The Top 10 Video Game Intros

02. Heavy Rain (2010 Quantic Dream)

This is one of those cases where if you did not play the game you simply cannot understand the way that the Intro ends up setting the stage emotionally for what is to come. This happens largely due to the fact that the Intro use of cinematic slicing is not, as is almost always the case, the presentation of visual license, since the game itself is played in that style.

The fact that Heavy Rain was a platform exclusive should in no way flavor or effect your willingness to consider it for the list - but then you only have to watch the Intro again to want to play the game again, and that is sort of the point.

01. Mass Effect 3 (2012 BioWare)

How can you top this? The game begins on the Normandy -- a ship you know well from the previous two games -- with a crew that is familiar to you -- and your character of course, who is very very familiar to you. You start walking through the Normandy and then everything goes pear-shaped!

The fact that the Intro CS illustrates your own death in graphic and vivid terms makes this one of the most painful -- and most stunning -- Intro CS's ever.

Can you think of any that should have made our list of top 10 video game intros?

Posted: 12th Nov 2013 by CMBF
The Top 10 Video Game Intros