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Turn Your SPECIAL Stats up to 11... 12 with bobbleheads cheats for Fallout 4

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Turn Your SPECIAL Stats up to 11... 12 with bobbleheads


*Disclaimer, this cheat has not been confirmed on pc, but considering the game is pretty much the same, it should work, this may also be the only way to do this, I'm not sure if the perk console commands would increase the special stat after 10*

This cheat uses the Dogmeat duplication glitch and the special book found in your home in sanctuary to net you an amazing 77 SPECAIL attribute points. While it can be a bit nerve wracking at first it does work.

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Step 1:

Have Dogmeat as your companion.

Step 2:

Pick up the special book in your home in sanctuary, (this should be obvious from the blue crib and the special book is normally found under the changing table)

Step 3:

Drop the special book and stand back so you can command dogmeat to pick it up, yet as he comes to pick it up move closer and grab it just as he's bending down. (stealth mode may help in this). If done correctly dogmeat will walk toward you with nothing in his mouth, and then drop a duplicate copy of the book at your feet.

Step 4: Drop the duplicated books and pick them up for an extra special point. Continue this while paying attention to your attributes and save once you get to nine.

Step 5: Make sure that you have a duplicated book that you can drop and get a special point from, except DO NOT pick it up. Instead make dogmeat fetch it. (This only works with 9 in a special stat... Don't ask me why) proceed to duplicate the book again, only this time try to time your grab about the time dogmeat's nose hit's the ground. If you've done this correctly the screen will pop up, but once you confirm it will remain up... Allowing you to add the eleventh point to you attributes.

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Added by: Dr_Strange_Game
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