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by Zariot

  This FAQ is for:                                                 Version 3.0
  _________                    ______
  __  ____/____________ __________  /_ 
  _  /    __  ___/  __ `/_  ___/_  __ \
  / /___  _  /   / /_/ /_(__  )_  / / /
  \____/  /_/    \__,_/ /____/ /_/ /_/ 
  ___  __/__________ _______ ___ 
  __  /  _  _ \  __ `/_  __ `__ \
  _  /   /  __/ /_/ /_  / / / / /
  /_/    \___/\__,_/ /_/ /_/ /_/ 
  ________             _____                
  ___  __ \_____ _________(_)_____________ _
  __  /_/ /  __ `/  ___/_  /__  __ \_  __ `/
  _  _, _// /_/ // /__ _  / _  / / /  /_/ / 
  /_/ |_| \__,_/ \___/ /_/  /_/ /_/_\__, /  


==============================I - Table Of Contents============================

                                   [CONTENTS ]

If you are too lazy to look for what you are looking for, use the find sistem
(CTRL+F for most browsers) and tipe in the box what is in brackets (don't
mind the zeros and spaces, they are mainly just for looks).

I - Table of contents                      [CONTENTS ]
II - Introduction                          [INTRO 000]
III - Version history                      [HISTORY 0]
IV - Legal stuff                           [LEGAL 000]
V - The game modes and their rules         [MODES 000]
VI - The racers                            [RACERS 00]
VII - The tracks: strategies and shortcuts [TRACKS 00]
 A - Zone 1: N. Sanity Beach               [SANITY 00]
   1 - Crash Cove                          [CRASH 000]
   2 - Roo's Tubes                         [TUBES 000]
   3 - Mystery Caves                       [MYSTERY 0]
   4 - Sewer Speedway                      [SPEEDWAY ]
 B - Zone 2: The Lost Ruins                [RUINS 000]
   5 - Coco Park                           [COCOPARK ]
   6 - Tiger Temple                        [TEMPLE 00]
   7 - Papu's Pyramid                      [PYRAMID 0]
   8 - Dingo Canyon                        [CANYON 00]
 C - Zone 3: Glacier Park                  [GLACIER 0]
   9 - Blizzard Bluff                      [BLUFF 000]
   10 - Dragon Mines                       [MINES 000]
   11 - Polar Pass                         [PASS 0000]
   12 - Tiny Arena                         [ARENA 000]
 D - Zone 4: Citadel City                  [CITADEL 0]
   13 - N. Gin Labs                        [LABS 0000]
   14 - Cortex Castle                      [CASTLE 00]
   15 - Hot Air Skyway                     [SKYWAY 00]
   16 - Oxide Station                      [STATION 0]
 E - Zone 5: Gemstone Valley               [GEMSTONE ]
   17 - Slide Coliseum                     [COLISEUM ]
   18 - Turbo Track                        [TURBO 000]
VIII - Bosses                              [BOSSES 00]
   1 - Ripper Roo                          [ROO 00000]
   2 - Papu Papu                           [PAPU 0000]
   3 - Komodo Joe                          [JOE 00000]
   4 - Pinstripe                           [PINSTRIPE]
   5 - Nitros Oxide                        [NITROS 00]
IX - Conclusion                            [CONCLUDED]
X - Credits                                [CREDITS 0]


==================================II - Introduction============================

                                    [INTRO 000]

Hello, my name is Miguel, and this is my first FAQ. It's a bit bad, but I will 
try to make it better with the updates (if any). I started this walkthrough
because almost all of my friends were having bad time trial times, and I was
too lazy to tell them where the shortcuts were. So I decided that a walkthrough
with all of the shortcuts that I knew that existed.

SHORTCUTS SO FAR: 20 (I think that's all of them)


===============================III - Version History===========================

                                    [HISTORY 0]

 Version 1.0  - Started the FAQ, and plan to start a wall of fame.
(Date unknown)

 Version 1.01 - Minor correction made in Hot Air Skyway's shortcut 2.
(Date unknown)

 Version 2.01 - MAJOR update. Changed the format style, added the "find"
(Date unknown)  system, first ever spellcheck was made and added a couple of

 Version 3.0  - Added the boss walkthroughs, edited the "find" system, added a
(06/15/2007)    shortcut count,


=================================IV - Legal Stuff==============================

                                    [LEGAL 000]

