Top 10 Ghosts in Video Games

07. Call of Duty: Finest Hour -- The Crib Boy Ghost

Considering that the Call of Duty series is a first-person shooter series that takes place during wars - both big and small - you would think it would be a magnate for ghosts, right? I mean seriously! There must be fifty-seven-zillion people killed from the first one to the last. And yet, no, not so much really. In fact there is only one fully verified ghost to be found in the main series! Ah, but what a ghost.

To our way of thinking when you encounter a ghost in a video game it should be disturbing. It should be a ghost with a story - not just you know, oh look, there is a ghost here, ho hum.... No! It should leave you wondering what the deal is! It should cause you to slowly face palm and say to yourself, “Self, that was messed up!”

Well the wizards behind Call of Duty: Finest Hour clearly see the matter from our point-of-view - because their ghost? Yeah, truly disturbing.

First of all the ghost is encountered in a hidden room that is itself an Easter Egg, which is filled with OTHER Easter Eggs, and yet the ghost portion fully qualifies as (1) Ghost, (2) Easter Egg, and (3) Spooky Easter Egg! Yeah, that is value for your money baby!

So check it out, there is this double set of phantom doors you have to blow open with hand grenades. Once you do that, you go in and whhhhaaaatttt?! Wind up toys? Teddy Bears?? Special Weapons?! What IS this! Why it is an Easter Egg Room!

As you approach the crib against the far wall you spot what first appears to be a boy who is a little bit too old to you know, BE in a crib - but then he FLOATS out of the room THROUGH the back wall! GHOST!

There is actually more to this than is first obvious - and oh, by the way, that ghost boy has a name: Teddy.

The appearance of the ghost in Finest Hour also heralds the introduction of the Teddy Bear Easter Egg in the game series - this being where it was first introduced. For most of its appearances in the games picking up the teddy bear will refill the player health and spawn a message saying "The teddy bear is adorable" just in case, you know, you missed that fact.

While it is easy enough to miss this Easter Egg room is also an homage room of sorts - to Harry Potter of all things! Seriously, the room has the enchanted ceiling from the main hall in the Potter stories, complete with Scabbers the Rat in a cage. How's that for mixed messages?

Posted: 20th Mar 2015 by CMBF