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Special Vehicles FAQ

by Southern Finest

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
Playstation 2
Special Vehicle FAQ
November 29 2004
Version 0.7

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| |  __ _ __ __ _ _ __   __| |    | |  | |__   ___| |_| |_ 
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/_/    \_\_| |_|\__,_|_|  \___|\__,_|___/    

Special Vehicle FAQ - Created by Southern Finest, Blane and Section 408

WARNING!! This guide may contain spoilers on events in San Andreas if you do 
Not want your game to be spoiled do not read any further.

For GrandTheftAuto related videos please visit youtube channels

GTAStunting and my own channel GTASouthernFinest

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( Version Updates)

Revised 02/08/09:
 - No major updates

Current Version 0.7:
 - FAQ Created
 - Ascii Art Added
 - BP/FP/EP/DP Car added

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(Table of Contents)

II.......Sites allowed to use this FAQ
IV.......Special Vehicles
  -Rare Vehicles

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(  I. Intro       )

  Welcome to my 3rd FAQ, This FAQ will cover every known BP/FP/EP/DP Vehicle
in Grand Theft Auto San Andreas. The info you will see in this FAQ is
directly from the San Andreas Message Board on I will contribute 
to this also.
But all Thanks is to Blane from the SA Message Board.

 /               \
(  II. Sites...   )

If you would like to use this FAQ please contact me.

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(  III. Legend    )

BP - Bullet Proof

FP - Fire Proof

EP - Explosion Proof

DP - Damage Proof

EP* - Everything Proof

 /                   \
( IV. Special Vehicles)



Speciality: Bulletproof

Owner: Cesar

Available: After "High Stakes, Low Rides" (Cesar)

How to get; Win the race and wait for Cesar. Hit his car with a melee weapon 
so he gets out. Shoot him to scare him away. Push the car to your garage in 
Santa Monica Beach.

Difficulty: Medium, it is not hard but very annoying since you have to push 
the car quite a distance.


Speciality: Bulletproof

Owner: Ballas

Available: After "House Party" (OG Loc)

How to get: After passing the mission there should be two locked Tahomas in 
Grove Street. You can push them easily to your garage.

Difficulty: Easy. Just some yards to push.


Speciality: EP*

Owner: Gas Station (Dillimore)

Available: During "Tanker Commander" (Catalina)

How to get: When you first meet Catalina in Dillimore ("First Date") she will 
give you four locations to rob. The first one is right down the road at the 
gas station. Drive into the Red Marker to trigger the Mission.

Now a (locked) Sabre has spawned in the parking lot of the gas station. 
It's quite easy to push it on the road by foot and then use the tanker to 
push it straight down the street to your garage.

Note: You must do this before you connect the Truck to the trailer.

Important: Before pushing the Sabre into your garage, kill Catalina to fail 
the mission. Otherwise the car might disappear (it did for me). 

Difficulty: Easy. A distance to push but no obstacles or corners, just down a 
straight road


Speciality: [BP/EP/FP]

Owner: OG-Homie (Yay-courier)

Available: During Cesar's courier missions

How to get: There are probably several ways to get it, an easy and pragmatic 
solution is as follows:

Right after finishing "Are You Going to San Fierro?" you will get a call from 
Cesar about the first crack delivery to SF. It will be the coveted Patriot 
(the first courier always is). 

Now, take any vehicle and head to the junkyard north of Angel Pine and take 
the Tow Truck. Then head back directly to northeast San Fierro, ignore 
the courier's route. Park on the right side of the walkway at Esplanade North. 

The Patriot will eventually arrive there, mo matter what route he takes. 
After circling some rounds it should eventually come to a stop. Now the 
tricky part begins.

If you have bad luck, the patriot will get hit by a trolley and flip (that 
happened several times to me). You can try to push the wreck to your next 
garage, but i would rather not chose to. 

If it stays upright, try to attach it to the tow truck. However, this 
Patriot has some magic teleport ability after the mission is over. I 
believe it is like the thing in GTAIII and VC, when you lose eye-sight 
to a special car, it simply vanishes.

But very fortunate for us, apparently, R* has tweaked there: The Patriot 
doesn't vanish, it just reappears in a different place within a radius 
of about 30 yards. I know that sounds strange, but it happened to me 
several times. I know it was the exact same car, as the OG homie was 
still sitting inside.

However, rest should be obvious: Tow the car to your next garage, 
push it in and voil�, there you have your BP/FP/EP/Patriot.

For me it didn't work so well. After half a dozen magic teleports 
in front of the SF-Garage while trying to push it into the garage, 
it was struck by a trolley from hell. Flipped -- exploded. Luckily 
i was able to push the wreck in the garage just before a cop busted me.

Difficulty: Hard (read above), plus fetching the tow truck driving back 
to SF and waiting for the courier takes quite some time, too.


Speciality: Bulletproof

Owner: N/A

Available: "Robbing Uncle Sam" (Ryder)

How to Get: During The mission "Robbing Uncle Sam" Kill ryder to fail the 
and then take it to any garage and save it.

