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How do I get my dog back from the government.?

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Question for The Sims 3 Pets

How do I get my dog back from the government.

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Guest answered:

I don't think you can get them back. Its sad, I know. You have to wait awhile until you can adopt another pet.

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Guest said: 10th Nov 2015 | REPORT
You can just exit out with out saving your progress and then you'll have your pets and next time you'll know to treat them better
Guest said: 25th Jun 2016 | REPORT
But it will stil happen the next time
Guest said: 29th Dec 2016 | REPORT
I tried this but it didn't work what do I do
Guest said: 6th Feb 2017 | REPORT
So I had too many animals so I wanted to get rid of the horse then magically all my pets were gone and the government took them I'm sad I lost what like 4 pets I wanted to keep there names where link Navi Leah and Alexander Hamilpup
Guest answered:

I don't thinck you can I've tried many things even befrending the person who took my pets away and all because my 1 horse Cinnamon was lonely and I only took my dog Scooby for a walk lol.

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Guest said: 25th May 2018 | REPORT
mine got taken because of a glitch where one of them was stuck guarding the bowl of food and i couldnt get it to do anything else - it wouldnt even sleep after it was completely exhausted. only thing that broke the stick was when they took him and my other pup away
Guest said: 29th Jul 2018 | REPORT
My pets were perfectly fine but the girl came to take them away.
Guest said: 24th Oct 2018 | REPORT
Yes, I just had my 2 dogs taken away even though they were perfectly looked after with lots of open space, big house, big beds and only a bit lonely when my sim was sleeping or eating as my sim works from home (real estate) but the dogs were never neglected and could play with each other and now my sim is a bit lonely and I can't re-adopt!
Guest said: 10th Feb 2019 | REPORT
My dog skyla was taken away but she had turned invisible! I couldn’t see her and couldn’t feed her then the government took her away
Guest answered:

You do have to wait and also find the social worker and beat that biscuit up for being mean I lost 2 pets my horse Alex and my dog randy

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Guest said: 29th Mar 2014 | REPORT
Your horse dog? huh interesting breed
Guest said: 12th Dec 2016 | REPORT
I always take care of my dog smiley and the government says I neglected my dog even I always care my pet smiley and I wanted to her her back but it won't let me get her back.How long can I wait
Guest said: 13th Oct 2018 | REPORT
First guest. Your an idiot. She meant My pet horse, Alex and my dog, Randy.
Guest answered:

I'm not sure how to get your pet back, they just took my little family of dogs and it said I was neglecting them but I don't think I was, I was actually playing with one at the time. I miss my dogs :(

Guest answered:

When your dog cat or horse is taken away you have to make friends with the social worker (weird huh but just hang with me.) Once you have made friends with the social worker, go to his or her house and start being mean to them do stuff like insult, scare, fight and imply their mother is a llama they are the best ones. Once you are arch enemies with the social worker go to the phone and adopt the pets back you have to wait about 2 sim days before you can adopt your pets back. It works trust me I've done it every time they took my pets.

Guest answered:

No, they take your dog and out it uo for adoption so if your lucky you csan adopt and get your dog back

Guest answered:

Most of these are lies. Btw. But after a couple of days you can readopt them by clicking adopt a pet from shelter, but check every few hours because chances are they will get adopt by another person /. yes sad...

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Guest said: 23rd Dec 2014 | REPORT
i waited a sim week and didnt get them back -_-
Guest said: 14th Mar 2015 | REPORT
someone must have taken them, like the did to Penny :'( Forever in our hearts
Guest said: 28th Feb 2016 | REPORT
befriend the person who owns them and have penny move in and then hate the owner and you can keep the pet
Guest answered:

You can also quit without saving and go back to the last saved time which was hopefully still with your pets.

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Guest said: 26th Aug 2014 | REPORT
this is the smarted best awnser ever about this.
Guest said: 20th Dec 2014 | REPORT
this was the best answer
Cookiez said: 23rd Oct 2017 | REPORT
this is one of the true answers.
Guest said: 19th Oct 2023 | REPORT
I stepped away from my game a few minutes and got my bf Sim's dog taken away. I was almost in tears cause she isn't his dog irl but neglect is the story of her life and my bf would be heartbroken. I wish is was that easy for neglectful owners irl. Anyway, long story short, quitting without saving did save our little fluff muffin. Thank you!!!
Guest answered:

If you haven't saved your game just go onto main menu and then your pets should be there

Isoscelesdreams answered:

You most certainly can get them back. Wait awhile for the option to appear on your computer to "Adopt a pet from a shelter." Your pet should be there. If not; it's just left your house and hasn't made it to shelter yet or someone adopted them already. All hope isn't lost if they have. Check your neighborhood tags in map view. Someone has them. Steal them or add to family...

Guest answered:

If you evict your family with their house, you can bulldoze the old lot and move them back in. This will get rid of the neglect moodlet that keeps you from adopting pets. When I did this I was able to immediately readopt my pets. I even had the old relationship status with them. I lost nothing but my pending wishes. Well worth it.

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Nerdygraphics said: 27th Dec 2017 | REPORT
I moved to a different house and it didn't work
Guest answered:

You can find another pet and be best friends the you can adopt a pet. I hope this helped ^^

Candysweetwolf answered:

You have to find another pet and become best friends with it then you can adopt a pet. Hope this helped ^^

Nerdygraphics answered:

You should just go out and find other dogs or cats and befriend them and then adopt them


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