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where can i buy ether,elixir etc.??????

Question asked by elchino on
Last Modified:

where can i buy ether,elixir etc.??????

Here is my question where can I buy ether max ether elixir or max elixir in fire red I searched all the marts in the game and no one have those itmes I will apprecite you're help

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PurpleKecleon answered:

You can't get ethers, elixirs, etc. At stores, you can only get them on the ground or with the ability Pickup.

dark-master answered:

No store sells them you have to level up a Pokemon to about level 50 then thats when you ghet the good stuf like rare candies max elexir, and yeah

Showing latest replies - show all (6)
Guest said: 3rd Nov 2013 | REPORT
He means he has pokemon above level 50 and can still not buy ether or elixer as do i and cant buy it. Anyone actually know what route to find them on in crystal?
Guest said: 5th May 2017 | REPORT
Guest said: 2nd Nov 2017 | REPORT
Pickup on a lvl 50+ PokΓ©mon...
Guest said: 27th Dec 2017 | REPORT
Plant many leppa berries lol
jared-285q answered:

Purple kecleon is right, you can't buy them but in emerald there is the chance that a Pokemon level 91-100 with pick up has a 3% chance of picking up a max elixir and a Pokemon level 61-80 has a 1% cahnce of picking up elixir

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Guest said: 9th Oct 2014 | REPORT
So what happen to the pokemon between 81-90 .-. .......what chance do they have
Guest said: 21st Dec 2014 | REPORT
Probably 2%
Guest answered:

get it in victory road with itemfinder on emerald[spoiler][/spoiler]

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Guest said: 24th Feb 2015 | REPORT
you can get rayquaza before beating the elite four! Just go back to the tower where he was and climb it using a mach bike. He will be there! Simple :P
Guest said: 4th Jun 2015 | REPORT
yes you can get rayquaza before elite 4 as above says
Guest said: 10th Mar 2016 | REPORT
I completely obliterated the Sootopolis Gym with it
Guest said: 23rd Nov 2020 | REPORT
Sorry, πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘ but I tried that trick, but when I got there it wasn't there, what a disssapointment πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘πŸ˜‘
Guest answered:

I wish you could but you can't buy them in any Pokemon game. I needed them for the Pokemon league to beat champion wallace.

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Guest said: 12th Aug 2014 | REPORT
Grow lots and lots of leppa berries. They immediately restore 10PP to any move.
Guest said: 26th Jun 2015 | REPORT
Me to
Guest said: 20th May 2016 | REPORT
Where do i find leppa berries? (On what road)
Guest said: 26th Jul 2016 | REPORT
Route 103-104, 119, 123, Lilycove City
Guest answered:

Yeah... He's right... You can't buy them in store...
You can only pick 'em and you can also find some berries that can restore you pokemon's PP...

Guest answered:

Leppa berries are your best choice tehy ggrow somewhat quick,about a day or so between plants,and restore 10 PP to whatever move it's used on.

Guest answered:

Leppa is definitely the way to go no cost and you can plant the whole field at the berry masters field produces usually 12 each crop.

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Guest said: 22nd Jun 2019 | REPORT
Guest answered:

Tip: use pp up to raise the pp of a move before battleing

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omega_delta said: 30th Dec 2014 | REPORT
But like elixirs, PP up are cannot buy anywhere even in energy guru.
Guest answered:

Well guys all of you are wrong. You Can buy elixr..
Lillycove Department Store Lvl4

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omega_delta said: 30th Dec 2014 | REPORT
Lvl4 is the TMs only
Guest said: 15th Apr 2015 | REPORT
The lilycove department store is at the emerald
Guest answered:

Your wrong you can't buy it on lvl 4 of the store I literally just checked because thats why I searched this question

Guest answered:

Hey I'm not sure if this is a glitch...but wats a jiracji....bc it said a wild jirachi looked like a star...
Plz reply and tell me....

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Guest said: 23rd Mar 2014 | REPORT
no offence, but everybody that plays pokemon knows who jirachi is
Guest said: 1st Jun 2019 | REPORT
Jirachi is a legendary pokemon
sceptileuno1 said: 1st Jun 2019 | REPORT
Jirachi is a legendary pokemon
Guest answered:

Jirachi is a legendary pokemon. It is said it can grant wishes and teleport things. It only awakens 1 week every thousand years.

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Guest said: 7th Dec 2013 | REPORT
Looks like he has to wait another thousand years hahahah
Guest said: 11th Jun 2014 | REPORT
jirachi is a wishes pokemon which rarely appear
Guest answered:

Well that sucks... :(

omega_delta answered:

You will cannot buy those items you told. Torestore the used-up PP moves, lepra berries is the way. Besides you can make more lepra berries while those items you told can only duplicate in Pokemon emerald.

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Guest said: 30th Dec 2016 | REPORT
no in fire red u can buy from the league only in fire red
Guest answered:

You can only obtain plelixers by finding them and you can't buy them

Guest answered:

You can't in the main story you need to get to an island event that happened in 2014


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