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Yes,I am back with my other teams. Please reccomend different attacks(if..

Question asked by stuartw2006 on
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Question for Pokemon Emerald

Yes,I am back with my other teams. Please reccomend different attacks(if there are any).thanks
Sneasel Lv100:Ice Beam,Slash,Beat Up,Metal Claw.
Jolteon Lv100:Thunderbolt,Thunder,Shock Wave,Spark.
Espeon Lv 100:Psychic,Psybeam,Return,Shadow Ball.
Umbreon Lv100:Bite,Faint Attack,Slash,Iron Tail.
Flareon LV100:Flamethrower,Fire Blast,Flame Wheel,Shadow Ball.
Vaporeon Lv100:Surf,Aurora Beam,Ice Beam,Water Pulse.
Yes,I know they are all eeveelutions(except Snesel),but they are very strong,and beat any trainer,without a problem.

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Pokemon Emerald Guide
Check out this monster of a guide to get you through every inch of Pokemon Emerald. The whole game is covered including, the Elite 4, Champion Battl..

whiplash234 answered:

Why do people think that ther team is perfect

Sneasel it should have something in place of beat up

Jolteon drop thunder for something with more accuracy

Espeon psybeam for me is not accurate enough replace it with a good psycihc move

Umbreon iron tail on umbreon does not work take it to the move re-learner to re-learn tackle

Flareon replace fire blast with something

Vaporeon it is ok

I would rate it 6/10

Zelda Fan answered:

Its a good team I would have to give it a 8/10.

spiral-man answered:

I rate it 6/10.
Don't put that many electric attacks on Jolteon, fire attacks on Flareon,etc...

pokemongirl74 answered:

This team IS perfect (shut up whiplash234)


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