The Top 10 Games of 2K Games

03. Borderlands 2 (Gearbox)

September 2012 - PC, Linux, OSX, PS3, X360, PSVita

One of the most fascinating elements of the Borderlands game series is the special weapon and item spawn engine that they created just for this game that, no kidding here, guarantees that you will NEVER obtain a duplicate of any weapon you get as dropped loot. Ever.

We are not sure exactly what the figure is but, by our math, there are something like a bazillion different weapons possibilities in this game.

Now granted, some of them you will consider garbage - in fact most of them will be garbage that is only fit to be sold to one of the weapon or kit machines found scattered throughout the world.

But every now and then - and often when you least expect it - you'll find a rare one (which you will instantly recognize by its special color) that was well worth the wait and the effort!

An epic sequel to the ultimate four-player RP-Shooter and lootfest that was Borderlands, B2 is Gearbox's answer to gamers with short attention spans.

Did we mention that the game comes in a safety wrapped package boldly printed with a warning that it is considered highly addictive?

Did we tell you that Borderlands 2 is more addictive than Crack? Or that you only have to SNIFF the outside of the box to become hopelessly addicted?

Did we reveal that Chuck Norris fears this game?

Probably not - but we also didn't tell you that every time you play the game and get a loot drop an angel gets its wings.

All true! We swear it!

The thing is Borderlands 2 is the direct sequel to the original Borderlands - heck you even see a return of some of the iconic characters from that first lootfest of a game - though not as playable characters mind you...

Its return in sequel form comes with all of the ribald humor, all of the bloodshed, even more special powers, and a new set of heroes who find themselves pitted against a new enemy even more hideous than the last.

That's right, Borderlands 2 delivers an all-new treasure-hunting adventure in the wastes of Pandora, and at the same time offers instant hero status as you help rid the world of Pandora of a right bastard and his goofy-looking satellite... That hangs there... In the sky... In front of the moon... So annoying.

If you take everything that was good about the original Borderlands and double it, you get Borderlands 2. That's prbably why they called it Borderlands TWO come to think about it. Or maybe not...

Still doesn't that make you want to run right out and play? It sure does us!

Posted: 21st Nov 2014 by CMBF
Xbox One, Xbox 360, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, PC,