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Demo FAQ

by Brokaliv


              T A C T I C A L   E S P I O N A G E   A C T I O N

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              T A C T I C A L   E S P I O N A G E   A C T I O N
                      M E T A L   G E A R   S O L I D   3
                              S N A K E   E A T E R
     O F F I C I A L   U.S.   P L A Y S T A T I O N   M A G A G I Z I N E
                                 I S S U E   8 6


                                    Version 2.5
                                    By Brokaliv
                             Email: [email protected]
                           Date Started: October 1, 2004
                           Date Finished: October 3, 2004


This Walkthrough is allowed to be hosted at the following sites:

GameFaqs -
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If you don't press anything for 20 seconds the game will reset to the playable
demo menu. If you want to pause for some reason, get yourself killed and leave
it at the Death Screen, it won't reset here and you will start where you left

When going into the Radio Screen, it takes a while to load it, looking like it
freezes but it isn't.


 1. Controls
 2. Walkthrough
   2.1 - Stealth-No Kills Walkthrough
   2.2 - Stealth-With Kills Walkthrough
 3. Extras
   3.1 - Close-Quarters Combat
   3.2 - Food
   3.3 - Camouflage
   3.4 - Items
   3.5 - Weapons
   3.6 - Characters
   3.7 - Demo Script
   3.8 - Time Records
   3.9 - Codes
 4. Version History
 5. Copyright

1. Controls

Start - Enter/Exit Survival Viewer

Select - Enter/Exit Radio Screen

L1 - Point Weapon

L2 - Equip Items/Peek Around Corner/Side Step

R1 - Switch to First Person View (FPV) Camera

R2 - Equip Weapons/Peek Around Corner/Side Step

Digital Pad - Stalking Movement

Left Analog Stick - Movement/Change Camera View (FPV)

Right Analog Stick - Camera Look Around

R3 - Lock camera into place

Square - Use Weapon

Triangle - Action Button

Circle - Punch/Grab/Throw/Radio Transmission/Accept Menus

Cross - Toggle Player Stance/Exit/Cancel

2. Walkthrough

After you go through the Controls screen it will tell you to turn on or off
the Controllers Vibration. As well as tell you that pressing
L1+L2+R1+R2+Start+Select will exit you out to the game select screen of the

2.1 - Stealth-No Kills Walkthrough

This walkthrough will tell you how to make it to the end without being seen by
any guard and not have to kill them, you will need three tranq bullets though.

//Dremuchij South//

0 x Soldiers

1 x Backpack
2 x M1911A1 Ammo Box

1 x Giant Anaconda (Appears after you get the Backpack)
3 x Reticulated Python
2 x Magpie
3 x Tree Frog
4 x Siberian Ink Cap
5 x Russian False Mango
2 x Russian Oyster Mushroom

After Snake lands equip your Survival Knife and go to the tree to your left
and up to the north. Go into FPV and collect the mushroom here by stabbing it
with the knife. You can also collect some tree frogs in the tall grass you
are standing in, but you shouldn't bother with them.

Head left a little ways and take the mushroom on the ground by the tree, just
past the opening. Continue left some more and go south half way to get a
mushroom on the stump. Head north and to the left to get another mushroom. You
can jump this fallen tree with Triangle and jump down the other side.

In this little closed off section you can kill two Reticulated Pythons. There
is also an ammo box for the M1911A1. Head back over the log and go right a
little to reach the opening north.

Crawl under the log and kill the Python. Now walk over to the light green
vines on the tree and press Triangle to automatically climb to the branch.
Head right across the branch and press Triangle to flip down onto your

Snack will then flip down and talk on the radio. After the conversation is
over a cut-scene begins. Head north to see a Giant Anaconda on the ground,
just after getting out of the tall grass. Kill it and put t with the rest of
your food. There are also five Russian False Mangos you can shoot out of the
tree to the left of the climb-able tree.

Head back south and under the log again. Now go right and then take the north
route, switching to Leaf camo and crawl through the grass. When you reach the
open dirt area, crawl to the next tall grass section and kneel right before
going in. Look for a patch of moving grass off to the left and toss a grenade
in that spot.

This will kill two Magpie, collect them for your food supply. There is also
another M1911A1 ammo box up here in the top corner. Go left and slide down the
hillside. No head north into the next area.

//Dremuchij Swamp Land//

0 x Soldiers

2 x Grenade Box
1 x M37 Ammo Box

4 x Golova
1 x Hornet's Nest
6 x Indian Gavial
4 x Magpie
2 x Reticulated Python
2 x Siberian Ink Cap
7 x Tree Frog

As you come around the corner to the left you will see a tree in the middle of
this little area. Just to the left of the tree are two Magpie sitting on the
ground. If you scare them away, move a little ways off and they will return.

Just after the tree going north is a Siberian Ink Cap mushroom. Continue
north to reach an open area with some Indian Gavial (Alligators). There is
another Siberian Ink Cap just to your left, before reaching the swamp water.

Be careful in this water, if you stand in it to long, you will sink in to your
death. For now head along the bottom right side safely along the land. You
will soon come to an alligator, youcan throw a grenade into its mouth for a
silent kill, shoot it once in the face with the sniper rifle, or shoot it with
the shotgun.

After you kill it, continue along the edge collecting the food it leaves
behind and take the grenade box hidden under the bushes. You will see another
Alligator, dispose of it and take the food. There is another box of grenades
in this corner as well.

Laying in the bushes pull out your sniper rifle and shoot the two alligators
sitting on the center island. Then shoot the hornet's nest hanging from the
tree inbetween the two gators. Go over and pick up whatever you want to carry.
You can also wait a little bit and shoot two more Magpie as they land on the
branch near the hornet's nest.

Run and roll over to the island to get to it fast, collecting your food before
it dissapears. There is also another grenade box for you to collect.

From the middle island look at the north west corner. Two more alligators are
sitting over here. Kill them and go over there to collect the food if you want
and an M37 ammo box.

Now head through the northeastern part, there are two Reticulated Pythons
here, as well as some fruit on the ground (fallen from tree, stab with a
knife) and in the middle tree for a total of four Golova. Head north into the
next area when you are ready.

//Dremuchij North//

4 x Enemy Soldiers

1 x M1911A1 Ammo Box
2 x M16 Ammo Box
1 x Stun Grenade Box
1 x SVD Ammo Box

4 x Magpie
2 x Reticulated Python
4 x Siberian Ink Cap
2 x Sunda Whistling-Thrush
3 x Tree Frog

This area starts with a cut-scene of Snake's first encounter with enemy
soldiers. Run over to the right once you gain control of Snake to enter an
unpatroled area. Head up the hill and into the tall grass, you will find an
SVD ammo box, an M1911A1 ammo box, and two Reticulated Pythons.

Now you will have to sneak back into the previous area with a guard that walks
in and back out the way he came. Tiger Stripe and Leaf camos work the best
getting back into the first section. Get into the tall grass and switch into
your Leaf camo.

Wait in the grass for the guard to leave this area and head south towards the
previous areas entrance. Hide in this tall grass so you can let the guard
return and leave without seeing you.