This FAQ was solely intended for the public use.
It cannot be reproduced, retransmitted, or re-written in any other form
except by the notice of the author.
Any violation of this code will result in strict penalty and high fines
susceptible by law.  If this legal document is portrayed in any commercial 
use, you are therefore restricting under the code of law- and will be 
punished. In full contrast, this document is to be used and only used by the 
public itself and cannot be sold.  Revisions of this FAQ are only to be done 
with notice of the author before hand and may be done so as long as the name 
of the author of the document appears in due credit. You may juxtapose this 
document with other documents as well without notice of the author but it 
must not be used for sales and broadcasting or commercial use.
This FAQ may not be included in a promotional CD, magazine,
or any other use of monetary product.
This FAQ may not be used in a password protected area nor in a high security
area. This FAQ is solely used and ONLY used for public use only 
and may not be used in a promotional ad that sponsors any type of monetary 
use. This FAQ is to be used  "just like a book" meaning that it can be read 
over and over again by anybody who wishes to do so.  Just like a book it can
be moved around from one person to another, but unlike a book the document
can be viewed by more than one person at once.  This FAQ is in no way
possible to be plagiarized, doing so not only damages the person you had
intentionally forged, but it also damages yourself in terms of self-guilt
or in terms of law, whether the punishment be civil or criminal law.


======================V - The Game Modes And Their Rules=======================

                                 [MODES 000]

The game modes are as follows:
- Adventure, with 4 race tipes:
  -> Trophy race: a normal race. Come in 1st place and win a trophy.
  -> CTR challenge: like a trophy race, but to win you got to obtain the
  letters C, T and R AND come in 1st place. The prize is a CTR token.
  ->Relic race: sort of like time trial, but there are time crates that freeze
  the clock for 1, 2 or 3 seconds (depending on the crate number). If you get
  ALL the crates in a track, your time will be cut by 10 SECONDS, which is VERY
  useful when going for the platinum relic. If you beat the proposed time, you
  will win a relic, that can be sapphire, gold or platinum.
- Arcade:
  -> You can compete against 7 computer players in a 4 track cup OR 1
  human player and 4 computer players. Depending on your final position, you
  get a different ammount of points:
   -> 1st place          - 9 points
   -> 2nd place          - 6 points
   -> 3rd place          - 3 points
   -> 4th place          - 1 point
   -> 5th place or lower - 0 points
  The player with the most points at the end of all races wins. Also, if you
  beat all the cups in all difficulties, you will unlock 3 new battle arenas.
- VS (short for VerSus):
  -> Compete against one, two or even three friends in a race, without any
  computer players to bug you or your friends. to play with more than 2
  players you will need to purchase a PlayStaion� Multitap.
- Battle:
  -> Free for all clash of the karts. A round/square/oval arena with up to 4
  human players, with 2 extra power-ups: invisibility and engine booster! But,
  as a downside, you have 2 less power-ups: the warp orb and the clock. You
  can even choose teams (e.g. P1+P3+P4/P2 or P1+P4/P2+P3 or P1+P2/P3/P4)and
  which power-ups appear or don't appear! It is, in my opinion, the best mode
  of all. 4 arenas to choose from and 3 secret ones that are won in the Arcade
- Time trial:
  -> Race against the clock, using absolutely NO power-ups and having NOBODY
  to disturb you while racing. Acheaving a certain time in a track unlocks
  N. Tropy's ghost on that track. Beat his ghost to unlock Nitros Oxide's
  ghost on that track. Beat all of N. Tropy's ghost to unlock N. Tropy as a
  playable character in all play modes. Sadly, you don't win anything by
  beating all of Nitros Oxide's ghost.

=================================VI - The Racers===============================

                                   [RACERS 00]

There are 15 racers overall, but 7 of them are secret. If they are, I will tell
you how to unlock them. TABLEPHOBICS STAY AWAY!!!!

Stat description:
BA-Below Average
AA-Above Average
|                                                                             |
|                                REGULAR RACERS                               |
|______________ __________________ _______________ ______________ ____________|
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Racer Name   |   Acceleration   |   Top Speed   |   Handling   |   Overall  |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Crash Bandic.|     ***    A     |    ***    A   |   ****   AA  |    ****    |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Neo Cortex   |     ***    A     |    ***    A   |   ****   AA  |    ****    |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Tiny Tiger   |     *****  M     |    *****  M   |   *      L   |    *       |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Coco Bandic. |     *****  M     |    **     BA  |   ***    A   |    ***1/2  |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| N. Gin       |     *****  M     |    **     BA  |   ***    A   |    ***1/2  |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Dingodile    |     *****  M     |    *****  M   |   *      L   |    *       |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Polar Bear   |     **     BA    |    **     BA  |   *****  M   |    ***     |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Pura Tiger   |     **     BA    |    **     BA  |   *****  M   |    ***     |

