10 Disturbing Easter Eggs in Video Games

04. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City -- Chainsaw Bathroom

To fully appreciate this Easter Egg in GTA Vice City you have to be familiar with one of the most gruesome scenes in the classic 1983 movie Scarface.

The movie - which is set in the Miami / Miami Beach area (same as is Vice City) - is about a Cuban immigrant named Tony Montana who shortly after arriving in the USA begins his slow (and violent) rise to the top of the food chain in South Florida's drug underworld.

Sound familiar? That is similar to the story and plot in Vice City, though granted the protagonist in this case is not from Cuba. But still...

Check out the video embedded above to see the scene from the movie that we are talking about here - warning, this is a pretty gruesome scene!

In GTA Vice City there is an apartment building very much like the one from the film. In fact Apartment 3C - the apartment from the movie - is there and, not only is it a faithful recreation of the scene from the movie, but it also happens to be where you can pick up a chainsaw of your very own!

Apartment 3C is not the only location in the game that was heavily influenced by the movie Scarface either...

The Malibu Club is a nightclub that factors heavily in the story and that is based on the Babylon Club from the movie.

Tommy Vercetti's mansion and estate in the game is loosely based on Tony's mansion from the film - in fact when you go into Tommy's office upstairs and look at the security monitors, the views that they are showing are of the mansion from the film!

If that was not enough, the last mission in the story also serves as an homage to the movie, the key difference being that in the movie Tony dies at the end, whereas in the game story Tommy survivies.

Posted: 6th Mar 2015 by CMBF
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Nintendo DS,