Now crawl to the north and left past the chopped up tree stumps into the next
patch of tall grass. There is a Siberian Ink Cap Mushroom by the stump if you
need it.

Crawl over to the fallen log and go inside it for cover, switch to Tiger
Stripe camo to help with your visibility level. When you know the coast is
clear enough for you to crawl to the patch of grass ahead, go for it and
switch back to your Leaf camo.

Wait for the enemy guard to pass by you again so that he is heading towards
the way you came. Then crawl out heading north into the next patch of tall
grass. Make sure the second guard up here is heading north as well, so he
doesn't see you.

Quickly crawl into the next set of tall grass and head left as the guard
coninues straight. Go into the tree stump with the M16 ammo box and switch to
the Tree Bark camo. Press up against the back of the stump and crouch down.
Let the guard pass by and head back to the north. This lets you know the first
guard is also heading back south into the area that doesn't concern you

Quickly crawl back into the south grass patch and switch back to the Leaf
camo. Now when you get out the other end of the grass turn to Snake's left
and enter a new section. Switch to Tiger Stripe and hug the bottom portion of
this section.

Crawl along and quickly get around the logs to get a Stun Grenade box and a
Siberian Ink Cap Mushroom. Now crawl into the tall grass on the right side and
put on your Leaf camo. Head across until you reach a fallen log. A Giant
Anaconda is sitting right along this area.

Go to the bottom side of the log and crouch. Put on the Thermal goggles and
check the location of the guard in this section. If you don't see him, quickly
stand up and hop over the log with triangle. Then lay back down in the grass.

When the guard walks off for a while, crawl to the right onto the dirt and
switch into your Black camo. Crawl into the open tree trunk to get a grenade
box. Now camp out in here until the guard comes back and leaves once more.

Once he leaves again, crawl around to the right and up into the tall grass.
Switch back to Leaf camo and crawl along the wall until you reach the edge of
the grass. Go to the left side of the fallen log and fire a silenced shot with
your tranquilizer gun into the tall grass right next to the log. This will
scare away three Magpie. Go inside the fallen log to provide cover along with
some M16 ammo. and quickly leave the other side so the Magpie don't come back.
If they do, they may give away your position.

Wait in the grass for the guard to walk past to your left. Now crawl forward
along the wall and into the dark spot, switch to the Tiger Stripe camo. Lay
down here and don't move at all. The final guard for this area will walk right
up to the dark spot and stand there for a few seconds. He won't see you unless
you move.

Once he leaves, crawl towards his direction and get into the tall grass, make
sure to switch into the Leaf camo. Wait until he heads back away from you and
then crawl into the next area.


4 x Enemy Soldiers

1 x Life Recovery Medicine
1 x M37 Ammo Box
1 x MK22 Ammo Box

2 x Hornet's Nest
4 x Siberian Ink Cap
1 x Tree Frog
3 x Yabloko Moloko

Crawl into the tall grass over looking the two guards. Let the one guard go
across the bridge. Pull out your silenced tranquilizer gun or .45 and aim at
the Hornet's Nest. Wait until the guard goes underneath it and shoot it down.
This causes him to get hoarded with Hornet's and makes him run across the
bridge, quickly hop down and move towards the bridge. If it worked right, it
will attack the other three guards as well.

Run across the bridge with them and turn left as soon as you get off the
bridge. take out your silenced pistol once more and wait for the next guard to
stand under the beehive. Shoot it down to cause him to run as well.

Now all four guards have run out of this area, head up and to the left to make
it around a hill. Head south and you will come to a narrow path. Hug the wall
and side step into a little indention under the bridge.

Quickly get up and jump down the side of the cliff into the tall grass. Run
around the wall going right, and duck into the third patch of grass. Fill up
your stamina to the max. Two guards will eventually come back over to your
side, starting the process all over.

Wait until the guard starts going back across the bridge and crawl after him.
Switch into your Tree Bark camo and continue across. If for any reason you
think you may get spotted, quickly get to an edge of the bridge and press
Triangle to hang off the edge of the bridge. Try to move slowly and when its
safe quickly press Triangle again so you climb back up. Watch your grip meter
below your life though.

Change into your Tiger Stripe camo and head over the the left part of the
bridge. Stand up real fast and slowly walk off the cliff side so Snake will
grab onto the edge. Drop down and press Triangle so grab onto the tree branch
or the cliff edge. Then press Triangle again to pull yourself up.

In here you will find an MK22 ammo box, an M37 ammo box, and a Life Recovery
Medicine. By this time some new guards have moved into the area, so you'll
need to move fast. Equip the Tiger Stripe camo and squeeze against the narrow
path to head back up.

Crawl up the path and into the tall grass on the hill. Wait for any guards to
get out of your line of sight and make a dash for the north exit.


6 x Enemy Soldiers

4 x Rat
3 x Reticulated Python
1 x Sunda Whistling-Thrush

When you enter the next area a cut-scene will begin, followed by some talk on
the radio. When you gain control of Snake again, run t the right side of the
path. Switch to your Leaf camo and go into the tall grass.

Head through the hole in the stone gate and crawl through the grass until
Snake comes out into third person view, but stay in the grass so you are at
least 90% invisble. One guard is walking up the path towards you, while the
closer guard is walking down the path to the right.

Wait for both guards to come back and then leave again. Now head to the right,
crawling along the fence past the two barrels and into some grass. Hide in
here until the guard heads back again to the same spot.

Continue once again to the right along the fence into another patch of tall
grass. Look back the way you came and wait for the guard to come towards you
and then head back to the opposite direction.

Change into the Tiger Stripe camo and crawl north. When you reach the dark
green patch, change into the Leaf camo. Head up and to the right, to get
into some more tall grass. Tranquilize the guard behind the crates and
put on the Tiger Stripe camo.

Crawl over to the crates and wrap around them. Now head over to the corner
of the red factory. Stand up and press Triangle to climb up the ladder.
Now put on the Squares camo and crawl down to the south end of the roof,
keeping about 5 shingle layers away from the right edge. Any closer and you
risk being spotted, and any closer on the left and the bird may give you away.

Standing up, use the Analog Stick to jump off the roof and land behind the
right boxes. Now enter the brownish door to get inside and finish the DEMO.

2.2 - Stealth-With Kills Walkthrough

This walkthrough will tell you how to make it to the end without being seen by
any guard but being able to kill them all.

//Dremuchij South//

0 x Soldiers

1 x Backpack
2 x M1911A1 Ammo Box

1 x Giant Anaconda (Appears after you get the Backpack)
3 x Reticulated Python
2 x Magpie
3 x Tree Frog
4 x Siberian Ink Cap
5 x Russian False Mango
2 x Russian Oyster Mushroom

After Snake lands equip your Survival Knife and go to the tree to your left
and up to the north. Go into FPV and collect the mushroom here by stabbing it
with the knife. You can also collect some tree frogs in the tall grass you
are standing in, but you shouldn't bother with them.

Head left a little ways and take the mushroom on the ground by the tree, just
past the opening. Continue left some more and go south half way to get a
mushroom on the stump. Head north and to the left to get another mushroom. You
can jump this fallen tree with Triangle and jump down the other side.

In this little closed off section you can kill two Reticulated Pythons. There
is also an ammo box for the M1911A1. Head back over the log and go right a
little to reach the opening north.