|                                                                             |
|                                 SECRET RACERS                               |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Racer Name   |   Acceleration   |   Top speed   |   Handling   |   Overall  |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| N. Tropy     |    *****   M     |    *****  M   |   **     BA  |    ****1/2 |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Pinstripe    |    ***     A     |    ****   AA  |   ****   AA  |    ***1/2  |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Ripper Roo   |    ***     A     |    ***    A   |   ****   AA  |    ***     |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Papu Papu    |    *****   M     |    *****  M   |   **     BA  |    ****    |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Komodo Joe   |    ****    AA    |    ***    A   |   *****  M   |    ***3/4  |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Penta Penguin|    ****    AA    |    *****  M   |   *****  M   |    *****   |
|              |                  |               |              |            |
| Fake Crash   |    *****   M     |    ****   AA  |   *****  M   |    *****   |

PS - Secret racers can't be used in Adventure mode.

                                  HOW TO UNLOCK

N. Tropy: Beat his ghost in ALL of the time trials.
Pinstripe: Win the Yellow Gem cup in Adventure mode.
Ripper Roo: Win the Red Gem cup in Adventure mode.
Papu Papu: Win the Green Gem cup in Adventure mode.
Komodo Joe: Win the Blue Gem cup in Adventure mode.
Penta Penguin: Hold L1 + R1 at the main menu and press Down, Right, Triangle,
               Down, Left, Triangle, Up.
Fake Crash: Win the Purple Gem cup in Adventure mode.

I know there are rumours that you can unlock Nitrous Oxide by beating Adventure
mode with all relics platinum, but THEY ARE FAKE. I know that because I have
ALL relics platinum and STILL can't use him. There is another one that says
that if you beat his ghost in ALL time trials you can use him. IT'S A LIE AS
in Crash Nitro Kart.


====================VII - The tracks: strategies and shortcuts=================

                                   [TRACKS 00]

Now here comes the LONGEST part of my walkthrough. Believe me, it's worth it.


                          |-Zone 1: N. Sanity Beach-|

                                   [SANITY 00]

This is the zone where you start the game. It has 4 tracks, just like every
other zone.

   _____               _       _____  
  /  __ \             | |     /  __ \               
  | /  \/_ __ __ _ ___| |__   | /  \/ _____   _____ 
  | |   | '__/ _` / __| '_ \  | |    / _ \ \ / / _ \
  | \__/\ | | (_| \__ \ | | | | \__/\ (_) \ V /  __/
   \____/_|  \__,_|___/_| |_|  \____/\___/ \_/ \___|
                                                                    [CRASH 000]

Requirements: none
CTR Token Colour: red
Shortcuts: pool to cliff jump

If you can't win this race, this is the best advice I can give you: SELL THE

Shortcut: You know that little pool on the track? Get on the ramp before it,
and fall in. As you are driving out of it, start turning left so that you are
facing the small cliff. Before you leave the pool, JUMP! If done correctly,
you should land on the cliff. Go straight to the bridge on the normal track

  ______             __      _____     _
  | ___ \           | /     |_   _|   | |
  | |_/ /___   ___  |/ ___    | |_   _| |__   ___  ___ 
  |    // _ \ / _ \   / __|   | | | | | '_ \ / _ \/ __|
  | |\ \ (_) | (_) |  \__ \   | | |_| | |_) |  __/\__ \
  \_| \_\___/ \___/   |___/   \_/\__,_|_.__/ \___||___/
                                                                    [TUBES 000]

Requirements: none
CTR Token Colour: green
Shortcuts: grass power slide

This track is not so challenging as it should be, but it still is. There are
a few jumps on the track and a bigger ammount of turbo pads, but it can
still give you a hard time.

Shortcut: You need a speed power up for this. Near the end, to the left of
the whale skeleton, there is a grass path with a mushroom on it. Use your
power-up and POWER SLIDE your way through. EXPERTS: POWER SLIDE IS THE WAY TO

  ___  ___          _                    _____                      
  |  \/  |         | |                  /  __ \                     
  | .  . |_   _ ___| |_ ___ _ __ _   _  | /  \/ __ ___   _____  ___ 
  | |\/| | | | / __| __/ _ \ '__| | | | | |    / _` \ \ / / _ \/ __|
  | |  | | |_| \__ \ ||  __/ |  | |_| | | \__/\ (_| |\ V /  __/\__ \
  \_|  |_/\__, |___/\__\___|_|   \__, |  \____/\__,_| \_/ \___||___/
           __/ |                  __/ |                             
          |___/                  |___/
                                                                    [MYSTERY 0]

Requirements: 1 trophy
CTR Token Colour: red
Shortcuts: rocky track

since you gotta play it to win the game, I got used to it.And so should you.
TIP: When the turtles appear, go towards the one that is low. DO NOT JUMP FOR
A BOOST! The turtle will rise and you should jump and get a boost AUTOMATICALLY.

