10 Disturbing Easter Eggs in Video Games

03. Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien -- Slenderman Stalker

All things considered Runner2 is not the sort of game or game play experience that might be considered you know, creepy.

In fact to the casual gamer (meaning one not paying attention to the background) whose focus is on the running, jumping, collecting, platform style of play, it is really a fun and happy game world right?

Well, not so much really.

Actually if you think about this, finding that you are being stalked by Slenderman in this game would be creepy enough, but the events surrounding what the news media now calls 'The Slenderman Stabbing' -- which specifically is that incident where the two 12-year-old girls lured their supposed friend into the woods and then tried to kill her in order to appease Slenderman, who they thought was real... Yeah.

So with that weighing heavy on the mind, having Slenderman appear in a video game - and in particular a video game that is arguably just the sort of game that might appeal to 12-year-old girls (and boys) - let alone having him STALK you through the game in the background? Creeeeeppppyyyy!

And yet it happens!

Posted: 6th Mar 2015 by CMBF
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Nintendo DS,