Crawl under the log and kill the Python. Now walk over to the light green
vines on the tree and press Triangle to automatically climb to the branch.
Head right across the branch and press Triangle to flip down onto your

Snack will then flip down and talk on the radio. After the conversation is
over a cut-scene begins. Head north to see a Giant Anaconda on the ground,
just after getting out of the tall grass. Kill it and put t with the rest of
your food. There are also five Russian False Mangos you can shoot out of the
tree to the left of the climb-able tree.

Head back south and under the log again. Now go right and then take the north
route, switching to Leaf camo and crawl through the grass. When you reach the
open dirt area, crawl to the next tall grass section and kneel right before
going in. Look for a patch of moving grass off to the left and toss a grenade
in that spot.

This will kill two Magpie, collect them for your food supply. There is also
another M1911A1 ammo box up here in the top corner. Go left and slide down the
hillside. No head north into the next area.

//Dremuchij Swamp Land//

0 x Soldiers

2 x Grenade Box
1 x M37 Ammo Box

4 x Golova
1 x Hornet's Nest
6 x Indian Gavial
4 x Magpie
2 x Reticulated Python
2 x Siberian Ink Cap
7 x Tree Frog

As you come around the corner to the left you will see a tree in the middle of
this little area. Just to the left of the tree are two Magpie sitting on the
ground. If you scare them away, move a little ways off and they will return.

Just after the tree going north is a Siberian Ink Cap mushroom. Continue
north to reach an open area with some Indian Gavial (Alligators). There is
another Siberian Ink Cap just to your left, before reaching the swamp water.

Be careful in this water, if you stand in it to long, you will sink in to your
death. For now head along the bottom right side safely along the land. You
will soon come to an alligator, youcan throw a grenade into its mouth for a
silent kill, shoot it once in the face with the sniper rifle, or shoot it with
the shotgun.

After you kill it, continue along the edge collecting the food it leaves
behind and take the grenade box hidden under the bushes. You will see another
Alligator, dispose of it and take the food. There is another box of grenades
in this corner as well.

Laying in the bushes pull out your sniper rifle and shoot the two alligators
sitting on the center island. Then shoot the hornet's nest hanging from the
tree inbetween the two gators. Go over and pick up whatever you want to carry.
You can also wait a little bit and shoot two more Magpie as they land on the
branch near the hornet's nest.

Run and roll over to the island to get to it fast, collecting your food before
it dissapears. There is also another grenade box for you to collect.

From the middle island look at the north west corner. Two more alligators are
sitting over here. Kill them and go over there to collect the food if you want
and an M37 ammo box.

Now head through the northeastern part, there are two Reticulated Pythons
here, as well as some fruit on the ground (fallen from tree, stab with a
knife) and in the middle tree for a total of four Golova. Head north into the
next area when you are ready.

//Dremuchij North//

4 x Enemy Soldiers

1 x M1911A1 Ammo Box
2 x M16 Ammo Box
1 x Stun Grenade Box
1 x SVD Ammo Box

4 x Magpie
2 x Reticulated Python
4 x Siberian Ink Cap
2 x Sunda Whistling-Thrush
3 x Tree Frog

This area starts with a cut-scene of Snake's first encounter with enemy
soldiers. Run to the left of the stump in the little area, and around the
left side of the fallen tree. Up near the narrow path is a patch of tall
grass right next to it. Have Snake lay in it and crawl near the right side
so you can see the two guards down the path and equip the Leaf camo.

Wait for the one guard to walk south over to your location and shoot him
with a silenced weapon in the head. Get up and drag his body into the tall
grass you were just laying in.

Before the second guard makes it around his route to come back south, heading
towards you, move down the path into the tall grass where the two guards
started there routes. Looking a little to the left you will see an open tree
trunk. Aim to the left of it with a silenced weapon and wait for the guard to
walk in this dark area to take him out. Make sure his body is in the dark spot
and then head back south.

Turn down the right path inbetween the grass patches. Run down this path until
you reach the large field of tall grass. Crawl to the fallen log on the bottom
of the area. Now press X once to kneel and take out your M16 with a silencer
equipped. When he is standing in the tall grass shoot him in the head to
instantly drop him and have him automatically hidden in the tall grass.

Now jump over the log and head up along the wall. Crawl through the tall grass
and when you come out the opposite side, take out your sniper rifle. Aim off
to the left for the final guard. When he walks over to the dark area near the
wall, take him out. Now you can freely explore the area for any food or ammo
you may want to collect. Head through the exit when you are ready.


4 x Enemy Soldiers

1 x Life Recovery Medicine
1 x M37 Ammo Box
1 x MK22 Ammo Box

2 x Hornet's Nest
4 x Siberian Ink Cap
1 x Tree Frog
3 x Yabloko Moloko

Crawl up to and through the tall grass to poke out a little over the cliff,
but watch your camouflage index percentage. Take out a silenced weapon and
wait until the one guard crosses the bridge. Shoot the guard that stays behind
when he reaches about the middle of the trees.

Drop down into the tall grass below and carefully carry his body into some tall
grass away from the main path of the bridge. Equip the Tiger Stripe camo and
crawl to the beginning of the wooden bridge. Two guards should be on the
bridge walking to the other side. Using the silenced M16 or the sniper rifle,
shoot the closest guard followed immediatly by the second guard. Both the
bodies should automatically be hidden by falling off the bridge into the river

Now go to the right side of the bridge, staying on this side. Lay down
inbetween the bridge and the tall grass. Take out your sniper rifle and aim
across the chasm, waiting for the last guard to come out from behind the hill
on the left. Shoot him in the head and cross the bridge.

Once on the other side of the bridge go on the left of it and drop off the
cliff, catching yourself on the edge of the cliff below with Triangle. Go
inside the little cubby hole to collect some ammo and an item. Now hug the
wall and head up to the left. Continue down the path to enter the next area.


6 x Enemy Soldiers

4 x Rat
3 x Reticulated Python
1 x Sunda Whistling-Thrush

After you regain control from the cut-scene and the radio transmission head
across the path into the tall grass and equip the Leaf camo. Crawl through a
hole in the fence and into another patch of tall grass. A guard will head off
to the right and a second will head north, away from you.

Carefully and quickly head north across the path into the next patch of tall
grass. Crawl through the grass to get a good view of the guard, then pull out
your silenced .45 and shoot him in the head. Immediatly check around you with
either a radar or the Right Analog Stick to make sure the coast is clear for a
little bit, then quickly take the body into the tall grass.

Crawling through the tall grass is again, go a little bit towards where the
other guard went off to. Look through the grass for him and wait until he
passes the barrels near where you started, make sure you don't shoot him when
he is crossing past the barrels or else they may explode giving you away. Then
take out your silenced weapon and shoot him in the head when it is safe.

Now sitting on the edge of the tall grass move the camera around looking
inside the building's open area for a guard walking around on patrol. When he
is walking over to the right or staring at the other guard, equip the Tiger
Stripe camo, crawl through the factory door and to the left around the brown

Eventually he will come walking over to the orange boxes in the middle of the
room. As he turns around, crawl after him and shoot him with the silenced .45
before he passes the orange boxes again. Drag his body over behind the crates
you were at.

