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What should my starter Pokemon be?

Question asked by dreamer07 on
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Question for Pokemon Emerald

What should my starter Pokemon be?

Lv.5 torchick
Lv.5 mudkip
Lv.5 treeko

what should i pick?

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steelersrock01 answered:

Depends on your personality. It doesn't matter.

games rock!!! answered:

It all depends on what kind of Pokemon you want.Torchic speacilizes in attack and sp.attack.Trecko is speed.Mudkip is defence and sp.defence.
personally I pick torchic because once it evolves once it can take on the first few gymes by it's self.

the_people_champ answered:

Id go with Torchic Since it has 2 types Fire/Fighting on its evolves. u can catch other water pokemons and grass but torchic is one of a kind

cgcookiegirl answered:

I'd agree on Torchic. Its 3rd evolve form isn't to be messed around with.

Riku994 answered:

If you want a challenge fighting the gyms, but an easy elite four, choose torchic. If you want medium difficulty gyms and medium elite four, choose mudkip. If you want easy gyms and a challenging elite four, choose treecko.

Lord Akuser answered:

Mudkip and Treeko are useful for the first gym. But, I usually go with Torchic, for the fact that when fully evovled he is also a fighting type, and so the game will be slightly tougher. Therefore, you train more. So go with Torchic. And here is a suggestion, when in petalburg forest, get a slakoth.

jake_burch answered:

For me I picked torchick because he is real good against rock, grass, ice, and has many good moves.Dont pick treeko trust me.

blaze5 answered:

TORChick it takes work but it payes off blaziken can pretty much desroy anythinj in it's path at high level

gameboyzRULE! answered:

Treecko is the best because it is stong against groudon and kyogre


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