!
Catching a shiny Pokemon is so rare it has a rate of one in every 8,400 or something close to that number! When it evolves you'll have a shiny wailord, but shiny Pokemon don't breed shinys, so before it evolves, you'd better decide if you really want a shiny wailord, or if you'd rather just keep your shiny wailmer.

Seriously, I'd be surprised if you ever encounter a shiny again without cheating!

I've been playing Pokemon for 5 years solidly (every day) I have played every version (of the regular ones like ruby and yellow, etc not mystery dungeon or dash) and I've only found a shiny spinarak. I didn't know what it was at the time, so I erased it. (argh!) And my friend got a shiny exeggutor. but she wouldn't trade it no matter how much I begged!

Some shiny pokemon:
Charizard: instead of red, it's black
Rapidash: has blue flames instead of red
Spinarak: purple instead of green
Gyarados: is red not blue
Magicarp: gold instead of red

but if you want to see images of all the shiny Pokemon ever go to this website:


They have almost anyhing you want to know about pokemon. And they have all the shiny images, as well as the regular images, either go to their 'shiny' section but there are shiny images in their regular pokedex section.

Youre very lucky, and I doubt you'll ever see another shiny Pokemon ever again! Cherish it!

100 KING answered:

You will know that they are shinies when you see them. When the battle starts they will be a different colour which should be distinguishable. And also when the battle starts a glowing ring of stars will appear around the pokemon. the odds of you seeing one are 1- 8000some i think it was 8421 or some thing..i dunno

steelersrock01 answered:

You can go to and they hgave a really cool pokedex.

brodock answered:

Sharpedo is purple/pink
Carvahna is like green on top and light blue on bottom
Or you can go to it has a complete pokedex with shineys
It helped me alot


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