Now crawl around the boxes and to the north of the building. You will see
sideways barrel and a guard a little further north. When he is walking north,
away from you, crawl over to the crates a little ways up towards him and lay
down next to them. Stay as close to the building as possible and wait for him
to walk towards you and then eventually back north. As he is leaving crawl
around the crates and shoot him in the head with the silenced .45, drag his
body into the tall grass close by.

Now jump onto the first stack of crates next to the building and take out the
.45 pointing it through the hole in the wall. When the guard walks by, shoot
him in the head.

Jump down off the crate and head up to the tall grass where you just dropped
the guard before the last one. Equip the Squares camo and crawl through the
crawlspace under the factory. Head into the next section forward and look
through the grate next to the lit square in the corner. The square may be an
alternate way in or out in the official game.

Now take out a weapon and aim at the last guard, take him out. Turn to the
right and exit the crawl space. Head back into the factory area and jump
onto the ledge next to the large helium looking tanks. Go through the right
door and north into the metal door to finish the DEMO.

3. Extras

3.1 - Close-Quarters Combat

Close-Quarters Combat (CQC) is one ofthe new features in Metal Gear Solid 3.
To do CQC you will need to equip something that is available for it in the
DEMO (Bare Hands, Knife, Knife with Traquilizer Gun, or the knife with regular
gun) and use the Circle button. Depending on how you use the circle button
determines what kind of CQC move you will perform.

Pressing Circle in front of the enemy will perform a basic punch, use this to
knock them down and out.

If you press Circle when sneaking behind them you will grab the enemy from
behind. Once you have done this you can perform the following.

Push forward on the left analog stick and Circle to shove them to the ground.
Then pull out your gun and aim down at him. He will then get scared and give
you items. This may be how you will get Dog Tags in the Official Game.

You can also hold down Circle while you are holding them and press L3 to
interrogate them.

While still holding them press Square to pull out your gun and use him as a
human shield. This will make the others not shoot at you.

Rapidly press Circle to choke and break his neck.

Press Circle again to slice his throat.

3.2 - Food

Instead of Rations like in the previous Metal Gear Solid games you will have
to catch your own food while out on your mission. The food helps replenish
your stamina bar that drops everytime you do something in the game. Keeping
your stamina up will help you have a good grip bar and heal faster when
wounded. Be careful, if you hold food for to long, it will rot and become
useless to you, although you can throw it at enemies. Use Thermal Goggles to
easily spot any type of food including mushrooms. I found thirteen different
types of food in the DEMO.

Listed in Alphabetica order:

Giant Anaconda - There is one that appears in Dremuchij South right on the
                 edge of the tall grass by the climbable tree, but only after
                 you get your backpack. Another is in Dremuchij North off to
                 the right, sitting next to a fallen log in the larger area
                 with the black dirt. Provides a high stamina increase.

Golova - A few can be found in the trees in Dremuchij Swamp Land, north of the
         swamp water. You can cut some down with the knife and shoot the
         others to get at them. Provides a medium stamina increase.

Hornets' Nest - Found hanging in trees, Dremuchij Swamp Land on the center
                island of land in the swamp, and two in the Dolinovodno area
                before and after crossing the bridge. Snipe them from a
                distance so the hornets' don't attack you. They will only go
                after humans. Shoot them down when the enemy is near it
                causing the hornet's to chase them out of the area.Provides a
                high stamina increase. 

Indian Gavial - These large alligator's are found in the Dremuchij Swampland.
                When you kill one it gives you three portions to eat. Beware
                of the gator's mouth and tail. They are so huge that Snake
                can't cage them when you tranquilize them. You must kill them
                if you want to take it with you. These provide a high medium
                stamina increase.

Magpie - These small birds are found in Dremuchij South, Dremuchij Swamp Land,
         and Dremuchij North. In area one two birds are up on the right hill.
         In area two there are two sitting in the tall grass as you come
         around the curve in the path as you first enter, and two are flying
         around the hornet nest on the middle island in the swamp water. In
         area three, there are four sitting in the tall grass in the large
         area off to the right near the fallen hollow log. You should snipe
         them, or use a grenade when they are on the ground. These provide a
         medium stamina increase.

Rat - Found under the red factory crawl space, in the Rassvet Area. They
      provide a small stamina increase.

Reticulated Python - Found in pretty much every area slithering through the
                     tall grass. These provide a descent amount of Stamina.

Russian False Mango - Found in a tree to the left of the tree which holds
                      your back pack in the Dremuchij South area. Provides a
                      somewhat medium stamina increase.

Russian Oyster Mushroom - Found in the Dremuchij South area. Pretty much the
                          same as the Siberian Ink Cap but a little better in
                          the amount that stamina is increased. Slice them up
                          with the knife so you don't waste ammunition. These
                          provide a somewhat medium stamina increase.

Siberian Ink Cap - Found in all but the last area of the DEMO. Pretty much the
                   same as the Russian Oyster Mushroom but a little less
                   powerful in replenishing the stamina. Cut them up with the
                   knife so you don't waste any ammunition. These give you a
                   small stamina increase.

Sunda Whistling-Thrush - Only three of these birds are found in the DEMO. Two
                         are located in Dremuchij North. They are in the tall
                         grass that the guard walks through on his way to the
                         area where you enter. The third bird is located in
                         Rassvet on the roof of the old factory building.
                         These provide a medium stamina increase.

Tree Frog - Found in every area except the last in the DEMO. You will need to
            use Thermal Goggles most of the time to pick them out. They are
            not worth the trouble and space they take up. They give a small
            stamina increase.

Yabloko Moloko - Located in a tree in the Dolinovodno area before the bridge.
                 You can shoot them down to distract the enemy.Provides a
                 little less than medium stamina increase.

3.3 - Camouflage

Another new thing in the Metal Gear Solid Trilogy is the use of camouflage to
blend in better with the enviroment. Pressing the Start button and going into
the camouflage menu, you can change the face paint as well as your clothes.
Depending on where Snake is at the moment the camouflage will have a certain
percentage helping you hide. When your percentage drops drastically check the
menu to see if any of the other options will help you blend in. A negative
number will make you more visble to the enemy, a +00 will have no change to
your current visibility, and the positive number will help you blend in more.
The highest I have gotten the percentage is 95%.

In order from game:

No Paint - This option takes the face paint off Snake. You don't want to use
           this option if you plan on sneaking silently to your destination
           in the DEMO.

Woodland - Use this face paint in the woodlands, it will add 5% to your
           invisibility. This is needed to make it through the DEMO and
           without being seen. Just keep this equipped through the entire
           DEMO unless you want to run through like Rambo.

Naked - This option is as useless as the No Paint face paint. It takes off
        Snake's shirt, leaving him with no hiding percentage. You have no
        help with this one, use when you want to be like Rambo.

Olive Drab - This is the default camo Snake has when he lands from his jump.
             It blends in with the leaves and trees but not as good as the
             other camo's.

Tiger Stripe - A good camo to lay in the grass and certain parts of the
               ground. Good to use in trees, tall grass, soil, and the wooden
               bridge. This will be one of the most used camos to stay hidden
               throughout the DEMO.