Shortcut: You need a speed power up for this shortcut. After the 1st set of
turtles, there is a gap between two pointy rocks. Use your power up and go
through. Simple as that.

  /  ___|                       
  \ `--.  _____      _____ _ __ 
   `--. \/ _ \ \ /\ / / _ \ '__|
  /\__/ /  __/\ V  V /  __/ |   
  \____/ \___| \_/\_/ \___|_|                            
   _____                     _                     
  /  ___|                   | |                    
  \ `--. _ __   ___  ___  __| |_      ____ _ _   _ 
   `--. \ '_ \ / _ \/ _ \/ _` \ \ /\ / / _` | | | |
  /\__/ / |_) |  __/  __/ (_| |\ V  V / (_| | |_| |
  \____/| .__/ \___|\___|\__,_| \_/\_/ \__,_|\__, |
        | |                                   __/ |
        |_|                                  |___/
                                                                    [SPEEDWAY ]

Requirements: 3 trophies
CTR Token Colour: blue
Shortcuts: high altitude hole in wall

This track is THE most challenging in the 1st zone. Lots of jumps, rolling
toxic barrels AND a high altitude shortcut, that I will explain now.

Shortcut: After the double pipeway, you will enter the halfpipe section of
the track. Look up, and you shall see an opening in the wall. Use a speed
power up during or when you enter the halfpipe section and jump on the edge
of it towards the opening. If done correctly, you should land in the hole and
take the bridge path you could see from below. PRO GAMERS: TRY THIS WITHOUT


                          |-Zone 2: The Lost Ruins-|

                                   [RUINS 000]

Papu Papu's area. BEWARE OF THE BIG FAT TALL MAN!!!!

   _____                  ______          _    
  /  __ \                 | ___ \        | |   
  | /  \/ ___   ___ ___   | |_/ /_ _ _ __| | __
  | |    / _ \ / __/ _ \  |  __/ _` | '__| |/ /
  | \__/\ (_) | (_| (_) | | | | (_| | |  |   < 
   \____/\___/ \___\___/  \_|  \__,_|_|  |_|\_\
                                                                    [COCOPARK ]

Requirements: 4 trophies
CTR Token Colour: green
Shortcuts: none


   _____ _                   _____                    _      
  |_   _(_)                 |_   _|                  | |     
    | |  _  __ _  ___ _ __    | | ___ _ __ ___  _ __ | | ___ 
    | | | |/ _` |/ _ \ '__|   | |/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _ \
    | | | | (_| |  __/ |      | |  __/ | | | | | |_) | |  __/
    \_/ |_|\__, |\___|_|      \_/\___|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\___|
            __/ |                              | |           
           |___/                               |_|
                                                                     [TEMPLE 00]

Requirements: 4 trophies
CTR Token Colour: blue
Shortcuts: teeth passageway, jump over wall

This track is A LOT more interesting than Coco Park, because it has JUMPS,

Shortcut 1: Pass the the first set of flamethrowers and you will see teeth
drawn on the wall. To open the teeth, use one of these:

Mask: just drive towards it.
N.Brio beakers: toss them at the door.
Bowling Bomb: see N.Brio beakers.
Missile: see Bowling Bomb.
Shield: see Missile.

Shortcut 2: There is a tunnel on the track that has flamethrowers, and there
is a wall that sepperates the 2 sides. You can jump over it, I just don't
know where. If I find out, I will write it here.

  ______                  __
  | ___ \                | /
  | |_/ /_ _ _ __  _   _ |/ ___
  |  __/ _` | '_ \| | | |  / __|
  | | | (_| | |_) | |_| |  \__ \
  \_|  \__,_| .__/ \__,_|  |___/
            | |          

  ______                          _     _ 
  | ___ \                        (_)   | |
  | |_/ /   _ _ __ __ _ _ __ ___  _  __| |
  |  __/ | | | '__/ _` | '_ ` _ \| |/ _` |
  | |  | |_| | | | (_| | | | | | | | (_| |
  \_|   \__, |_|  \__,_|_| |_| |_|_|\__,_|
         __/ |                            
                                                                    [PYRAMID 0]

Requirements: 6 trophies
CTR Token Colour: red
Shortcuts: pillar jump, ledge jump, sharp curve jump

My personal favourite, Papu's Pyramid is quite a challenging track. It's also
the track with the most shortcuts in the game.

