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I was wonderingh how to make the little girl laugh in rustboro?

Question asked by Spider*******Man on
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Question for Pokemon Emerald

I was wonderingh how to make the little girl laugh in rustboro

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cheating-is-good answered:

To make her laugh, you must input a funny, or hilarious phrase that she might laugh at. I think that it is completely random, because I entered Fubardug and she started laughing, while my brother inserted a bunch of profanity, and and made her laugh as well, so say something that you think is funny. Good luck.

Showing latest replies - show all (5)
Guest said: 21st May 2012 | REPORT
the stupidest comment ever stupid liar

Guest said: 18th Sep 2012 | REPORT
people stop with the talking just say how to get it to much talking!!!!!!!

Guest said: 15th Oct 2012 | REPORT
how to catch giratina in pokemon emerald
Guest said: 29th May 2014 | REPORT
I tried it didn't work
Johnboy645 answered:

Someone told me it was a code something haveing to do with your ID it must of been bogus

LugiaMaster101 answered:

There is a code website on how to make her laugh.

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Guest said: 11th Dec 2013 | REPORT
What is it
Guest said: 18th Jan 2015 | REPORT
pak U
Guest answered:

all you get is extra wallpapers for your pc gaaay

Guest answered:

you have to go on a website but I forgot whitch one

Guest answered:

Searh it on google . That`s a code . Its randomly given , it depends in your ID. No. In you're trainer card . Hope it helps .

Guest answered:

Ok I get the id badge might help but how or where do I find this?

Guest answered:

I found the code that I could use (depends on ID), but now I can't find walda. >:l

aaricclontz answered:

@Guest that can't find Walda shes in Rustboro city near The Cutter's House


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