Top 10 Ghosts in Video Games

02. BioShock Infinite -- Lady Comstock

While there are a lot of games that have ghosts - and even some games in which you battle ghosts, one of the stand-out entries is Lady Comstock in BioShock Infinite...

Her backstory is actually something of a tragedy on its own: she marries the man, she believes in the man, she practically worships the man, and then slowly discovers that he is actually a nutter! Once that realization is made she decides to reveal the truth to the world and what does he do? Kills her and then turns her into a ghost.

Even when you hear her story via the Audio Logs (watch the video above) it is difficult to feel sympathy for her - especially after all that she puts you through...

That said, and you might think that considering that she would not be a threat to Booker, nope, during his first encounter with her she pretty much pops out of her dead body and puts Booker and Elizabeth through hell.

Once you get through the first nightmare events, you will eventually have to battle her - as in Boss Battle - well, her and her zombie army...

So yeah Lady Comstock is a pretty impressive ghost - and a shoe-in for our countdown!

Posted: 20th Mar 2015 by CMBF