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I've used the AR to get the member card but I still can't get into the..

Question asked by Psyduck4Ever on
Last Modified:

Question for Pokemon Platinum

I've used the AR to get the member card but I still can't get into the harbor inn. Do I have to do anything else? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Pokemon Platinum Guide
Pokemon Platinum Guide
Welcome to our unofficial gude to Pokemon Platinum. Platinum is the directors cut version of the popular Diamond and Pearl games, it features Girati..

Guest answered:

The games are fairly good at recognising hacks. If the Membership Card were real, then you would be having no problem.

Warning: Hacks can severely damage your save file. If your hack to get the card damaged something, you will get no sympathy.

Psyduck4Ever answered:

@Psyduck4Ever, try entering after you've gotten the national dex, that just might do the trick. Otheriwise, just use the Poke-generator to create your own Darkrai and Cresselia. Just google "pokemon Generator and you should find it. Hope this helps.


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