Leaf - This camo is used in pretty much all the areas throughout the DEMO. You
       will use this the most to stay out of sight.

Tree Bark - Usefull when pressed right up against a tree or stump.

Squares - Only useful when running around the red factory at the end of the

Black - This camo is better than the Olive Drab but not as good as any of the
        other camos. Only useful in dark areas which the DEMO doesn't have
        many areas. You might as well stick with the Tiger Stripe and the
        Leaf camos.

3.4 - Items

You can only carry eight items at a time in your Equip menu under L2, although
the DEMO only gives you seven items, but an eighth item can be found while
playing the DEMO.

In alphabetical order:

Active Sonar - Detects lifeforms' positions. Press L3 button to emit a sonic
               wave. Consumes battery power while in use, weighs 0.3kg

Anti-Person Sensor - Sensor detecting lifeforms. Vibrates on enemy approach.
                     Weight 0.3kg

Binoculars - Military Binoculars allowing long-distance reconnaissance. Press
             Triangle to zoom in and Square to zoom out. Weight 0.6kg

Cigar - Hghly addictive and hazardous to your health. Possibly used just like
        the Cigs in previous Metal Gear Solid games to see infrared beams,
        otherwise a useless item. Weight 0.1kg

Life Recovery Medicine - CIA-developed espionage item. To use, press Circle
                         when in the Items screen to replenish health. This is
                         sort of like a Ration from the previous Metal Gear
                         Solid games. You can hold up to 999 and they weigh

Motion Detector - Detects object's in movement. Only moving objects can be
                  detected. Consumes battery power while in use, weighs 0.3kg

Night Vision Goggles - Electronically amplifies weak dim light for
                       visualization. Equip it to use. Allows one to see in
                       the dark. Weight 1.2kg

Thermal Goggles - Visualizes heat source distribution. Equip it to use. Allows
                  one to see in the dark. Weight 1.2kg

3.5 - Weapons

You can only carry eight weapons at a time in your Equip menu under R2. The
DEMO gives you eleven weapons plus whatever food you find along the way.

In alphabetical order for weapons and then food:

AKM - This gun is the AK-47, Soviet-made assault rifle. Press L1 when in FPV
      to use the guns sights. Pressing Triangle on the weapon select screen
      changes the rate of fire from full auto to single shot. Holds 91 bullets
      and weighs 3.0kg.

Barehand - The very basics of combat, press the Circle to punch; tapping it
           will create a repeated combo. Press Square by a dropped enemy to
           drag them.

Directional Mic - A microphone that can pick up small sounds. Held in FPV,
                  move with the Left Analog Stick. It weighs 1.6kg.

Grenade - The Frag Grenade can be held holding Square and releasing the button
          throws it. The stronger you press the Square button the further it
          will be thrown. You can hold up to 20 and weighs 0.6kg.

Magazine - These are the empty magazines from your weapons as you empty them
           from use. Press and hold the Square and release to throw. The
           stronger you press the Square button the farther it will go. You
           can hold 999 and weighs 0.1kg.

M16 - This is the M16A1. You can press L1 when in FPV to look through the
      sights of the gun. When in the weapon select screen you can press Circle
      to attach a silencer and Triangle to switch between full auto,
      semi-auto, and single shot. Holds 61 bullets and weighs 3.2kg.

M1911A1 - This is a .45, press Square to aim and release to fire. When the
          weapon select screen is open you can press Circle to attach a
          silencer. Holds 22 bullets and weighs 1.0kg.

M37 - This is a 12 guage shotgun, press Square to aim and release to fire. A
      close range shot will throw the enemy for a distance. Holds 13 bullets
      and weighs 3.6kg.

Mk22 - This is a tranquilizer gun, press Square to aim and release to fire.
       When in the weapon select screen you can press Circle to attach a
       silencer. Holds 25 bullets and weighs 1.0kg.

Patriot - This is a hidden weapon in the DEMO, only found by using a code you
          can find in the Codes section. Since it is not in the normal play
          of the DEMO it has no description except for the name Patriot. It
          holds 999 bullets, but this may be only due to the fact that you
          must activate the Infinite ammo code for it to be available in your
          backpack. It weighs 1.9kg.

Stun Grenade - Stuns the enemy soldiers temporarily. Press Square button to
               aim and release to throw. You can hold 20 of them and weighs

Survival Knife - Used for hunting and CQC. Press the Square button to stab;
                 pressing repeatedly results in a combo. You get one knife and
                 weighs 0.8kg.

SVD - This is the Dragunov sniper rifle. Press the Square button or L1 to look
      through the scope, release Square to fire. When in the weapon select
      screen or the looking through the lens, press Triangle to switch from 4x
      to 6x magnification. Holds 31 bullets and weighs 4.0kg.


Used to primarily distract guards.

Giant Anaconda - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the food as a
                 ration item. The stronger you press the button the further it
                 will travel. Weight 1.0kg

Golova - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the food as a ration
         item. The stronger you press the button the further it will travel.
         Weight 0.1kg

Hornet's Nest - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the food as a
                ration item. The stronger you press the button the further it
                will travel. Weight 1.0kg

Indian Gavial - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the food as a
                ration item. The stronger you press the button the further it
                will travel. Weight 1.0kg

Magpie - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the food as a ration
         item. The stronger you press the button the further it will travel.
         Weight 0.5kg

Rat - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the food as a ration
      item. The stronger you press the button the further it will travel.
      Weight 0.7kg

Reticulated Python - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the food
                     as a ration item. The stronger you press the button the
                     further it will travel. Weight 1.0kg

Russian False Mango - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the food
                      as a ration item. The stronger you press the button the
                      further it will travel. Weight 0.1kg

Russian Oyster Mushroom - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the
                          food as a ration item. The stronger you press the
                          button the further it will travel. Weight 0.1kg

Siberian Ink Cap - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the food as
                   a ration item. The stronger you press the button the
                   further it will travel. Weight 0.1kg

Sunda Whistling-Thrush - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the
                         food as a ration item. The stronger you press the
                         button the further it will travel. Weight 0.7kg

Tree Frog - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the food as a
                ration item. The stronger you press the button the further it
                will travel.Weight 0.1kg

Yabloko Moloko - Hold the Square button and release it to throw the food as a
                 ration item. The stronger you press the button the further it
                 will travel. Weight 0.1kg

3.6 - Characters

CODENAME - What they are called during the mission, so their real identities
           are not given away.
SEX - Tells what gender they are.
Age - Tells how old they are.
Nationality - Tells you what nation they belong to.
BIRTHDATE - When they were born.
BIRTHPLACE - Where they were born.
ADDRESS - Where they live right now.
HEIGHT - Tells how tall they are.
WEIGHT - Tells how much they weigh.
HAIR - Tells the color of there hair.
EYE - Tells the color of there eyes.
VOICE - Tells you who did the voice for the character.
MTN ACTR - Tells you who did the Motion Acting for the character.
BLOOD TYPE - Tells you what blood type the character has.

