10 Disturbing Easter Eggs in Video Games

05. Black and White 2 - The Name Whisperer

While B&W2 certainly qualifies as a zen game in terms of laid back and soothing game play - which is actually a pretty common experience in GOD games - one of the spookiest Easter Eggs ever found in a video game happens to appear in it...

To understand this we have to set it up because the SEE here is actually an added stage to part of the regular game mechanics in the form of a sound effect. Specifically when a villager dies in your world, the game will whisper the word 'Death' to let you know that, hey, someone has died.

The thing is the whole time you are playing this game the game is playing you. Sort of.

What we mean by that is that one of the subroutines that the game uses every time you run it is to examine the registration string you created. It has been said that it may also look at the registration strings from OTHER programs as well, but we can't prove that.

What the game is looking for is your name. Yeah, really. Because if you happen to have a name that it can use, you will find that every now and then when a villager dies, instead of whispering 'deeeaatth!' all creepy like, it whispers your name!

So imagine you are playing B&W2 in the middle of the night - with headphones on so you don't disturb your sleeping wife and new baby (seriously, happened to me just like that) and suddenly this creepy disembodied voice whispers 'Chrriisss!'

And you're like, 'Whaaa?!' and looking around, and your heart is in your throat and you are totally convinced that your wife is messing with you so you look but no, she is asleep in the bedroom - well, either she is asleep or she has that Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon ninja-tree-walk sneaky-sneak thing down cold....

And the worse part about it is that it happens again and you are STILL convinced it was your wife messing with you, so in the morning you tell her you did NOT think that was funny and now she is convinced you are umm, well, nuts... Yeah. Good times. Good Times.

Posted: 6th Mar 2015 by CMBF
Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, PC, Nintendo DS,