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How do you get 100 coins in Tick Tock Clock?

Question asked by shadow lugia on
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Question for Super Mario 64

How do you get 100 coins in Tick Tock Clock?

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sheiny answered:

It would take too long to tell you where 100 Coins are individually, but I will tell you that if you stop the Clock (jump into the Level when the second hand is at the 12), it's easier to get 100 Coins; another thing that you need to make sure you do is get all of the Blue Coins and get as high as you can. This is kinda difficult - so keep searchin' =D

Aeon-Flux answered:

You need to run around every where to find them.

darkdeoxys24 answered:

You may not have one, but a VERY easy way is to use a gameshark and use the code "Press GS button for 99 coins" It gives you 99 coins so you only need one more coin. The code is probably (but I'm not sure because I'm getting this from another source that I haven't tried yet) 8933B218 0063.

Guest answered:

If you can wal-kick this task of 100 coins is easy. But for thoes of us who sill can't it's nearly impossible. Yes stoping the clock is the key to getting all 100coins jump in on the hour and the clok will be frozen when you enter. 12 is the ez way to do it. Start with the red coins and just keep collecting them as you go up the clock, be sure to get every blue coin and all the boxes and you can make it. The hardest part is the walk kick after the pole climb. Good luck.

YoshiMario121 answered:

I may not play super mario 64. But heres how. You need to go into the clock at 12. Go everywhere and youre over.


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