//Major Tom//

SEX: Male
Age: 55
BIRTHDATE: 8/12/1909
BIRTHPLACE: Exeter, Eng.
ADDRESS: Portsmouth, NK.
HEIGHT: 6.04ft.
WEIGHT: 174.2lb.
HAIR: Grey
EYE: Greyish Blue
VOICE: Banjo Ginga
MTN ACTR: Takashi Kubo

Pretty much the same position as Roy Campbell was in the previous Metal Gear
Solid games. A veteran soldier that served in the British SAS right alongside
The Boss, he will be your commanding officer for the mission.


CODENAME: Para-Medic
SEX: Female
Age: 28
BIRTHDATE: 6/22/1936
HEIGHT: 5.48ft.
WEIGHT: Top Secret
EYE: Brown
VOICE: Houko Kuwaskima
MTN ACTR: Eriko Hirata

She is the Mei Ling and Rose for this game. An intelligent doctor from Boston.
She will look after your health and most likely save your progress in the
official game. She will tell you information on the plants and animals you
collect along the game as well.

//The Boss//

SEX: Female
Age: Unknown
ADDRESS: Unknown
HEIGHT: 5.87ft.
WEIGHT: Unknown
HAIR: Brownish Grey
EYE: Blue
VOICE: Kikuko Inoue
MTN ACTR: Eriko Hirata

She serves the purpose of how Master Miller and Natasha Romanenko did in the
previous games, discussing combat techniques, and how to blend in with your
surroundings. Serving in the SAS alongside Major Tom, she started the Cobra
Unit in World War II, which Snake was a part of.

3.7 - Demo Script

//Aboard The Combat Talon 1//

5:30 AM  August 24, 1964  Pakistan air space

Flying over Pakistan altitude 30,000 feet.
Approaching Soviet airspace.

Soldier in back with Snake
Twenty minutes to dropoff. Commencing internal depressurization.
Equipment check.
Arm Main Parachute.

Major Tom
All right, you ready to go?

Man at radar
Drop zone still showing a high pressure mass.

Major Tom
Good, we've got high visibility.

Soldier in back with Snake
Put out that cigar.
Connecting oxygen hose to interior connector...
Put on your mask.
Does this guy know what he's doing?

Approaching release point...

Soldier in back with Snake
Ten minutes to dropoff.

Major Tom
Hey! Are you deaf? He said put out the cigar and put on your mask!

Soldier in back with Snake
Depressurization complete checking oxygen supply.
Six minutes to dropoff! Opening rear heatch!
External temperature, minus 46 degrees Celsius.
Two minutes to dropoff...Stand up.

Major Tom
You'll be falling at 130 miles per hour. Try not to get frostbite from the
wind chill.

Soldier in back with Snake
One minute to dropoff. Move to the rear.
Activate bailout bottle.

Major Tom
This is one for the history books, the world's first HALO jump.

Soldier in back with Snake
Ten seconds to dropoff...standby.
Status OK, all green!
Prepare for dropoff.
Countdown 5. 4. 3. 2. 1...

Major Tom
Spread your wings and fly! God be with you!


Major Tom
Listen up. Jack. Your mission is to infiltrate Tselinoyark, a mountainous area
in Soviet territory, ensure the safety of Sokolov, and bring him back to the
West. If we don't get Sokolov back before that weapon is complete, we'll be
facing a crisis of unprecedented proportion. The clock is ticking. Once we've
confirmed the rescue of Sokolov stand by at the recovery point. A recovery
balloon will be dropped at that point. Helium will be pumped into the balloon
to inflate it. The process takes about 20 minutes... Once it's complete, the
gunship's arm will latch onto the balloon and pull it up.

The Fulton Surface-To-Air Recovery System. I'm familiar with the theory.

Major Tom
Exactly. This will be the first time it's used in combat.

Do you think Sokolov's up to it?

Major Tom
The shock will be less than during a parachute jump. And the arm can handle up
to 500 pounds.

So you're planning on going over the border in a single Combat Talon?

Major Tom
She's equipped with two 6-barrel 20 millimeter Vulcan cannons as well as two
40 millimeter machine guns.

Sounds like she could hold her own against a battalion of tanks.

Major Tom
Even with the fuel in the reserve tank, we're facing a 4-hour time limit... If
all goes well, it shouldn't take more than a few hours.

Home in time for dinner.

Major Tom
But if anything goes wrong...You'll be eating dinner, breakfast, and all the
rest of your meals in the jungle.

//Dremuchij South//

[Right after landing]

Major Tom
Do you copy? You're already in enemy territory, and someone might be listening
in. From here on out, we'll be using code names to refer to each other. Your
code name for this mission will be Naked Snake. I'll be referring to you as
Snake from now on. You are not to mention your real name.


Major Tom
You don't like snakes?

What do you mean?

Major Tom
You've eaten one before, haven't you?

In survival training.

Major Tom
I'm glad to hear that.

I don't know if I'd ever order one in a restaraunt, but...

Major Tom
Be careful. You might not have a choice.

What about you, Major? What should I call you?

Major Tom
Hmm. Let's see...I'll be...I'll be Tom. Call me Major Tom. This will be a
sneaking mission. You must not be seen by the enemy. You must leave no
trace of your presence. Is that clear? This kind of infiltration is the FOX
unit's specialty. In other words, weapons and equipment are procure on-site,
that goes for food as well. Your completely naked just as your name implies.

Great. Now I see why you asked me if I like snakes. I suppose calling me
"Snake" was your idea of a joke, too.

Major Tom
No, there's a good reason for that I'll tell you later. when the time is

Gotcha. Getting back to the subject, how exactly am I supposed to feed myself?

Major Tom
You've been issued a survival knife and a tranquilizer gun. Use them to hunt
for food. You'll also find medical supplies in your backpack.

Yeah, about the backpack...I lost it in a tree on the way down.

Major Tom
I see. Well, then, you'd better go get it back. Do you know where it is?

No problem. I can see it from here. It's stuck on a branch.

Major Tom
To climb a tree, stand in front of a tree that's covered in ivy and press the
Action button. I'll be monitoring your progress over the radio. We can't risk
violating Soviet airspace, but I'll be in the gunship. My frequency is 140.85.
I'll give you a CALL is I need to talk to you. If you need to talk to me use
the SEND function. OK, Snake. Go get your backpack.

[If you have trouble getting the backpack]
Major Tom
The backpack ison the branch pointing east on that tree, right? Walk along the
branch and get it. Be careful not to fall. You should be able to grab your
backpack if you hang from the branch by pressing the Action Button.

[After collecting the backpack]
Major Tom
I see you've retrieved your backpack Snake. To equip a weapon, it is necessary
to take it out from your backpack. In the Survival Viewer, choose "WEAPON"
from the "BACKPACK". Your available weapons will be displayed in a window in
the upper-left. From that list, choose the weapon you want to equip and press
the Enter button. For other equipped items, just do the same thing from

Got it! Use the Survival Viewer "BACKPACK".

Major Tom
Yep, that's right. Survival is fundamental to this mission. After you've been
out in the field for a while, your stamina will start to drop. If your stamina
gets too low, it'll affect your performance. You won't be able to shoot
accurately for example, and your wounds won't heal as smoothly. Keep an eye on
your stamina so you don't run out. To recover lost stamina, you can hunt for
local flora and fauna. You can use either your tranquilizer gun or your knife
to hunt.