Difficulty: Very Easy Just drive it into a garage.


Speciality: Bulletproof

Available: During the mission "Tanker Commando" (catalina)

How to get: Start the mission, Tanker Commando through Catalina, when 
instructed to jump in the tanker do so, jump out and blast Catalina to 
fail mission, jump back into tanker, drive to a garage.

Diffculty: Very Easy

Note: There are only 2 garages big enough to store this thing that early in 
the game, the one near Cesars in Verdant Bluffs and the garage in Santa Maria 


Speciality: EP* (BP/FP/EP/DP)

Available: During the mission "Misappropriation"

How to get: For this mission you have to go and kill a courier who's got an 
evidence dossier.  He'll be hiding out on top of a mountain surrounded by FBI 
guys in Tierra Robada.  When you get up there you'll notice two Mavericks, 
one of which is on a bit of a plateau and is a little higher than the others, 
that's the one your interested in.  As soon as you get there drive as fast 
as you can to the Maverick, and kill the courier before he can get into the 
Maverick.  Kill off the remaining FBI Agents and you'll be all set.  The 
other Maverick which you were supposed to use to chase him is BP/FP/EP/DP 
until you get inside, as the doors are unlocked.  Once you exit though, 
it reverts back to normal.  The courier's Maverick, however, is locked, 
so you'll of course have to push it.  It's a long way to the Hangar, But 
it slides very well and it's just one long road for the most part.  
All you have to do is push it into the hangar, save, and you'll be 
all set.

If only it could fire missiles....

But hey, it's the first proof aircraft ever!



Speciality: BP

Available: During the mission "Madd Dogg"

How To Get:  First you have to run over to where Madd Dogg is standing and try 
to talk him out of jumping.  The cut scene ends and you are instructed to catch 
him in the back.  After you catch him, drive over to a garage of your choice 
and crash it against the wall, killing Madd Dogg.  Just hop out, save, and 
you'll be all set with a BP, FP, EP, and DP Walton.

How to get (2): Just complete the mission and the walton is still EP*

Difficulty: Very Easy


Speciality: [BP/FP/DP]

Owner: Emmet

Available: "Nines and AKs"

How To Get: During this mission you accompany Big Smoke to Emmet's where you 
meet Emmet. You and Big Smoke take turns shooting glass bottles as you learn 
different shooting techniques, the last portion of which you are instructed 
to blow up a Tampa by using the manual aim to shoot its gas tank.  It is 
important, however, to push the car back before you are instructed to blow it 
up, because once that happens, you can obviously blow it up by shooting the 
gas tank, hence its loss of prperties.  Now, the car will be locked so you'll 
have to push it.  The car on its own is easy enough to move, all you need to 
do is jack another car, and push it into your garage at CJ's house.  You have 
all the time in the world, as Emmet and Big Smoke will still be waiting for 
you to shoot it.  Once you do that you'll need to destroy it, which isn't 
easy, you can enter the "Destroy All Cars" code (R2, L2, R1, L1, L2, R2, 
Square, Triangle, Circle, Triangle, L2, L1) and you'll blow up the Tampa 
obviously as well as Big Smoke's car, which will cause you to fail the 
mission. Let the door close to regenerate it and you'll have the car.  
Be sure to let the garage door open again because if you save without 
it opening again, the car will be gone when you open it back up after saving. 


Speciality: BP, FP, EP, and DP 

Available:  "Los Sepulcros"

How To Get: For this mission you are to go to a Ballas funeral where the 
infamous Kane will be. You, Sweet, and 2 other OG members are to take him and
any other Ballas out. After you complete this mission, Sweet will be waiting 
for you in an Admiral, with which you are to take him and hopefully the two OG
members home in. However, this Admiral is a very rare and unique car, and in 
order to obtain it, you'll have to do things a little differently. When you 
first start the mission you are to drive to the graveyard. You are then
prompted to climb over the wall and meet Sweet and the rest of the crew. Once 
you do you'll be briefed on how to control them and Sweet tells you to take out
Kane while he takes care of the rest.  He'll start running off and doing that,
and while he does, you'll have to kill him.  It seems he is rather impervious 
to bullets during this mission, and I found fire was quite effective in doing 
him in, so you can kill him with a flamethrower or Molotovs.  You'll fail the 
mission obviously and the car will be all yours.  It's not too hard to find. 
From where you first start out, it'll be against the wall on your right. You 
can just push it to the garage on the beach.  It's a long way, but only 
one or two turns and the rest of it a straight road.  Once inside the garage 
just save and you'll be all set.


Speciality: DP

Owner: Ryder

Available: "Ryder"

How to get: The DP Picador in "Ryder" can be saved.  Get 10k and buy the house 
in Verdant bluffs.  Start the mission, get in and drive to the garage.  Stick 
it in the garage, get out, and let the garage door close.  Kill yourself, 
once you are revived, head back down to the house, DO NOT OPEN THE GARAGE 
DOOR.  Go directly into the house and save, when you come out, you'll have 
the car with the same license plate.  However, putting it into a garage will 
cause it to lose it's property, and it cannot be saved again.  I tried saving 
it and it lost the property, and when I loaded up the first game, the car had 
completely disappeared.