Shortcut 1: This one is easy. After the 1st 3 carnivore plants, there will be
2 walls with arrows pointing right. Between them is a pillar. Use a speed
power up and jump on it. Then, get back on the track. You should cut about 3
to 5 seconds with this.

Shortcut 2: Almost impossible if you took shortcut 1. After the U-turn of
shortcut 1 you have a turbo pad on the right. Get on it and IMMEDIATELY turn
left towards a ledge with 3 wumpa fruit. You have to jump to reach it,
or else you will fall. Instead of using the turbo pad, you can use a speed
power up.

Shortcut 3: Always possible. After the "staircase" and the 2 carnivore plants
there will be a hill and a sharp U-turn. Use a speed power up and jump on top
correctly, you should land on the final stretch to the finish line.
PRO GAMERS: Try this using only the power slide.

  ______ _                     _____                               
  |  _  (_)                   /  __ \                              
  | | | |_ _ __   __ _  ___   | /  \/ __ _ _ __  _   _  ___  _ __  
  | | | | | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \  | |    / _` | '_ \| | | |/ _ \| '_ \ 
  | |/ /| | | | | (_| | (_) | | \__/\ (_| | | | | |_| | (_) | | | |
  |___/ |_|_| |_|\__, |\___/   \____/\__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___/|_| |_|
                  __/ |                           __/ |            
                 |___/                           |___/
                                                                    [CANYON 00]

Requirements: 7 trophies
CTR Token Colour: yellow
Shortcuts: none

This track is totally straightforward (no wonder it's named after Dingodile!).
The advice I can give you is: in the water parts, stay away from the water.


                          |-Zone 3: Glacier Park-|

                                  [GLACIER 0]

This zone gives me the chills! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR...

  ______ _ _                      _  ______ _        __  __ 
  | ___ \ (_)                    | | | ___ \ |      / _|/ _|
  | |_/ / |_ __________ _ _ __ __| | | |_/ / |_   _| |_| |_ 
  | ___ \ | |_  /_  / _` | '__/ _` | | ___ \ | | | |  _|  _|
  | |_/ / | |/ / / / (_| | | | (_| | | |_/ / | |_| | | | |  
  \____/|_|_/___/___\__,_|_|  \__,_| \____/|_|\__,_|_| |_|
                                                                    [BLUFF 000]

Requirements: 8 trophies
CTR Token Colour: red
Shortcuts: small cave openning 1, river jump, small cave openning 2

This is pretty much the "snow day" version of Crash Cove, but this track has
3 shortcuts instead of 1.

Shortcut 1: When you start the race, if you got a turbo start, head left
towards the wall and you should see an openning of snow between 2 rocks.
Go through. Simple as that.

Shortcut 2: Many people say that this shortcut is impossible. I thought so at
first, but now it's a piece of cake for me. At the frozen lake, there is a jump
on the left that goes over the river. BEGINNERS AND EXPERTS: Use a speed
power up and jump at the peak of the hill. PRO GAMERS: Use only the power
slide for boost.

Shortcut 3: If you didn't take shortcut 2, go towards the exit of the lake.
A bit to the left of that is a small openning between 2 rocks. Go through.
Oh, it's better if you use a turbo, or you will slow down a bit.

  ______                              ___  ____                 
  |  _  \                             |  \/  (_)                
  | | | |_ __ __ _  __ _  ___  _ __   | .  . |_ _ __   ___  ___ 
  | | | | '__/ _` |/ _` |/ _ \| '_ \  | |\/| | | '_ \ / _ \/ __|
  | |/ /| | | (_| | (_| | (_) | | | | | |  | | | | | |  __/\__ \
  |___/ |_|  \__,_|\__, |\___/|_| |_| \_|  |_/_|_| |_|\___||___/
                    __/ |                                       
                                                                    [MINES 000]

Requirements: 9 trophies
CTR Token Colour: blue
Shortcuts: railway

This track is all easy, except the wodden corkscrew near the end.

Shortcut: You need a mask for this. Right before the corkscrew there is a
railway crossing the road. Use your mask and follow the mine carts' trail. Now,
you can leave the shortcut in 2 spots: during the corkscrew or at the end of
the track.