My only weapon is a MK-22 Hush Puppy tranquilizer gun?

Major Tom
That's right. It's been fitted with it's own suppressor. However, the
suppressor will deteriorate every time you fire. Once its durability reaches
zero, the noise suppression will be gone. So don't get too trigger happy with
it. The suppressor's durability is shown in the icon. Any weapons and
equipment beyond what your carrying now, you'll have to find as you go.

I have to find my own weapons an equipment? Whose crazy idea was this anyway?

Major Tom
Solo covert actions are standard FOX operating procedure. You can't leave any
traces of your presence. No weapons, equipment, footprints, sweat, or bodily
wastes - the same goes for bullets and cartridges, too. Your presence in enemy
territory is already a violation of international conventions of warfare.
There aren't supposed to be any American soldiers in Russia. It could spark an
international incident. You can't let anyone see you. You can't let the enemy
know you're there. This is a stealth mission. You're a ghost, Snake, in every
sense of the word. There'll be no rescue if you're captured. The military and
the U.S. government will deny any involvement in the affair.

I'll keep it in mind. You said this was a solo mission, right?

Major Tom

I guess that means I can't count on any reinforcements.

Major Tom
Correct. The mission rests entirely in your hands.

A real one-man army.

Major Tom
Relax, there's a support team ready to back you up over the radio.


Major Tom
This time, survival is of the utmost importance. The first member of the
support tema will be in charge of...monitoring your physical condition -
acting as a medic, so to speak - as well as recording your mission data. She's
a member of FOX as well. and she's here on the gunship with me.


Hello, Snake. I'm Para-Medic. Nice to meet you.


As in a medic who comes in by parachute.

Aren't you going to tell me your real name?

Are you going to tell me yours, Mr. Snake?

My name,'s John Doe.

And they call you Jack for short? You're a regular Captain Nemo.

A name means nothing on the battlefield. After a week, no one has a name.
What's your name?

Jane Doe.

Very funny.

I wasn't joking, but I'll tell you my name only if you manage to make it back
alive. My frequency is 145.73.

Good to know.

Major Tom
There's one more person I want to introduce to you, Snake.


Major Tom
Speaking of snakes, you remember The Boss, don't you? A legendary soldier, and
your mentor. Actually it was The Boss that got the DCI's authorization in the
first place. She's going to be serving as FOX's mission advisor.

The Boss is?

Major Tom
She has also helped me plan this mission. She and I were at SAS together.

The Boss
Jack, is that you? How many years has it been?


The Boss
That's right, it's me.


The Boss
Talk to me. Let me hear your voice.

It's been 5 years, 72 days, and 18 hours.

The Boss
You've lost weight.

You can tell just by the sound of my voice?

The Boss
Of course I can. I know all about you.

Really. Well. I don't know anything about you.

The Boss
What's that supposed to mean?

...Why'd you disappear on me all of a sudden?

The Boss
I was on a top-secret mission. You didn't need me anymore.

But there were still so many things I wanted you to teach me.

The Boss
No, I taught you everything you needed to know about fighting techniques. I
taught you all I could. the rest you needed to learn on your own.

Techniques, sure. But what about how to think like a soldier?

The Boss
How to think like a soldier? I can't teach you that. A soldier needs to be
strong in spirit, body, and technique - and the only one you can learn from
someone else is technique. In fact, technique doesn't even matter. What's most
important is spirit. Spirit and body are like two sides of a single coin.
They're the same thing. I can't teach you how to think. You'll just have to
figure it out for yourself. Listen to me, Snake. Just because soldiers are on
the same side right now, doesn't mean they always will be. Having personal
feelings about your comrades is one of the worst sins you can commit. Politics
determine who you face in the battlefield. And politics are a living thing.
They change along with the times. Yesterday's good might be tomorrow's evil.

Is that why you abandoned me?

The Boss
No. It had nothing to do with you. I already told you, Snake. I was on a
top-secret mission. Asoldier has to follow whatever orders he's given. It's
not his place to question why. But you're looking for a reason to fight.
You're a natural born fighter, but you're not quite a soldier. A soldier is a
political tool, nothing more. That's doubly true if he's a career soldier.
Right and wrong have no place in his mission. He has no enemies and no
friends. Only the mission. You follow the orders you're given. That's what
being a soldier is.

I do whatever I have to do to get the job done. I don't think about politics.

The Boss
That's not the same thing. Sooner or later, your conscience is going to bother
you...In the end, you have to choose whether you're going to live a soldier,
or just another man with a gun...There's a saying in the Orient. "Loyalty to
the end". Do you know what that means?


The Boss
It means devoting yourself to your country.

I follow the President and the top brass. I'm ready to die for them if

The Boss
The President and the top brass won't be there forever. Once their terms are
up, others will take their place.

I follow the will of the leader, no matter who's in charge.

The Boss
People aren't the ones who dictate the missions.

Then who does?

The Boss
The times. People's values change over time. And so do the leaders of a
country. So there's no such thing as an enemy in absolute terms. The enemies
we fight are only enemies in relative terms, constantly changing along with
the times. As long as we have "loyalty to the end", there's no point in
believing in anything even in those we love.

And that's the way a soldier's supposed to think?

The Boss
The only thing we can believe in with absolute the mission,

All right. But do me a favor.

The Boss
What is it?

Call me Snake.

The Boss
Snake? Oh, right, your code name is Snake. It suits you well.

Major Tom
That's right. The legendary unit that The Boss put together during World War
II was a snake. The Cobra Unit...a group of heroes that brough the war to an
end and saved the world. As long as you've got a legendary hero backing you
up, you'll be fine. Isn't that right, Snake?

Yeah. I can't think of anyone else I'd rather have with me. Ohm and one more
thing, Boss.

The Boss

It's good to hear your voice again.

The Boss
Same here. After all, who knows if either of us will make it out alive...
Snake, you were always best at urban warfare and infiltrting buildings. But
this is the jungle. Survival is going to be key. Those CQC techniques I taught
you are sure to come in handy.

CQC - close quarters combat, huh. I've been in the Green Berets for the past
few years. I'm probably pretty rusty.

The Boss
Not to worry. I'll be here to help you remember. After all, this is your first
actual survival mission. I'll be supportinh you over the radio.

Where are you, Boss? Next to the major?

Major Tom
The Boss is communicating with us by radio from aboard a Permit-class
submarine in the Arctic Ocean.

The Boss
My frequency is 141.80. Call me if you need any advice on battle techniques.


Major Tom
Your mission is to retrieve Dr. Sokolov. Soklov is being held in an abandoned
factory located to the north of your current position. Avoid heavy combat and
don't let anyone see you. Don't forget that this is a stealth mission.

[Snake now gets up while being talked to over the radio]

The Boss
Snake, try to remember some of the basics of CQC.

Commencing Virtous

//Dremuchij Swamp Land//

//Dremuchij North//

[Snake spots some enemy soldiers]
Major. I've spotted two enemy soldiers.

Major Tom
They're probably KGB troops sent to guard Sokolov.

AK-47's and grenades.

