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Getting the long sword, and the switch axe

Question asked by isaac08 on
Last Modified:

Getting the long sword, and the switch axe

How can you get a long sword or a switch axe? They don't sell them in the shop

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Monster Hunter Tri Guide
Monster Hunter Tri Guide
This guide to Monster Hunter Tri is a work in progress. The final version will cover all of the quests in the offline and online modes, so check back!

nickster12074 answered:

You can either paly online and make them or play in the village, as you progress you unlock them.

DiamondLucario answered:

Um.... I think it's something like after you unlock lvl 3 quests you get the switch axe, and after you unlock lvl 5 quests you get the longsword.

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Guest said: 1st Apr 2014 | REPORT

Guest answered:

in the village you have to wait for that trade dude to visit for the forth time and online you make it

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Guest said: 1st Aug 2010 | REPORT
whos the trade dude?

ghostsquad79 answered:

you have to make them at the blacksmith

firewolf1081 answered:

As you progress thrugh the game you will be able to forge 1 at the village.

megachickencow answered:

U see when you get cha cha and the argosy captain comes back the you get the switch axe after you own up the gobul and the argosy comes back

kapooka123 answered:

I know that the long sword is unlocked when you successfully hunt a gobul in the *urgent quest* called "Accident Investigation". However in order for the long sword to be finally available at the blacksmith the Argosy captain must travel to moga village which then you can have a chat with him. Hope I helped Smile

Guest answered:

I got switch axe after I killed a great jaggi 20x and I got long sword after I killed a gobul ;P


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