  ______     _             ______             
  | ___ \   | |            | ___ \            
  | |_/ /__ | | __ _ _ __  | |_/ /_ _ ___ ___ 
  |  __/ _ \| |/ _` | '__| |  __/ _` / __/ __|
  | | | (_) | | (_| | |    | | | (_| \__ \__ \
  \_|  \___/|_|\__,_|_|    \_|  \__,_|___/___/
                                                                    [PASS 0000]

Requirements: 10 trophies
CTR Token Colour: green
Shortcuts: wall jump

This track is long, but it's also fun. Enjoy this track, because it will be
your last snow track. *sniff*

Shortcut: At the exit of the tunnel with 2 seals, there is a wall that says
that you gotta do a 180� turn around it. Instead, if you got a lot of speed,
jump over it. BEGINNERS: Use speed power-up. EXPERTS: Power slide your way

   _____ _                ___                       
  |_   _(_)              / _ \                      
    | |  _ _ __  _   _  / /_\ \_ __ ___ _ __   __ _ 
    | | | | '_ \| | | | |  _  | '__/ _ \ '_ \ / _` |
    | | | | | | | |_| | | | | | | |  __/ | | | (_| |
    \_/ |_|_| |_|\__, | \_| |_/_|  \___|_| |_|\__,_|
                  __/ |                             
                                                                    [ARENA 000]

Requirements: 11 trophies
CTR Token Colour: yellow
Shortcuts: none

make such a loooooooooooong track, to put NO SHORTCUTS AT ALL IN IT? Bad
choice, developers...


                          |-Zone 4: Citadel City-|

                                  [CITADEL 0]
        |You are now entering|
        |   CITADEL   CITY   |
        |Population: 5 blimps|
        |      + ALIEN       |
           |              |
           |              |

   _   _     _____ _         _           _         
  | \ | |   |  __ (_)       | |         | |        
  |  \| |   | |  \/_ _ __   | |     __ _| |__  ___ 
  | . ` |   | | __| | '_ \  | |    / _` | '_ \/ __|
  | |\  |_  | |_\ \ | | | | | |___| (_| | |_) \__ \
  \_| \_(_)  \____/_|_| |_| \_____/\__,_|_.__/|___/
                                                                    [LABS 0000]
Requirements: 12 trophies
CTR Token Colour: blue
Shortcuts: none

Who knew N. Gin built an indoor race track in his lab? I don't know when and
why he did this, but he has a talent for this.

   _____            _              _____           _   _      
  /  __ \          | |            /  __ \         | | | |     
  | /  \/ ___  _ __| |_ _____  __ | /  \/ __ _ ___| |_| | ___ 
  | |    / _ \| '__| __/ _ \ \/ / | |    / _` / __| __| |/ _ \
  | \__/\ (_) | |  | ||  __/>  <  | \__/\ (_| \__ \ |_| |  __/
   \____/\___/|_|   \__\___/_/\_\  \____/\__,_|___/\__|_|\___|
                                                                    [CASTLE 00]
Requirements: 12 trophies
CTR Token Colour: green
Shortcuts: second access ramp

Another indoor race track, this time in Cortex's Castle! Surprising, isn't it?

Shortcut: After the "staircase" there will be a blue walled room. The entrance
is a ramp, right? Okay, now look at the inside of the room. To the left of the
entrance there is an access ramp with a small gap on the low end.
BEGINNERS: Use a speed power-up for speed then jump on the peak of the entrance
ramp to go over the gap. EXPERTS: Use power slide for speed.

   _   _       _      ___  _        _____ _                              
  | | | |     | |    / _ \(_)      /  ___| |                             
  | |_| | ___ | |_  / /_\ \_ _ __  \ `--.| | ___   ___      ____ _ _   _ 
  |  _  |/ _ \| __| |  _  | | '__|  `--. \ |/ / | | \ \ /\ / / _` | | | |
  | | | | (_) | |_  | | | | | |    /\__/ /   <| |_| |\ V  V / (_| | |_| |
  \_| |_/\___/ \__| \_| |_/_|_|    \____/|_|\_\\__, | \_/\_/ \__,_|\__, |
                                                __/ |               __/ |
                                               |___/               |___/ 
                                                                    [SKYWAY 00]

Requirements: 14 trophies
CTR Token Colour: yellow
Shortcuts: second rampway, jump over wall

Finally, an airborn track! Talk about waiting, huh?

Shortcut 1: At the first big jump, go on the right of it and jump at the very
peak. If done correctly, you will land on a second rampway, saving some time
on the process.