Major Tom
Snake, your presence in Soviet territory is already a violation of
international law. We can't let the Kremlin find out that the CIA and the
American government are involved. Contact with the enemy is strictly
prohibited. Don't engage them in battle either. This is a stealth mission. Got

The Boss
The major is right. The point of this mission is to sneak through the jungle
without being seen. The success of the mission depends on how well you use
your camouflage. Change your camouflage by selecting "CAMOUFLAGE" from the
Survival Viewer. The "UNIFORM: option lets you pick your uniform, while the
"FACE" option lets you change your face paint. Choosing camouflage that blends
in with your surroundings will help you conceal yourself more effectively.
Also don't forget that anything that moves will stand out in the jungle. If
yu just stand up and run around like an idiot, you're bound to be spotted. But
if you crawl instead, you should be able to sneak by without being noticed.
You can see how effective your camouflage is by looking at the Camo Index. The
Camo Index shows how well your current camouflage blends in with the
surrounding area. The higher the value, the harder you are to spot, and vice
versa. The key is to make yourself one with nature. Keep that in mind as you
go along, OK?

Guard that comes towards you when you first enter the area
Big Snakes Taste the best.

Second closest guard when you first enter the area
Alligator tastes great...

Guard to the far right of area
Inside fallen trees.

Guard near the exit of the area
Throw a grenade into a crocidiles mouth.
You lousy....!!!


Guard that stays south end of bridge: BASTARD!!!
I shot down a hornets nest....and got stung!

Guard that crosses the bridge from your side
Let me go!!!
The fruits on the branches....

Guard that crosses the bridge from opposite side
Shake the rope bridge.

Guard by the back exit of area
Let me go!!!
Underneath the bridge.


[Snake sees the old factory]
Major. I've reached the abandoned factory where Sokolov is supposedly being
held, this place is a dump. I can't see Sokolov from here. The security is
pretty tight. There are sentries posted around the perimeter...I wonder how
many are inside.

Major Tom
Your objective - Sokolov - is inside the factory...they should be holding him
in a room in the northeast section.

The northeast section. Got it.

Major Tom
Be careful. Your mission is to bring Sokolov back alive. He must not be
exposed to any kind of danger. Do not approach Sokolov while in the Alert


Major Tom
Oh, and one more thing, Snake.

You mean there's more?

Major Tom
---------'s just...when you get to Sokolov. I want you to tell him something for

And that is?

Major Tom
"Sorry for being so late"

Is that all?

Major Tom

...Understood. Beginning my approach to the target.

[Snake finds Sokolov].
You must be Sokolov.

You have to get me out of here before they arrive!

It's...! What brought it in here?

If it is completed and the colonel gets his hands on it. It will mean the end
of the Cold War.

The end of the Cold War?

Yes. And then the age of fear will truly begin...

Colonel! Even if they are our enemies, they're still our countrymen!

You're going to nuke your fellows!? Colonel!!

I am about to show you what hell is really like...

I've been waiting for you...Snake...

Guard on far left side
You can crawl under floor.
Let me go.

Guard walking along the path to the right
Use the action button to climb ladders.
Let me go.

Guard behind crates
Shake the bodies of fallen soldiers.
Let me go.

Guard on the left back side of the factory
Use the Right Analog Stick on the Radio Screen.

Guard by Sokolov's door
Press the action button in front of the barrel.

Guard walking through the ruined factory
Shoot the bird before it flies.

3.8 - Time Records

Take as long as you want to collect food in the first two areas (Dremuchij
South and Dremuchij Swamp Land). Then after the cut-scene in area 3 (Dremuchij
North) start timing yourself. Pause timer when going through Radio and
cut-scenes. If you are trying the stealth strategies then you must start over
if you are discovered. Records are in HH:MM:SS:MS

//                     Stealth-No Kills Strategy Times                      //
//1ST PLACE - Brokaliv - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -12:46:22//
//2ND PLACE - ThetrueNemesis - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -12:49:12//
//3RD PLACE - Brokaliv - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -17:31:93//

//                    Stealth-With Kills Strategy Times                     //
//1ST PLACE - Brokaliv - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -15:24:49//

3.9 - Codes

As of this time there is only one code out, it is only for Code Breaker
Version 7.0 and higher.

Mastercode (Must Be On)
B4336FA9 4DFEFB79
4F6AD812 032B9672
AC659651 1C5F85A7
07D5090B BCAFA75F
1A7496EB A846A620
6680A93F 8D240DE7
3B24E9FC 3FE8533D

Infinite Play Time (Disables the OPM 20 second timer)
259BD570 5941D32F

Infinite Health
16066948 A61A7AA2

MK-22 Infinite Ammo
B8C7DDE2 FEB74461

M1911A1 Infinite Ammo
7D296F48 0F5E614F

Patriot Infinite Ammo (Activates hidden weapon)
8953146C 3090E4E3

M16A1 Infinite Ammo
3D4682C6 5A57C9DE

AKM (AK-47) Infinite Ammo

M37 Infinite Ammo
32CFD654 62FED6C5

SVD Infinite Ammo
40CFBCDA 576B41F3

Frag Grenade Infinite Ammo
D1436871 3773EA10

Stun Grenade Infinite Ammo
35424A23 644B5E78

Magazine Infinite Ammo
07E066B4 39C532EA

MK-22 Never Reload Clip
9DBDCA54 1471781C

M1911A1 Never Reload Clip
35CCBDB8 131838A8

Patriot Never Reload Clip
5C43957D B000A907

M16A1 Never Reload Clip
D06F0EF9 8AED981B

AKM (AK-47) Never Reload Clip
01F516B6 19422632

M37 Never Reload Clip
9DC98F60 B9A9C4B2

4. Version History

Version 2.5 - Completed main DEMO script.

Version 2.3 - Added more Code Breaker codes. Added a secret weapon to the
              Weapons section.

Version 2.0 - Added and rewrote parts of the Food section. Added a Time
              Records section. Wrote a Stealth with kills walkthrough.

Version 1.0 - Total Stealth walkthrough complete.

Version 1.0B - Starting Walkthrough, started Demo Script, added a Codes
               section, and Weapons section 50% complete. Corrected and added
               some new Food items and locations.

Version 0.9 - Finished the Camouflage section and Food sections.

Version 0.8 - Finished the Items section and started the Camouflage and Food

Version 0.6 - Added some more information onto the CQC section and started the
              weapons and items sections.

Version 0.5 - Added Close-Quarters Combat section.

Version 0.1 - Added an important note and the controls. Added info on the

5. Copyright 2005

This document is the hard work of me Alan Stupak (Brokaliv). And I don't want
anyone to take this guide and rip it off. This document cannot be changed or
altered in any way, shape or form. You are welcome to ask my permission if
you would like this guide posted on your website. This document is for
private use only. You are free to print it out but you don't have permission
to sell it for profit. This document is not to be published in any form of
media publication unless you have the permission of me before hand. The
websites listed below have permission to have this guide published on their
sites. Use of this guide on any other web site or as a part of any public
display is strictly prohibited, and a violation of copyright. That is all,
thank you.

All trademarks and copyrights contained in this document are owned by their
respective trademark and copyright holders.

Copyright 2005 Alan Stupak

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