Top Ten Video Games of All Time (for Men)

08. Portal (2007 Valve)

Vote: 4/4

Is the cake a lie? That depends on whether you really believed that there was a cake at the end of that long journey. Clearly we wanted to believe in the cake, so yes, the cake was a lie. But the ultimate path to discovering that fact meant working your way through one of the most intense and original puzzle games ever created. We call that win-win!

The dark humor, the essential story, and the platforming fun is helped along by the fact that it is fully an engaged element in the Half-Life story and universe, and then there is the antagonist of the game, GLaDOS, who whether you love her or hate her, is still one of the most quoted characters in video game history.

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Posted: 12th Nov 2013 by CMBF
Top Ten Video Games of All Time