Shortcut 2: After the previous shortcut, you will reach a segment of the track,
in which there is a wall separating two roadways. After the downhill right
after you pass this, turn around. Get speed and use the downhill (which is now
a ramp) to jump over the wall. For this to work, though, you MUST touch the
other side of the road. It is not necessary that you land on it, or even brake
in mid-air. BEGINNERS: Use speed power-up for speed. EXPERTS: Use power slide
for speed.

   _____      _     _        _____ _        _   _             
  |  _  |    (_)   | |      /  ___| |      | | (_)            
  | | | |_  ___  __| | ___  \ `--.| |_ __ _| |_ _  ___  _ __  
  | | | \ \/ / |/ _` |/ _ \  `--. \ __/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \ 
  \ \_/ />  <| | (_| |  __/ /\__/ / || (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
   \___//_/\_\_|\__,_|\___| \____/ \__\__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
                                                                    [STATION 0]

Requirements: 15 trophies
CTR Token Colour: yellow
Shortcuts: jump over wall

This track is THE most fun in the whole game. LOTS of jumps, LOTS of turbo pads
and, in a small part of the map, YOU DRIVE IN SPACE!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!
Get used to this track, because you will be facing Nitros Oxide here.

Shortcut: There are three turbo pads after the first tunnel. After the third
pad, turn left and jump over wall to land on the lower of the two tracks for
a huge shortcut.


                          |-Zone 5: Gemstone Valley-|

                                   [GEMSTONE ]


   _____ _ _     _        _____       _ _                          
  /  ___| (_)   | |      /  __ \     | (_)                         
  \ `--.| |_  __| | ___  | /  \/ ___ | |_ ___  ___ _   _ _ __ ___  
   `--. \ | |/ _` |/ _ \ | |    / _ \| | / __|/ _ \ | | | '_ ` _ \ 
  /\__/ / | | (_| |  __/ | \__/\ (_) | | \__ \  __/ |_| | | | | | |
  \____/|_|_|\__,_|\___|  \____/\___/|_|_|___/\___|\__,_|_| |_| |_|
                                                                    [COLISEUM ] 

Requirements: 10 relics
CTR Token Colour: none
Shortcuts: 3 or 4 over-the-tires jump

Of the 2 tracks in Gemstone Valley, this one is my favourite. As the name
indicates, SLIDE your way through the track.

Shortcuts: Scattered along the track, there are several grass corners with
tires. You can jump over most of them, but the most useful is the one on the
VERY SHARP U-turn. It saves about 3 to 4 seconds of your time. It's your job

   _____          _             _____              _    
  |_   _|        | |           |_   _|            | |   
    | |_   _ _ __| |__   ___     | |_ __ __ _  ___| | __
    | | | | | '__| '_ \ / _ \    | | '__/ _` |/ __| |/ /
    | | |_| | |  | |_) | (_) |   | | | | (_| | (__|   < 
    \_/\__,_|_|  |_.__/ \___/    \_/_|  \__,_|\___|_|\_\
                                                                    [TURBO 000]

Requirements: All 5 gems
CTR Token Colour: none
Shortcuts: none

This track is PERFECT for speed maniacs, due to the HUGE ammount of turbo pads
along the track. For those who use fast drivers, steer wisely, or you will lose
control and go far behind the others.


==================================VIII - Bosses================================

                                   [BOSSES 00]

In this section I will describe the bosses you will face in Adventure mode.

  ______ _                        ______            
  | ___ (_)                       | ___ \           
  | |_/ /_ _ __  _ __   ___ _ __  | |_/ /___   ___  
  |    /| | '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| |    // _ \ / _ \ 
  | |\ \| | |_) | |_) |  __/ |    | |\ \ (_) | (_) |
  \_| \_|_| .__/| .__/ \___|_|    \_| \_\___/ \___/ 
          | |   | |                                 
          |_|   |_|
                                                                    [ROO 00000]

A challenging boss for a first boss, Ripper Roo is quite difficult for new

Requirements: 4 trophies
Weapon of choice: Regular TNT crates
Home track: Roo's Tubes
Reward: 1st boss key

Strategy: He usually drives along the middle of the road, so stick to the edges
of the track. On rare ocasions he will go to the edges, so get your bowling
bombs ready. And don't hesitate to use the grassy shortcut if you have a lot of

  ______                  ______                 
  | ___ \                 | ___ \                
  | |_/ /_ _ _ __  _   _  | |_/ /_ _ _ __  _   _ 
  |  __/ _` | '_ \| | | | |  __/ _` | '_ \| | | |
  | | | (_| | |_) | |_| | | | | (_| | |_) | |_| |
  \_|  \__,_| .__/ \__,_| \_|  \__,_| .__/ \__,_|
            | |                     | |          
            |_|                     |_|          
                                                                    [PAPU 0000]

Quite on the large side, Papu Papu is quite fast and agile for his size.

