Top 10 Surprise Endings in Video Games

07. Back to the Future (Telltale, 2011)

Usually when a game is made from a movie it sucks. Not sure why that is, but it is. That is not written in stone though - sometimes the folks behind a game made from a movie will surprise you, and that was the case with the video game treatment for the hit flick Back to the Future.

Anyone who saw the movies will have certain expectations for the game obviously - and hey, they would never dare alter the story in any significant way, right? Right? Well, actually... Eschewing the happy ending and simple lead-in to the sequel that featured in the film, the video game instead offers a conflict of its own making...

While the film largely focused upon the positive changes in Marty's life, in the game we get a different point of view entirely.

Not only does the primary bad guy get a re-write, as does Doc's ultimate 'future-present' and then things really go off the rail!

As Marty and Doc have achieved the basic resolution of the story, first one, then two, and finally three versions of Marty appear in different time cars, the first two seeking Doc's help, while the third just wants some payback against the other two!

The questions of paradox, space-time continuum strings, and nicely illustrating the setup for the sequel are all pushed aside as a rather amusing scenario plays out in which what is probably the best line from the whole game gets stolen by Doc: 'Do we turn into assholes or something?'

To put in perspective for you just how significant the changes were and how the game deviates from the original story, watch the video above from the first movie - personally I think that the way that they did it in the game was far slicker and more satisfying than the movie, but that's me.

Posted: 12th Jul 2014 by CMBF
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