How do you change or edit coat color of horses when you r playing them,in the game?
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All you have to do is click ctrl shift c and hold them down at the same time. This will open up the cheat box. Then you have to type in the cheat testingcheatsenabled true. After you hav done this hold down the sift key and click on you're horse. Then something that says Edit in Creat a Sim. Click that and you can change the way you're horse looks.
When you click on the horse, it have choices, and click on the one that says care. One there put customize or something to that effect and you will be able to customize the coat and mane color as well as the tack
Its actually not under the customize tab it's under the "Saddle..." tab. Once you click "Saddle..." Click :Edit Saddle..." and it will take you the the CAS for the horse. And make sure you are clicking on the horse with a different sim
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