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Hi! I'm stuck on Lilycove city where 2 team aqua grunts are blocking the..

Question asked by parosXL on
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Question for Pokemon Emerald

I'm stuck on Lilycove city where 2 team aqua grunts are blocking the way to their hideout....I have read many answers I have done everything but when I go to talk to them they just say ''i hear that team magma is trying to awaken a Pokemon at their hideout''
Then I go to slateport but Cpt. Stern isnt there....Please I need help. Thanks

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Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough and Complete Guide
Pokemon Emerald Guide
Check out this monster of a guide to get you through every inch of Pokemon Emerald. The whole game is covered including, the Elite 4, Champion Battl..

Guest answered:

Go to mt.pyre.after you went in mt.pyre o on slateport

Guest answered:

What you should do is try to flush Magma from their hideout. To do this, you must first hit up Mt. Pyre. Go in and head to the left, onto the outside of the mountain. Follow the path, until you recieve the item MAGMA EMBLEM. Go to Lavaridge/Mauville and head to the path below Mount Chimney [not Fiery Path, but the other one--the one connecting Mount Chimney to Lavaridge with the old lady and lava cookies out in the front] and head up/down [depending on the entrance. Lavaridge entrance requires Acro Bike] until you see a large rock and an opening from the tremors from before. Go inside, navigate to Magma Leader Maxie, beat him, then exit. Fly to Slateport, then listen to the announcement. Blah, blah, blah, after that cutscene, you should be able to enter Aqua Hideout and find items NUGGET, NET BALL, MASTER BALL, RARE CANDY, PROTEIN, and one TM. There may be a couple more. Anyway, once you beat Aqua Admin, head to Mossdeep and continue your story.

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Guest said: 29th Feb 2020 | REPORT
Guest answered:

Go to route 122 at Mr. Pyre go near the stairs you will see a door there go there and climb all that way up ready you super repel.


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