10 Disturbing Easter Eggs in Video Games

When the Easter Egg was first introduced as an established part of the world of video games it was most often used to stick messages into games but, as the games became more sophisticated it quickly turned into a means for sharing inside jokes and humor in a hidden way.

Unfortunately - or fortunately depending upon your point-of-view - it was not long before some fairly disturbing Easter Eggs ended up in games. In fact there is no shortage of that sort of thing today, and that said, we thought it might be interesting to take a look at the state of the disturbing Easter Eggs and come up with our own list of the Top 10.

And here it is!

10. Pokemon Ghost Girls

Considering the Pokemon games spawned what is arguably one of the most popular (and profitable) animated TV show and movie empire for kids pretty much you know, ever, you would not think that its games would make our list of the Top 10 Spookiest Easter Eggs in Video Games, right? Well you would be wrong...

Concealed throughout the regions of Pokemon are Ghost Girls - literally dead girls who remain earthbound, in ghost form, for reasons we are not really sure about. Curious? Check it out...

Pokemon Diamond, Pearl and Platinum contain two easy to encounter ghosts - one is an old man, the other is a little girl, both of which haunt the Old Chateau...

In Pokemon Black and White following your victory over the Elite Four, as you cross the bridge you encounter a ghostly little girl standing on the bridge who will disappear when you approach her. Heading east of the bridge to the gate you encounter an old woman who tells you that the ghostly girl used to play there with her Abra - before the bridge was built.

While we never really learn her backstory in Pokemon Black 2 and White 2 the same ghostly little girl appears in The Strange House that you encounter on your journey. When you encounter her on the upper floor she actually talks to you - first looking for her family and her Abra - and then she talks about the Lunar Wing (which is what you came to The Strange House for).

In Pokemon X and Y a different Ghost Girl is found in the Dojo in Lumiose City - specifically as you are coming off of the lift on the upper floor. Unlike the girl in the Black and White games she does not tell you anything other than the cryptic pronouncement: 'No, you're not the one.'

You will encounter her again in the Hotel, but that encounter does not provide any more information than the previous one...

In Pokemon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire when you battle Phoebe of the Elite Four if you pay close attention during the run-up to the battle you will spot a very young ghost girl who may be her dead little sister. Not only that, but during the encounter the camera keeps changing its POV - with the view appearing to be that of the ghost girl as she moves around the gym.

Phoebe's little sister is not the only ghost you encounter in the game either. Remember the girl from the Dojo and Hotel in X and Y? When you enter Mount Pyre in the game you find her standing among the grave markers inside -- and if you talk to her she just tells you 'No, you're not the one' again.

So who is the one? Will we ever find out? Considering that the wizards who make the games have a long and well established history of building in long-term events that eventually tell a story it is certainly possible - but it is still pretty creepy!

Posted: 6th Mar 2015 by CMBF
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Nintendo DS,