Top 10 Hidden GameCube Gems

8. Cubivore

Continuing along the 'unusual' line of GameCube games, we have Cubivore, which is downright crazy. In Cubivore, you play in a world full of weird little cube creatures, wherein some 'colorless beasts' invade, who proceed to kill the Cubivores and drain the land of its color. It's up to you, a newly born Cubivore, to go out and become the king of everything in order to stop the colorless beasts from bringing the Cubivores to extinction.

How do you do this? By fighting other Cubivores and devouring them, earning new powers. This game is just the distilled essence of 'survival of the fittest', and in order to best the game you must become the fittest of them all. Eating other Cubivores allows your little bundle of death to grow and mutate into new forms, with enhanced fighting capabilities. At the end of the stage, your Cubivore goes off to mate with the local females, and that Cubivore's offspring goes on to fight through the next stage of Cubivores to devour.

If not for the game's angular and very different asthenic, one might think that Cubivore is an ultra-violent, gritty titleā€¦ and, well, it is, but the stylistic choice helps to make everything that goes on in this Darwinian world less realistic and a bit more cartoonish, though it still comes off as very odd.

Posted: 4th Nov 2014 by gaiages