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Is there cheats for fifa 11?

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Question for FIFA 11

Is there cheats for fifa 11?

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Guest answered:

Sorry not as far as i know, but you can get boosters in streets to stadiums, battle for glory and you can get powerups in normal street football. sorry if i am being a bit obvious. if you want to know more about boosters, just ask, i would look on other sites for cheats though. hope this helps;)

Guest answered:

Are there any cheats for FIFA 11? **

Goodness, use proper grammar.

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barneycrawford said: 9th Feb 2011 | REPORT
Haha! You're funny and a perfectionist Smile
Guest said: 28th Feb 2011 | REPORT
You're right. He probably won't be English... Smile
Guest said: 8th Sep 2012 | REPORT
your a jerk

Guest said: 7th Jun 2014 | REPORT
Guest answered:

i dont think there are any cheats for fifa 11 dudes, if ther is can u please tell me

Guest answered:

No cheats for fifa 11

Guest answered:

If you run into the box with the ball and turn your back on the goalie he will tackle you from behind 90% of the time it will result in a penalty

Guest answered:

There are cheats for fifa 11 online. You have to go to oscania and turn iso92_f to "on" insted for "of". Then when you are online before you choose "ranked" hold a b for 10-12 seconds, then press c 7 times while still holding a b. After this a window of "powers" will show up just as in "ofline" game(hit the stadium or whatever I can't remember what it is called). But remember to choose powers before you choose "ranked" and this cheat can only be used in "ranked" play.
P.S. You can only choose 2 "powers". You can NOT keep your powers in "replay match"
P.S.S. I sometimes also succeeded without chancing oscania.
Good luck you all

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Guest said: 31st May 2012 | REPORT
what is Oscania?

Guest answered:

Not that I know of!

Guest answered:

When your on battle for glory pick a under 2.5 star team and go to free transfers buy them (no transfer fee) then sell them and get lots of money ;)

Guest answered:

Nintendo is not a supporter of cheats and most of the game used on Nintendo do not use cheat codes. I'm sure this is one of the games that doesn't use them.


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