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how to get in 8th gym pokemon crystal

Question asked by great gamer on
Last Modified:

how to get in 8th gym pokemon crystal

I got to blackthorn city to do the last gym leader and there was someone blocking the entrance and he told me that clair was in the dragon cave so I sufed there and he said no, only chosen trainers are aloud. So please help

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DoomDragon12 answered:

Try goin into the Pokemon center, then look around. Lance is around somewhere I think

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Guest said: 16th Sep 2020 | REPORT
this is the most useless response. lance is not anywhere near the pc let along the city. you need to go back to the radio tower and defeat team rocket
Guest answered:

Go to golden rod city and to the radio tower and defeat team rocket then go back

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Guest said: 14th Feb 2014 | REPORT

Guest said: 25th Jan 2015 | REPORT
LoL ive already defeat the team rocket in mahogani city and ive seen lance in there and after that i proceed to where the last gym leader i could battle
Guest said: 30th Dec 2019 | REPORT
how to go in master of team rocket
Guest answered:

You get waterfall on the way to the last gym leader in the ice place where you slip everywhere

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Guest said: 24th Jul 2016 | REPORT
Call me i will tel everything
Guest answered:

I have defeated Clair but I don't get the 8th badge.... What should I do???

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Guest said: 18th Jul 2019 | REPORT
Did you do the rest of the gyms?
Guest said: 17th Jan 2023 | REPORT
surf upwards and the man will now let you in and then find the 8th badge
Guest answered:

After beating the 8th gym youll be asked to find something for your badge , Use surf on the water behide( around ) the 8th gym . Going in the cave and floating around the sides you'll find it

Guest answered:

After beating the 8th gym youll be asked to find something for your badge , Use surf on the water behide( around ) the 8th gym . Going in the cave and floating around the sides you'll find it


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