Top 10 Video Game Firsts

05. First Video Game to become a Major Motion Picture

Considering how many video games have made the transition from video game to movie over the course of the past thirty years, you're probably good and curious as to which one was the first now that we brought this first to your attention...

Before we reveal that though, we should probably point out that the transition (perhaps interpretation is a better way to say it) of video game to movie generally speaking is about as successful as the transition of book to movie, which is to say not very successful at all in that it generally results in either a very cheesy movie, or worse, a movie whose script writer (more often a director with “vision”) has horribly militated it by injecting their own take / creative light into it. Ruined it in other words. Sigh.

Of course that is not so much true with movies that became video games... OK yes it is.

The first video game to be translated into a Major Motion Picture? Super Mario Brothers. No, really. Not kidding...

Super Mario Brothers the Movie was released in 1993, and starred John Leguizamo (he played Benny Blanco in Carlito's Way but you probably remember him better as Javier in Kick-Ass 2 if you actually went to see it?) as Luigi and Bob Hoskins (probably best remembered as the protagonist Eddie Valiant in Who Framed Roger Rabbit) as Mario to what were arguably mixed reviews...

So the first video game to make the transition to movies is also the first video game to set the trend for that transition to be umm, well, bad. And there you go! What a first / first!

Whats the first 8-bit Video Game Console? Find out on the next page...

Posted: 24th Jan 2014 by CMBF