Speciality: Sound System In Back

Owner: DJ

Available: "Life's a Beach"

How To Get: Nothing too fancy about this one, although it will be a shorter 
drive if you acquire the Beach Property by the pier with the garage for
$20,000. During the mission for OG Loc you are to go to a beach party, talk to
the DJ, dance well, and then get invited into the Sound Van by the DJ. Once 
inside all you have to do is drive. The DJ will fall out, and you just have 
to take it to a lockup.  But why give up such a special van?  The van itself 
is just an ordinary Pony, but it has one heck of a sound system in the back 
as you can see in the mission.  All you have to do to keep it is stick it in 
your garage and blow it up, failing the mission.  Then all you need to do is
walk in, save, and voila, you've got a van with the best sound system in
all of San Andreas.  Unfortunately, listening to the radio in the van is no
different than in any other vehicle. 


  -Rare Vehicles-


Speciality: The Mothership [unique paint job]

Note: This vehicle is not BP/FP/EP/DP.

Owner: The Truth

License Plates: EREHTTUO (Outhere Backwards)

Available: During "Are You Going to San Fierro?" (The Truth)

How to get; After burning all the weed and taking out the helicopter you simply
kill The Truth and drive the car back to a garage. [You might be able to get 
the car during the "riot" mission with no hassle at all, but i want to 
check that for myself first.]

Difficulty: Medium. You have to burn the weed and take down the helicopter. 
It is not hard, especially after you did that several times, but takes quite 
a while. Also, your nearest Garage is not very close, as San Fierro property 
is still locked. 


Speciality: Pink Club with a unique license plate

Note: This vehicle is not BP/FP/EP/DP.

Owner: Millie

License Plates: SPANK

Available: Achieve 50% releationship with Millie and you can drive her car.

How to get: Do the above. Note it only appears when Millie is home.

Difficulty: Depends on how well you are with Girlfriends

Important: Once you stick it in a garage it loses the plate and the paint goes 
if you stick in it a Pay 'N Spray.



Speciality: This is one of the rarest vehicles in the game. It has no known 
spawn locations.

Available: Once youve unlocked street races.

How to Get: Once you have unlocked the street races go to Wangs Autos and go to
to the Pay and Spray Walk into the red marker and select "San Fierro Hills"
Start the race and drive the Phoenix to your garage in Doherty get out and walk
out of garage. Once you get out of the car a timer starts. Just wait for the
time to run out, Exit the race tournament screen and go to your garage and 
theres your newly acqiured sports car.

How To Get (2): In the mission that you do where you take back Madd Dogg's 
mansion, Big Poppa leaves and tries to escape.  The car you're driving is a 
non-proof windsor that happens to be pink, but can't be saved, and the car Big 
Poppa is driving, which is a phoenix.  You can blow it up and then push it to 
a garge and you'll have it.


Speciality: Get the hydra as soon as you unlock street races which is alot 
earlier before you can get it normally.

Available: Once youve unlocked street races.

How to Get: Once you have unlocked the street races go to the airport in Las 
Venturas Jump the fence by using a Van and jumping onto the guards roof. Walk 
into the red marker to your right and select "Military Service"
Start the race and fly the Hydra to your Location (The airport in Las Venturas)
Once you have flown the hydra to your location get out and wait for the time to
run out then exit the race tournament screen and the Hydra will be there.


Speciality: Get the go-kart as soon as you unlock the street races.

Available: Once youve unlocked street races.

How to Get:  Once you have unlocked the street races go to Wangs Autos and go to
to the Pay and Spray Walk into the red marker and select "Go-Go Karting"
Start the race and drive the Go-Kart to your garage in Doherty get out and walk
out of garage. Once you get out of the Kart a timer starts. Just wait for the
time to run out, Exit the race tournament screen and go to your garage and 
theres your newly acqiured Go-Kart.

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( V. Credits  )

Big thanks to Blane and Section 408 for the "proof" Cars.

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( VI. Contact    )

[email protected]
[email protected]

 /           \
( VII. Legal  )

This FAQ is under Copyright Rules of 2004-09, This FAQ may be used and 
distributed freely.

Any violations of this copyright should be reported as soon as possible.
If I do give you permission to use this FAQ, Only use this .txt file.
It is a free document that cannot be used In any sort of commercial 
transaction, including but not limited to, selling or giving away as a gift. 
This FAQ cannot be used, altered, or used by Anybody (including webmasters, 
publishers, and magazine staff) without my Express written permission.

The GrandTheftAuto Series is (c) of Rockstar, Take 2 Games, and Rockstar North

                Copyright 2004-09 Southernfinest (Bradley Ward)