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What is the most effective SLEEP move?

Question asked by bluefire on
Last Modified:

Question for Pokemon Crystal

What is the most effective SLEEP move?
Sing, Hypnosis, Sleep Powder just to name a few.

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jamesiles06 answered:

I would say sleep powder,hypnosis is rubbish as when I go into the battle tower with my gengar,mew and snorlax,i use hynosis and half the time it misses, I reccomend Sing or sleep powder.

DigDug Dude answered:

I can't be sure, but I think Snore or Nightmare would be better depending on the situation your in. Snore against weaker Pokemon, Nightmare against better ones.

spideraman99 answered:

Spore, learned by Paras. I think it has the highest chance of hitting.

rockinangels answered:

There are sing, sleep powder, hypnosis, spore.
The most effective is sing I think
Hope this helps :D

Prof. Eevee answered:

I don't play Crystal, but Spore has 100 accuracy while the others have only about 55 accuracy (if any book or walkthrough talks about needing a reliable Sleep move, Spore is the one to use). Hope I help.

Eevee rox!

Guest answered:

Sing is the worst, Spore is the best

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Guest said: 20th Mar 2018 | REPORT
I think
-Spore has 100 % acc
-sleeppowder has 75% acc
-sing and hypnosis has 55-60% (;-( poor hypno and jigglibuff7)

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