Requirements: 8 trophies
Weapon of choice: N. Brio beakers (mostly green, red once in a while)
Home track: Papu's Pyramid
Reward: 2nd boss key

Strategy: This guy is very agile, so be ready for anything from beakers at the
edge to beakers in the middle. Luckily, he never throws these bad-boys, not
even if you're in the lead. Somehow he gets incredibly fast when you're in the
lead, so keep far ahead if you want to win. Using the 3rd shortcut described
in this walkthrough works nicely for that purpose.

   _   __                          _           ___            
  | | / /                         | |         |_  |           
  | |/ /  ___  _ __ ___   ___   __| | ___       | | ___   ___ 
  |    \ / _ \| '_ ` _ \ / _ \ / _` |/ _ \      | |/ _ \ / _ \
  | |\  \ (_) | | | | | | (_) | (_| | (_) | /\__/ / (_) |  __/
  \_| \_/\___/|_| |_| |_|\___/ \__,_|\___/  \____/ \___/ \___|
                                                                    [JOE 00000]

One of the Komodo Bros., Komodo Joe is quite annoying and fast, but his home
track is the worst of it all.

Requirements: 12 trophies
Weapon of choice: Thrown TNT's that explode on ground contact (Nitro drop every
                  now and then)
Home track: Dragon Mines
Reward: 3rd boss key

Strategy: Staying ahead is a must, but try not to drive too close behind him.
Normally you would take the shortcut with a speed power-up, but I strongly
advise to use a mask (he usually places a Nitro right at the end of the train
tracks). Staying juiced up is a priority, since missiles track better and the
shield lasts forever.

  ______ _           _        _            
  | ___ (_)         | |      (_)           
  | |_/ /_ _ __  ___| |_ _ __ _ _ __   ___ 
  |  __/| | '_ \/ __| __| '__| | '_ \ / _ \
  | |   | | | | \__ \ |_| |  | | |_) |  __/
  \_|   |_|_| |_|___/\__|_|  |_| .__/ \___|
                               | |

The easiest boss in the game, in my opinion, Pinstripe is quite the talker, but
is quite the loser as well.

Requirements: 16 trophies
Weapon of choice: Bowling Bombs (never thrown forward)
Home track: Hot Air Skyway
Reward: 4th and last boss key

Strategy: This guy is so easy I think I shouldn't be writing a strategy, but...
The only thing that is even a bit challenging is the unpredictability of his
bomb throws. Other than that, he is easy to beat, even with Pura! Or Polar!

   _   _ _ _                   _____      _     _      
  | \ | (_) |                 |  _  |    (_)   | |     
  |  \| |_| |_ _ __ ___  ___  | | | |_  ___  __| | ___ 
  | . ` | | __| '__/ _ \/ __| | | | \ \/ / |/ _` |/ _ \
  | |\  | | |_| | | (_) \__ \ \ \_/ />  <| | (_| |  __/
  \_| \_/_|\__|_|  \___/|___/  \___//_/\_\_|\__,_|\___|
                                                                    [NITROS 00]

This guy is a CHEAT! A fat, stinking CHEAT! He starts in the yellow light! And
is almost not affected by Nitros, TNT's and Missiles! He is also ultra fast and
uses all of the other bosses' weapons!

Requirements: All 4 boss keys
Weapon of choice: All of the above
Home track: Oxide Station
Reward: Game completion (100% if with all relics, 101% if all relics are gold
        or platinum)

Strategy: Quick reflexes are the way to go. Jump as much as possible to get the
landing boost and try to fuse that with a power slide. For unexperienced
players it should take about 10 tries before you are able to beat him.

=================================IX - Conclusion===============================


I enjoyed making this FAQ, and I hope it helped the readers of this FAQ. Oh,
as read in the version history, I'll be making a time trial wall of fame. For
those who want in, send me an e-mail with a photografic proof of your time and
the name you wish to be displayed as in the wall of fame. If you used any
cheats in making such times, those times will NOT be accepted.

My e-mail: [email protected]


===================================X - Credits=================================
                                   [CREDITS 0]

Naughty Dog, for creating the Crash series and for making the game;

Sony Computer Entertainment, also for making this game;

Me, for making this;

You, for reading this.



� Miguel Ramos 2006